So I always get a kick out of this just because the car looked so much better when it was shiny and new but here's me with my Corvette back when it was still my dad's Corvette. Somewhere I've got a picture of my dad with it too as well as another picture a couple of years later when he was thinking of selling it. Sorry for the tree in the middle of the picture, we obviously weren't pro photographers.

I love old photos. Didn’t think I’d ever get tired of looking at them until i found this thread:
there are so many that even I got tired of looking.
of course there is some damage from when Photobucket broke the internet but I think most of that has been fixed.
I can't compete with the coolness of some of these, but here's a couple.
First my dad,he's the baby on my grandad's bike. I don't know who the other kid is. this is circa 1937

Then there are these of him Sprinting his MGB GT in 1969 when I was a baby

And just to show I stayed as cute as the pic with me on his lap in the MG, here's my stunning good looks circa 93/94

I have been scanning old pics and slides lately also. And while not as old or cool as some of the above, here are a few. This is my old TR4A.

1998 Road Atlanta, Ferrari 333SPs.

Jack Baldwin 1992 Trans Am race, Mid-Ohio.
Indy Lights, 1992 Mid-Ohio also

And Steve Hoelscher's original '74 X1/9 DSP car.

8/23/19 5:44 p.m.
Dad's 38 Chev Coupe - we ended up selling it after he passed.

Well since Adrian put up one from his extreme youth, here is on of me with my mother and her company car Lancia Aurelia. It was her only compensation as warrantee clerk at the dealership my dad worked for.

NGTD said:
Dad's 38 Chev Coupe - we ended up selling it after he passed.

Rodders journal covered this car didn’t they?
snailmont5oh said:
TurnerX19 said:
This one is my parents before my conception.

They look so happy!
That’s because they know they’re about to go conceive a child
racerdave600 said:

I have been scanning old pics and slides lately also. And while not as old or cool as some of the above, here are a few. This is my old TR4A.
This pic of your TR4A certainly measure's up to "Cool" in my opinion.