Quick question for the crowd, I just ordered a new racing suit (Alpinestars Stratos), size 50 based on my measurements. It's very tight in the crotch when standing. This is my first one piece suit, is this normal? I trend towards tall and thin so the next size up would probably be loose everywhere else.
New Reader
2/25/21 2:21 p.m.
I would say that is not OK. You need to be comfortable. For me, the good test (in that dimension) is sitting down and bending over to tie my shoes. Can you do that with your suit on? Mine is comfortable standing but is marginal in the crotch for tying my shoes. In any case, being a little loose shouldn't hurt its performance in a fire (it is probably better to be a little loose than too tight for the case of a fire). Maybe you won't look as good on TV for your fans
but otherwise a little loose is OK.
Just tell them your name is Jacques :)