some friends and i were sittin around passing some things around the circle, including ideas about cars. since one of them is enamored with his tdi jetta, the conversation wandered over towards watercooled dubs, and aparently one of them has a line on a $700 scirocco. now i always liked roccos, but i also like powar, do these take well to vr6 swaps? i know they put those in everything else, but i dont remember seeing one in a scirocco, anybody seen it? linkys pleez
They're out there, but there's a bit of fabrication to put a VR6 into a MKI chassis. Go with a 1.8t. That way it's an easy bolt-in job.
1/11/11 4:01 p.m.
+1 on the 1.8t
Well make sure you have a trunk of coil packs though.
Noooo! Not another boat anchor swap.
1.8T or 16VT
A 16V can put out over 500HP to the wheels with boost and management.
Yea, nuther vote for the 1.8t. Do a GT28rs, 550cc injectors, vr mass air flow housing with the 1.8 element installed, high pressure fuel pump, 2.5-3" downpipe with test pipe and our Immoblizer Defeat Stage 3 file.... call it a day!