Found this going through my father's stuff.
That's me in the passenger seat of my uncle's 7. VERY impressionable ride for sure! I've been in love with 7's ever since.
At this point, I'm pretty sure it was Canadian-built Fejer 7, and not an actual Lotus, but it didn't matter; I was hooked.

Your uncle looks like a swinger... and I mean that in the most complimentary way.
Dunno. He was single at this time.... Plus it was 1979; that was kinda "the look."
Last time our son & 2 year old Grandbaby visited we went to the garage to see Grandpa's new car. (La Salle). He opened the door and climbed into Grandma's 914, rolled a window up & down, played with the shifter while Dad sat in the La Salle. OK, now we swap. Sidney stood on the La Salle seat sawing at the wheel driving a cruise ship and Dad got into the 914.
Told a friend this story, he laughed. "Too late; the feel, the smells, he's imprinted! And Dad's in trouble".