ok, so im stuck with the spoiler i bought, as i cant seem to get my money back. to make it what i want, i need to cut it in half and extend it about 2 inches.
its a triangular spoiler, made from unknown fiberglass. i also need to recontour the edges at the bottom of the decklid.
anyone have any advice or links for doing this kind of mod on an already created fiberglass part? i know mguar had posted some stuff on creating fiberglass parts from scratch, but this seems different somehow. im an absolute noob at fiberglass work. ive never even read a can. so i may be trying to bite off more than i can chew here. but i figure if i can teach myself to make custom furniture with a little help from the internet, i can learn how to fiberglass. hell, i taught myself to turn bowls on a lathe, after teaching myself how to restore one.
but theres more stuff involved in this than in turning a pecan log into a bowl.
heres pics of the spoler. i want to modify the countour to line up with the decklid better, lengthen it to the edges of the lid side to side, and make the bottom by the taillights line up with the factory decklid. bonus if i can install it when im done with double sided trim tape.

and someof the car, just cause they are really freaking cool pictures. hotlinked for your pleasure, of course.
Nice Demon 
It looks to fit kind of well as is. But if i read your want you would like to extend the ends so they blend in with the bump on the top of the quarter panel. Is that right?
If so i'd just make the ends. Go down to the dollar tree and get some Floral foam (green light air foam) carve to fit then sand it undersized and lay fiberglass over it. sand and fit then bond to the spoiler and sand an spot bondo and finish.
would i do a similar process if i did cut it in half? with the foam as a plug in the middle of he piece?
reason im asking is that i like the ends and the shapes on the ends of the current design, and dont want to lose them.
how would i deal with the bottom edge?
any reccomendations on products for such a small job?
and its a duster. thanks for not calling it a nova. demons close enough for non-mopar guys. 
2/2/12 8:20 a.m.
This image:

Makes it look like there is a direction change in the middle.
I wouldn't cut in the middle, but make two cuts at either end, in the straightest section. Extend each side by 1" and you should be golden.
awesome. you have a pic eating a cone AND there's a bigger heavier car in the background waiting to run.
i agree with both recommendations. one or the other would work for me, i would probably just make new ends though. i would rather add to the ends and mimic the current shape/blend it in than try to keep it straight making cuts in the center.
Ah yes for got they had the Duster i should have paid more attention to the grill. Still a nice A body. but looks like you need some bigger bars to hold up the front. Thankfully their essayer to find now...still cost to much but at least you can get'em.
As to how to fix the bottom edge that a bit tricky as there not much to bond to. Seems the contour of the ends needs some adjusting to make it sit flatter too.
Making ends will give you a better blend in to the curves but either way will work the same. Just sand the foam to size then under size it to fit with added fabric.
agree with patgizz and 44, modify the ends
well, the swy bar issue is already mostly fixed. i broke a sway bar mount earlier that day, and fixed that now. the othe part is worn out kyb shocks. still on the car for this season though.
so, make the ends from that green flower foam, right? any special ways to work with it? leave it in there when i do the fiberglass, right?
Yes leave the foam in, its easyer. Putting it in the freezer makes it easyer to cut but its nice to work with at room temp. Sands and shapes easy with regular wood or body work tools. Nice to see a Mpoar out there!
Ah busted sway bar makes since.
Holy hell, that is a 2/3 scale copy of the 70 & 71-74 AMC Javelin wing!!! 

As for your spoiler, I agree with the others, modify the ends instead of cutting it.
I've seen it done using 2 spoilers. If it was straight then cut one to the left of center the other to the right of center then bond together. Since this one seems to have a bend in the middle the you can do the same thing to the ends. Cut ends of of one and the cut the ends longer off the second then bond together. Only difference would be 2 seams instead of 1. Seems the easiest to do to me if the spoilers aren't too expensive. Wouldn't have to mess with contour either as both should be the same contour.
spoilers are 175 ea, so its out of the budget to buy another.
and though it is similar to the javelin piece, its actually a slightly modified direct connectior reproduction.
could i splice the same ends back on only further out? use the foam as a core plug of sorts, and layer the gap with glass?
Dusterbd13 wrote:
ok, so im stuck with the spoiler i bought, as i cant seem to get my money back. to make it what i want, i need to cut it in half and extend it about 2 inches.
Looks like you have the early non-creased trunk lid.
Spoiler appears to be a knock-off of the old Direct Connection one. I think that one came to the edges of the trunk lid but not over the tops of the quarters.
(edit: you mentioned the DC thing while I was still typing.)
Are you looking to take it to the edges or all the way out over the quarter like a '70 Z28?
and someof the car, just cause they are really freaking cool pictures. hotlinked for your pleasure, of course.
That shot reminds me of Car Craft's first Real Street Eliminator competition in the '80's. Very cool. 
just out top the edges of the trunk lid. i though about the z-28 style, but it just doesnt do it for me.
and thanks, rob. i love that picture. i loved that event, too.
It might just be the camera angle but that doesn't look 2 inches shorter than the trunk lid. Looks like it was designed to be custom fit. Take a dremel to the curve to make it fit tight to the lid and 'glass it to the trunk.
I think I would cut the ends about 1" or so in, move them out then make the filler pieces to fit the gaps. Use 1" masking tape for your line. Cut with a cutoff wheel.
Maybe make some temporary bridges out of aluminum stock scraps or whatever to hold them in position when you go to make the filler pieces.
I'll go out on a limb and guess it was made with a polyester resin not an epoxy.
I found a bunch of good info on Fibre Glast's site. I don't think they are an advertiser in GRM, but I don't think they are a direct competitor with any current GRM advertisers either. (GRM guys, If they are let me know or kill the link)
Fibre Glast Learning Center
I'm not seeing the need to extend, unless you want the spoiler to stick out past the edge of the trunk.
I'd use some 36 grit on a small sander to get it fitting close, and call it done.