Stefan wrote: In reply to markwemple: As usual, you're wrong, but that's your opinion and you're welcome to it. People like Magnus Walker and others are buying 931's.
I would concur with this. They are actually about the simplest and easiest one to maintain. The problem is that they got cheap and as such they fall into that hands of people that can purchase the car but don't have the $$ / Time / or knowledge to keep up with the needs of the car. They were also lots of them picked up by people that were expecting Honda or Toyota servicing requirements. This is a Porsche after all not a honda so when you treat them like a honda yes they are extremely unreliable.
This same thing goes for 944's and this has been good for a while at least as you can get good fixer-uppers for way less than 1K some in the sub $500 but the problem is that those are now drying up as we are getting past the 15 year mark so many are going to the junk yards (lots of steel in them) or people have snapped them up.