preach (dudeist priest)
preach (dudeist priest) SuperDork
10/3/22 4:26 p.m.
Mr_Asa said:

In reply to karplus2 :

I really need to do this.

Me too.

pilotbraden UberDork
10/19/22 8:06 a.m.

Thirty years ago I installed the cedar roof on my family's hunting cabin with the help of several good friends

pilotbraden UberDork
10/19/22 8:08 a.m.

last week I installed a standing seam metal roof on the cabin with the help of several good friends. It was quite a learning experience and more difficult than I expected.

pilotbraden UberDork
10/19/22 8:10 a.m.

Jon ,in the foreground, helped me with both rooves

pilotbraden UberDork
10/19/22 8:12 a.m.

A 401 CJ
A 401 CJ SuperDork
10/19/22 8:04 p.m.
jamscal said:


Hard to get a sense of scale from the pic, but we made a full-size Czech hedgehog this week.

I've had the angle laying around for almost a year for this project...hard to ignore the Ukraine/Russia conflict with this...but I've always wanted to make one. Going to try to sell it to a Army Surplus or gun store.

6" angle 1/2" thick...this thing is beefy. Unfortunately,  2 determined scrappers/tweakers could probably get this on a trailer by hand or I'd put it in front of my shop.


That's super cool.  You can tell it wasn't made for war though - the welds are too nice.  I remember being in Russia in 2017 and walking about 5 miles one Saturday to a war memorial because I wanted to see a T34 up close.  Well I did and the thing that stood out to me were the massive globs of booger weld holding a lot of it together.  My interpreter pointed out that this particular tank was built late in WW2 likely by children, the elderly, and the infirm.

dculberson MegaDork
10/19/22 9:01 p.m.

I don't think I posted this. A quick and dirty glove and boot dryer:

my kids play outside a LOT. They get their gloves and boots very wet. I threw this together using all parts I already had in the shop last year and just dug it out this year for some wet gloves. It's not perfect but it really really works. I need to either make a better one or improve this one by putting rubber feet on it and trying to find a quieter blower. But man it's nice to throw the gloves on it and have them dry a couple hours later. Indispensable. 

MyMiatas Reader
10/19/22 10:41 p.m.

I built not bought my bumpers for my lifted Miata. The front one is not completely done yet but it is on there. It still needs the brush guard made.

pilotbraden UberDork
10/19/22 11:19 p.m.
A 401 CJ said:
jamscal said:


Hard to get a sense of scale from the pic, but we made a full-size Czech hedgehog this week.

I've had the angle laying around for almost a year for this project...hard to ignore the Ukraine/Russia conflict with this...but I've always wanted to make one. Going to try to sell it to a Army Surplus or gun store.

6" angle 1/2" thick...this thing is beefy. Unfortunately,  2 determined scrappers/tweakers could probably get this on a trailer by hand or I'd put it in front of my shop.


That's super cool.  You can tell it wasn't made for war though - the welds are too nice.  I remember being in Russia in 2017 and walking about 5 miles one Saturday to a war memorial because I wanted to see a T34 up close.  Well I did and the thing that stood out to me were the massive globs of booger weld holding a lot of it together.  My interpreter pointed out that this particular tank was built late in WW2 likely by children, the elderly, and the infirm.

Mount it outside your shop . Add a vertical anchor sunk in concrete that no one will see. It's not authentic but nobody can tell that by looking at it

ScottyB HalfDork
10/20/22 9:03 a.m.

made this 16x20 frame for my nephew, for his wedding.  i had a really cool piece of figured maple i'd been saving for a year and this felt like the right project for it.  i used some purple heart wood for the corner splines and put a slight bevel on the front face.  as with everything i do, i underestimated the work required to get the corner angles precise and how hard the purple heart was to work with (it burns if you sand it too aggressively because it's hard as granite) so it took me about 3 weeks to put together.

NY Nick
NY Nick Dork
11/2/22 11:35 a.m.

