SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I think the other thing is that with enthusiasts, they say they want a particular style of car and then it's introduced years later and said people don't have the money or their lifestyle has changed and that vehicle doesn't fit their lifestyle. The other thing is that people are given high hopes from the manufacturer and they are not always met, so that turns people off as well.
I have been guilty of this. 16 years ago I had different needs and pined for the one car to bind them all (it was the M3 I already owned but... I digress)
Several other "what I need right now" scenarios have come and gone over the years and I sat back and didn't buy the Solstice GXP, the Exige... or the Cayman.
But, when the last one presented itself and a smaller truck was in order Toyota said the new Tacoma would have stick, it did, and after lamenting a while I put my money where my mouth was. So, I will go back to smugly demanding things for a market of one and expect the industry to listen having finally followed thru for once. 
I'm one of those that wants it, but Ain't paying $40k for a car. period.
1/9/17 6:57 p.m.
There are a lot of them in Atlanta 
Woody wrote:
I'm not sure that I've ever even seen one on the road.
I saw one fly by me on the highway and I thought it was a Cobalt with Brembo brakes - I was blown away how cool the Cobalt looked - but it wasn't a Cobalt, it was an SS.
It's funny that this should be posted today because I saw the first SS in person that I ever had on the way to work today. Back on topic: 100% not surprised. No one wants to pay 50k for a chevy. Had these been 30k, I bet they would've sold by the truck load.
1/9/17 7:53 p.m.
Had a G8GT, loved it other than the plasticky interior and lack of a manual. I was excited about the SS, until I saw the pics and found out they were going to sticker at $45-50k. That was also on the heels of a wholly unsatisfying C6 ownership (total POS) that left me with zero interest in owning any GM, even if it was built in Australia. Aaannd, the first SSs the local Chevy dealer ever had on the lot were '16s...
IMHO, GM completely blew it with this car. It needed more aggressive looks and a sticker under $40k. And dealers that had a clue.
It's a shame 'cause I love me some sport sedan, but I'm not enough of a masochist for the Euro brands...
I love the understated looks of the car.
I still want/will own a manual one, but right now I need a truck for work and my c5Z makes for a better toy.
Slightly off topic, but why has GM never ever in their entire company's history built a solid, nice feeling, ergonomic interior (cadillacs aside, except for the ergo part)? I mean after 100 years in the auto business, you'd think they'd have a clue by now.
1/10/17 8:46 a.m.
penultimeta wrote:
Slightly off topic, but why has GM never ever in their entire company's history built a solid, nice feeling, ergonomic interior (cadillacs aside, except for the ergo part)? I mean after 100 years in the auto business, you'd think they'd have a clue by now.
Especially since they had one in SAAB
Raze wrote:
There are a lot of them in Atlanta

I know it was a trap, but I was happy to oblige
Also, I see them fairly frequently here in the burbs of Cincinnati. I have probably seen a dozen in the past year or 2. Everytime, I have that internal conversation with myself, debating the virtues of owning a performance car with a budget like mine, and balancing those virtues against the statistical possibility of my wife divorcing me when I sign on the dotted line at the dealership. Thanks GM for saving my marriage (could either be read in a serious tone, or in a sarcastic one...either applies
In reply to fasted58:
Yeah. I've always found when comparing fit, finish in GM models to other comparable models from other marques, GM falls so short of the ball it's appalling. Fiesta to Sonic? Fiesta every time. Focus to Cruze? Focus. Though nothing is as horrid as a Chrysler interior. I'm leaving euro and jap models out of this because, really, that's like comparing Kobe to the weird cousin of Kobe that nobody's every heard of. Maybe I'm just overly picky, I dunno.
1/10/17 10:02 a.m.
I think the looks are a deal breaker for most. God knows big rwd sedans sell down here. Hello charger.
1/10/17 11:00 a.m.
GM did their M.O. Finally release a car that should propel them up in a category, but give it a terrible name, don't advertise it, and make 2 of them.
penultimeta wrote:
In reply to fasted58:
Yeah. I've always found when comparing fit, finish in GM models to other comparable models from other marques, GM falls so short of the ball it's appalling. Fiesta to Sonic? Fiesta every time. Focus to Cruze? Focus. Though nothing is as horrid as a Chrysler interior. I'm leaving euro and jap models out of this because, really, that's like comparing Kobe to the weird cousin of Kobe that nobody's every heard of. Maybe I'm just overly picky, I dunno.
Or maybe it's been a while since you sat in one. They've come a long way in the last few years.
Actually I think the looks are perfect for stealth. Every V6 Charger still looks almost the same as an SR/T or Bob Costascat, but lacks the follow through. The SS walks softly and carries a moderately large stick. I think you're nit picking if you think their interior quality is lacking, I'd be fine with that interior as a daily, way way better than the Charger I was just sitting in a couple of hours ago and easily on par with much of the Asian offerings.
