New Reader
7/18/12 9:56 a.m.
Does anyone know where to look for early Ford parts? Namely an entire Model A transmission?
My family has a 1919-ish Model T speedster, complete with cloth belt transmission, and we got to thinking we should swap it out for something easier to drive during the restore.
I'll post pics if I can find some, but it is in pretty bad shape at the moment, and the restore is a long way off.
7/18/12 10:04 a.m.
Where are you located? I may be interested in the T transmission if you remove it.
New Reader
7/18/12 10:09 a.m.
Regina, Saskatchewan. But it'll be a while before this project gets moving. I have a lot to learn about this car before I do anything to it.
7/18/12 10:18 a.m.
Paging Trans_Maro
(I'll also forward this to a buddy of mine with an A and see if he has good advice.)
7/18/12 10:24 a.m.
My Mom happens to have about a dozen Model A's on her ranch in Cali. I can ask if they have a spare.
7/18/12 10:30 a.m.
Rxbalt wrote:
Regina, Saskatchewan. But it'll be a while before this project gets moving. I have a lot to learn about this car before I do anything to it.
Ouch, that's a long way from here.
Very cool. Any pictures of it?
Try http://www.fordbarn.com/ and http://www.jalopyjournal.com/.
I thought the T engine and trans were one piece? While I have never driven one, they don't appear that hard to drive, different, but not difficult. Come to think of it, the model A box is a sliding gear unsynchronized unit, a whole lot harder to drive than what is basically a 2 speed automatic with manual, mechanical controls. The T trans being constant mesh, you cant grind anything. Also factor in the primary braking system on a model T is a band in the trans. The model A uses 4 wheel mechanical drums.
This is the place my dad goes to for his 'A' needs. Kind of far from you but it's the one I know.
Mikes "A"Fordable Parts
7/18/12 7:24 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
My Mom happens to have about a dozen Model A's on her ranch in Cali. I can ask if they have a spare.
Does she have any interest in adopting me?
A friend has a mode A sitting in his back yard with a locked up engine. Otherwise in good condition. Hit me up privately if you want to know more. I think hes looking for 6 Gs for the car and I don't think hes looking to part it. Id like to chop it down and rat it out. 
7/18/12 7:54 p.m.
theses guy deal with this every day. Never been in side the place their about two block from my house....
I know a couple guys who have more knowledge of A's than anyone should. I also have a local guy who modifies and races T's at the Newport, IN hillclimb. I know they have hotrod parts available... 
New Reader
7/19/12 9:42 a.m.
You guys are awesome, I've got more info than I'd need now! Maybe I should throw up a build thread when I finally get to it, huh?