Less made and more repaired. The kids kart had a messed up cover for the recoil so it would pop off, cut some scrap pieces and welded in. It isn't much but it made me happy to fix it right(ish).

QuasiMofo (John Brown)
QuasiMofo (John Brown) MegaDork
11/2/22 11:41 a.m.

Someone broke a cover tie down for an Industrial saw. 

We normally have one. We don't. 

Mofo to the rescue!

Ranger50 MegaDork
11/2/22 12:02 p.m.

Space is at a premium here.... I essentially hid the aquarium displaying the diorama of the 32 ford roadster my dad built in like 85 or 86....

earlybroncoguy1 Reader
11/2/22 10:15 p.m.


When you're a car guy, but also a Trekkie:

Still in progress, needs a little more welding, and paint.


stan UltraDork
11/3/22 3:49 p.m.

 Wasn't sure if this was something I could post as "something ....made", but after seeing Bill Giltzow's art (aka TurnerX19) I thought sure, why not. BTW- definitely not comparing my image to any of his! He looks to be a pro at this.  Also sorry, but I don't know/remember where I got the photograph used for this, but it wasn't mine.

TJL (Forum Supporter)
TJL (Forum Supporter) Dork
11/3/22 7:48 p.m.

I made some pork belly, Vietnamese stile. 

wae PowerDork
11/3/22 11:10 p.m.

About 16 pounds (pre-cooked weight) of some of the best damn meatballs in the world.

TurnerX19 UberDork
11/4/22 9:15 p.m.

In reply to stan :

There is no such thing as bad art. I steal inspiration and photo-geometry from everywhere! I have not been painting lately, no where to show/keep them. 

stan UltraDork
11/5/22 12:08 p.m.

In reply to TurnerX19 :

 Understood. This is the biggest audience that has ever seen my art. I have piles (and piles) of stuff that will never see the light of day, but I keep doing it. Hopefully you'll get back to painting soon!



Hammeringman New Reader
11/5/22 12:43 p.m.

These are the short scale cigar box bass guitars I built from scratch. The one on the left is the Andalusian Bull, with Gotah machine heads, Squier precision bass pickups, a yellowheart fretboard and walnut neck. The one on the right is Scrappy Arturo, an accoustic bass made with two Arturo Fuentes King B boxes, with Gotah machine heads, a Bolivian Rosewood fretboard and a neck laminated with maple and poplar. Both necks were hand built from shaping the neck to installing the frets. Both builds have a tapered and radiused neck just like a regular long scale bass guitar. And yes, both play splendidly.

buzzboy SuperDork
11/5/22 1:03 p.m.

No indoor walls within 3 hours. No real rocks within 4.

8x12 bouldering wall with clips for lead and cleaning practice

EvanB MegaDork
11/10/22 4:57 p.m.

Needed to clean the gutters and I dislike being on the roof so I welded an air line nipple to a spare 10' piece on conduit and put a bend in the end. It runs the compressor down pretty quick but works well enough.

psteav (Forum Supporter)
psteav (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
11/10/22 7:47 p.m.
EvanB said:

Needed to clean the gutters and I dislike being on the roof so I welded an air line nipple to a spare 10' piece on conduit and put a bend in the end. It runs the compressor down pretty quick but works well enough.

Oh, that's brilliant.  I can't make a 20' version for the front of my house, but I can definitely make a 12' version and only have to be half as far up the ladder. 

EvanB MegaDork
11/10/22 8:21 p.m.

In reply to psteav (Forum Supporter) :

I ended up smashing the end mostly flat to increase the velocity. With my small 30 gallon compressor I only got a few minutes of full blast before I had to let it catch up. It could be improved with a ball valve or something for shutoff but I didn't have any laying around. 

A 3/8 NPT nipple almost fits in 1/2" conduit, if I had a tap it probably would have threaded in but I just got it started then ran a weld bead around it. 

malibuguy HalfDork
11/14/22 11:15 p.m.

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