Edit Ha, I wasn't trying to sneak in a bad word with the 'Bob Costascat' I was trying to turn Hellcat into Pu$$ycat. :)
Tom_Spangler wrote:
penultimeta wrote:
In reply to fasted58:
Yeah. I've always found when comparing fit, finish in GM models to other comparable models from other marques, GM falls so short of the ball it's appalling. Fiesta to Sonic? Fiesta every time. Focus to Cruze? Focus. Though nothing is as horrid as a Chrysler interior. I'm leaving euro and jap models out of this because, really, that's like comparing Kobe to the weird cousin of Kobe that nobody's every heard of. Maybe I'm just overly picky, I dunno.
Or maybe it's been a while since you sat in one. They've come a long way in the last few years.
Ha. That's entirely possible.
Matt B
1/10/17 12:43 p.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
penultimeta wrote:
In reply to fasted58:
Yeah. I've always found when comparing fit, finish in GM models to other comparable models from other marques, GM falls so short of the ball it's appalling. Fiesta to Sonic? Fiesta every time. Focus to Cruze? Focus. Though nothing is as horrid as a Chrysler interior. I'm leaving euro and jap models out of this because, really, that's like comparing Kobe to the weird cousin of Kobe that nobody's every heard of. Maybe I'm just overly picky, I dunno.
Or maybe it's been a while since you sat in one. They've come a long way in the last few years.

Sorry, couldn't help myself... For what it's worth, I don't disagree. I just have no idea.
Back OT - Seems some here like the idea of a sleeper. Well nobody else does, especially at that price point. See: Charger.
STM317 wrote: I want one, but not badly enough to pay 45Gs.
Huckleberry wrote:
I'd be more sad if they didn't start at $46k and go up from there
Bobzilla wrote:
I'm one of those that wants it, but Ain't paying $40k for a car. period.
penultimeta wrote:
No one wants to pay 50k for a chevy. Had these been 30k, I bet they would've sold by the truck load.
Rodan wrote: I was excited about the SS, until I saw the pics and found out they were going to sticker at $45-50k.
Lugnut wrote: and would have seriously considered an SS for about $10k less.)
SilverFleet wrote: And for $50k, count me in the group of "dumb Americans" that would probably buy a Hellcat if I had that kind of scratch. I think it looks a lot better, I like the interior better, and HOLY CRAP 707 SUPERCHARGED HORSEPOWER.
This is going to look like I'm picking on people, but that isn't really the intention, I just want to highlight how everyone seems to think this is a great car that's too expensive. I just looked at and the base MSRP for the SS is $46,625 which everyone is saying is way too much.
I don't recall people complaining about the price for the classic 94-96 Impala SS so I checked it's MSRP from an old C&D review. The listed MSRP as $28,175 which A)means that if this one sold for $30 as people expect then it would be less than $2K more expensive than it's equivalent from 23 years ago and B) Inflation adjusted that $28,175 in 2016 $'s is $45,884 (no inflation adjusters go to 2017 yet) So I'd say the pricing is spot on.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
Interesting point. I think the difference is that in the mid 90s there wasn't the comparative plethora of options that there are today for far less money. So the argument is less that "it's too expensive", but more "it's too expensive compared to others".
1/10/17 3:54 p.m.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
To look at it in another light, I often hear this car compared to the E39 M5 by reviewers, and that's a car that retailed for $70k almost 15 years ago. In that light the SS could be seen as a bargain.
On the flip side, since most SS seem to come equipped with the Auto trans, the Charger is a direct competitor. There are a few Charger variants that get very competitive for the money. You can get a 485hp Charger for $40k, compared to the relatively dumpy, 415hp SS for 5k more. The full on SRT model charger is just under $50k and has a ton more presence (if that's what you want).
Aside from my quote which you mentioned above, I don't think the SS is overpriced per se, I'm simply not willing to pay that much for a new vehicle. I'd say the majority of this forum tends to pay significantly less than that for our vehicles. $45k may be a fair price for what you get in the SS, but at $30-35k it becomes a deal that's too good to turn down.
Everyone who said they haven't seen one yet has probably driven past at least a few, but just hasn't "seen" them lol.
I love this car for being a 4-door, V8 manual, but I change my mind too often to be purchasing expensive new cars so I try not to complain about new car pricing in general. Sure, it seems to high to me, but so does a $50k Silverado or a ton of other new cars.
If I had the money I would buy one, new. Just like I bought my 2004 Evo VIII RS new. It ticks all the proper boxes for everything I want in a car. But life has made $$$ harder to come by and even with the GM FAmily discount it just doesn't fit right now.
I might get to replace my Evo in early 2018. Maybe I can find one of these around then.
Funny that I saw more SSs in Northern Virginia that I do in Metro Detroit. I don't mistake them for anything. I can spot them easy.
There are at least two in Little Rock. The only driver I talked to said I was the first person to notice what it was.