WillrunifChased wrote:
In reply to Spinout007:
Lets, get this thing going. Start a thread to see if we can get some volunteers to help out. I can make it down to Florida with the car late the 22nd and we could work on it all day the 23rd in the parking lot. I told the owner I would let him know early next week if I would buy the car. Also I don't actually want the car so if anyone would want to buy it after I would be happy not to store it, not that I don't have space.
So my question is... Who's up for it. I'll put in a day of wrenching, more likely 2 if past experience is any indication, but what's the challenge without something to swear at?
Yep i'm in ASSuming i can even get my own heap down there in the first place at this point.
10/10/14 11:53 a.m.
To be perfectly clear: I do not have the ability to buy another car at the moment. I am already shopping for another type of car that I do not even really have space for...
That being said: I am planning on coming down to the challenge and I have yet to actually get a car to compete with. I'm fully signed up and registered already but just haven't actually come up with a vehicle.
I am down to be part of the parking lot team and use this as our official entry. My plan is to fly into Jacksonville and make it to the hotel around noon on the 23rd with no tools or supplies worth noting. Life has been too hectic lately to get beyond the plan of just showing up. Possibly be in a rental car that could facilitate parts store runs.
Also: I have no knowledge of MS at all. I have used other stand alone tuning products that I can only assume are similar. I could probably bring a laptop or tablet of some kind. I know that there will be people there that are very good with MS that would probably help. I am slightly disabled but can still drive and wrench fairly well. My driving skills were once impressive but now I am slow and very rusty. Personally, I believe that my well honed skills of swearing at frustrating, inanimate objects is well above average.
Anybody want to discuss this further? I am all ears! I can always be reached through the board email or on my cell: 2 one 5 two 8 zero 0 seven three 0
My official duties will prevent me from truly helping, but I'll be there Thursday night and would be happy to lend a hand.
I've just been informed a short while ago, that if this goes down, and the place hasn't been re-rented by then that we'll likely have a 2.5 stall garage to work in if the need arises. That's less than 10 min from the hotel.
10/10/14 2:18 p.m.
In reply to Spinout007:
That could turn out to be a very useful "Plan B" option, especially if the weather is anything like last year...
It sounds like the real problem is that no one actually wants to own this car when the event is over, right? I think we have the manpower and resources to make this happen otherwise.
Thanks for the help guys.
I will keep the car after but it will be of no use to me.
Keep us posted on this. Sounds awesome.
Wonder what sized tires it needs? Anyone know? I had considered picking these 15" Hoosiers up but have decided to go another route. I could still grab and bring these if anyone needs.
10/10/14 4:07 p.m.
WillrunifChased wrote:
Thanks for the help guys.
I will keep the car after but it will be of no use to me.
Helping each other out is why we are here! Thanks for the opportunity to be part of a last chance parking lot team of awesomeness!
Let me know what I can do to help out. Sadly, I cannot bring any tools beyond a laptop or two...
If you want to join onto my registration, I am signed up as #14 and already paid up for one car. Just get in touch with Rick G. at GRM; I already told him that paperwork will be forthcoming at the event. 
You guys have an intercooler for this thing?
Parking lot challenge sounds like fun. I'm in.
In reply to tb:
I am already signed up. I would bring my 99 miata from last year for you if two cars fit on my trailer.
I have nothing but what is in the craigslist post and a set of 225 Hoosiers that I will put on before I leave.
10/10/14 6:45 p.m.
In reply to WillrunifChased:
Cool. I appreciate the thought, but I am not out of time yet to come up with something...
Can someone bring an extra folding chair for me? It would suck to try to carry one on the plane. I'll find this car when I hit the parking lot and pitch in where I can.
Again, no promises if I'm 100% going to be there yet but i'll have at least two chairs with me.
I suppose if the mx6 doesnt come through I can take the miata down and spectate. 
10/10/14 6:56 p.m.
In reply to Swank Force One:
If I do not come up with something to actually compete in I will just make a couple exhibition class runs with whatever I show up in...
I'll have two as well, can't promise one will always be available as SWMBO has dibs on one, but I usually don't sit long and she's not likely going to hang in the parking lot long.
Also aussiemg has offered parts in the 2014 thread. We need to get some eyes on this thing, and see what it needs. Like the boost referencing map sensor, etc.
Spinout007 wrote:
I've just been informed a short while ago, that if this goes down, and the place hasn't been re-rented by then that we'll likely have a 2.5 stall garage to work in if the need arises. That's less than 10 min from the hotel.
Depending when some of our parts show up, we may be looking for drill, sheet metal brake, sheet metal tools.
We are within hours of pulling the plug, or pulling a previous Challenge car out.
We will definitely need a generator between runs.
In reply to wheels777:
Pm sent... Cliffs notes; bug MrJoshua!
I'd be more then happy to lend a hand. I should have some basic tools with me and I've installed megasquirt on a few vehicles.
Less tech parts, more old school, lmk what you need, this would be fun
Andrew, would a wall socket work, or do you need an actual generator?
10/11/14 8:46 a.m.
I love this thread; My best memories of the early challenge days are randomly helping thrash on complete junkers with random strangers.
Greg - I was going to contact you about your MS expertise. I know you will be plenty busy with your own car but you could point me in the right direction about what I should install (tunerstudio?) on my laptop so that I can help tune. Also perhaps what sensors are necessary?
Andrew - I will probably bring a small inverter to keep my laptop charged from whatever battery I can use. You are, of course, welcome to have it if it would help out. I think it is only 400w but I know it will run small tools.
Spin is right; once we get eyes on the Pontiac we can make a short list of must have parts to throw at it. I will be sober and have a reliable car of some sort to make any runs needed; pretty sure there is a pep boys & advance nearby.
If we keep this thread moving I think that as a group we should be able to cover each others needs well enough to make sure everyone gets the help they might need.
10/11/14 9:09 a.m.
This is my new favorite thread.