I've been interested in alternatives to lead-acid batteries, to save weight, etc.
This drop in hybrid features supercapacitors with LiFePO4 batteries, and an integrated controller.
Weighs 6 pounds, claims 7 years lifetime. Seems like the best of both worlds.
Not cheap, but for those who like the idea, but don't have the electronic skills to pull it off,
it's a plug and play solution.
I suppose we will see more and more solutions like these, just makes sense.
NFI, etc.
8/20/15 6:32 a.m.
not much cost difference from high end non-lead acid, or small sealed race batteries, very interesting! 
Very clever idea, I'd planned to run a similar setup by combining a supercapacitor and a motorcycle battery.
Too bad it's so far off. Not looking to ship till next year. At the early bird pricing, I would be all over that.
Sounds pretty cool. Fellow alumni of the North Avenue Trade School. GO JACKETS!
I want it, but I'm in need of a new battery before things get cold again.
They've left two-three months from design completion/approval to successful manufacturing outsourcing.
Rookie mistake. Design is the easy part; arranging Asian production will tie them in knots.
They need to scale this up to replace Honda IMA packs.
Jamey_from_Legal wrote:
They've left two-three months from design completion/approval to successful manufacturing outsourcing.
Rookie mistake. Design is the easy part; arranging Asian production will tie them in knots.
Haha, yes, the agony of the Supply Chain ...
It looks so easy until you have to actually do it ...
8/21/15 11:16 p.m.
erohslc wrote:
Jamey_from_Legal wrote:
They've left two-three months from design completion/approval to successful manufacturing outsourcing.
Rookie mistake. Design is the easy part; arranging Asian production will tie them in knots.
Haha, yes, the agony of the Supply Chain ...
It looks so easy until you have to actually do it ...
Talked to these guys on email...crush and puncture testing planned with third party labs...compatibility with Halon and FE36 under analysis.
As a 2x GT alumni I applaude where they're going...and to the naysayers...they'll learn
Sure would hate to short one of those on accident. Safety implications using a large capacitor.