10/24/13 4:09 p.m.
There is not much available in 14" these days (14x6 - Miata fitment). I'm looking for the best compromise. A Kumho would be ideal for Challenge budget purposes but they don't have much in 14". I'm not looking to dominate or even excel in either venue. I just want something that will work for everything without the hassle of trailering/changing tires. Any suggestions?
generally a tire that's good for autocross is not going to be good for rallycross at all, unless you rallycross at a place that is hard-packed stuff all the time. I always laugh on loose days at the WRXs that come out with the stock SP Sport01 summer tires and go sliding off every corner.
Any 'all season' (no season) will work. You won't have much grip for either activity (autocross or rallycross) but it's perfectly do-able. Something more on the 'performance' end of the spectrum would make autocross more bearable. Beware that if you ever do a muddy or very low grip rallycross there is a real possibility that you could get stuck or need pushed off the start line.
<- have only ever autocrossed on 'all seasons' and have rallycrossed some with 'all seasons'
10/24/13 4:47 p.m.
Yeah, I know nothing will be great for both. My goal for the car is maximum hooning for minumum work/cost/space. I don't want to spend the dough or garage space for another set of wheels/tires. I'm just looking for an "OK" compromise.
Anybody found a decent "high performance all season" in 14"? - I'm not seeing anything great in the Kumho lineup.
10/24/13 5:40 p.m.
I have run both Firestone WInterforce and BFG A/Ts in 14" sizes- they will both be decent for rallyx and absolute garbage for autox. You would need to cut your fenders to run the A/Ts.
Otherwise, anything could work for rallycross. I've been stuck before, people don't get too annoyed as long as it only happens once 
205 70 14 BFGoodrich Radial T/A's will do both ok. Nice easy breakaway for autox, and decent grip in the dirt.
10/24/13 11:22 p.m.
Except that's a gigantic tire for a miata and i dont know of any 70 series that could even be considered 'ok' for autocross on a miata.
I think this idea is a nonstarter if you want autoX success. I would just buy an 185/60/14 as cheap as i could so you wont be out too much when you decide they should be rally-cross only and buy another set of tires for autoX.
Chinese UHPs still come in 14" sizes, federal and the like. But those will suck on dirt.
the only thing even close compromise wise that wouldn't completely such at both would be a Nokian WRG, but pricewise you'd be able to get a second set of daisy wheels, 200 threadwear performance tire for auto-x, snows for rally-x and a cordless impact to swap wheel and tire packages around (with a torque wrench or at least swizzle stick if using the gun for mounting the wheels)
10/25/13 10:03 a.m.
I think the Chinese UHP is the direction I'll go. My e30 is pretty maxed out for autocross already. The Miata is really something that's just for cheap laughs. Being competitive is not the goal. Thanks for the input.