I just flipped over to it and they're doing the race with cars strapped to the roof of other cars. Which would be pretty entertaining if the real TG hadn't already done it a few years back......on a twisty dirt course (IIRC) rather than on pavement with plastic barriers in place.
TG USA......apparently hasn't gotten any better?
US television shows have been based on UK television shows for 40 years or more, with the assumption US audiences haven't seen them before.
True, but most BBC shows are not nearly as well-known in the US as Top Gear. Hell, even my wife watches TG (the original), and she's not even into cars or BBC shows.....
I was just wondering if anyone still watches the new one after so much talk about it when it came out.
I watched it. Not one of the better episodes, but you can't expect them to hit one out of the park every week. I will happily tune in next week, and the week after.
"The Car Show" that came on to compete with it, now that was a dud.
I enjoy the UK show too, and would love to see a US vs. UK challenge of some sort.
I do not watch it anymore. More to do with the fact that I haven't watched any Tv in several months than anything to do with the show. I liked the episodes I have seen however.
8/28/12 9:51 p.m.
I watched it. I think it was pretty good. Tanner re-hashing the "merica donut scene wasa sorta lame, but- I thought it was decent overall.
hm. maybe will have to give it a second look. I wonder if there's a way to mute the guy with the beard, lol......
what would be funny is if the TGUS guys did a reverse of TG's "deep south road trip" and went to London and drove around in cars saying "Football sucks" or "I love the IRA" or "berkeley the Queen" etc.....and see how the Brits react to that.
8/28/12 10:03 p.m.
Only if they throw a sheep on top of a Fiat Panda.
Yeah, I still watch. It's a decent show.
8/28/12 10:19 p.m.
They are a little better than last year and a lot better than their first season. Any thing is better than that horrible Adam Corolla show...
I've watched every episode. I have found it entertaining, although I'm a bit annoyed that they are recycling TGUK shtick.
Other than that I try not to compare it to TGUK and just enjoy it on its own merits. After all, how can one compete with the best TV show...in the world.
I watch it, and have something like 25 TGUK on my TIVO. Need to watch them, as they get deleted quicker than I can watch them. Now, I am off on my birthday shortly, and I think that a beer fueled marathon is in order. Of course, the fuel of choise will be Old Speckled Hen.
8/28/12 11:02 p.m.
As a long time top gear fan I have to say last season I thought us had more memorable episodes thank the uk
I think the us one is getting better
Wish Adam would have picked a Fiero. The SVX and the Merkur look clean as hell.
New Reader
8/29/12 12:13 a.m.
I'm not American and from an outside POV I find they try too hard most of the time whereas they seem reasonable guys and come across very well when they get serious (but still in a light sort of way).
America also has such an incredible car culture, historically and versatility that they just don't tap into, it could be such an amazing show.
I watched an episode the other week where they bought each other the "worst car", a Mustang 11, some ugly Pontiac mini van and a Yugo and it was just "try too hard" boring.
Appleseed wrote:
The SVX and the Merkur look clean as hell.
They weren't, at least not when they were done with them.
I have never seen it... and I have no urge to
mad_machine wrote:
I have never seen it... and I have no urge to
Agreed. I've seen some ads on TV and nothing compels me to watch it.
8/29/12 5:27 a.m.
I watch the USA version, and I like it. It reminds me of what Top Gear UK was like around season 5 or so....funny, always making me wonder what is about to happen. Now the UK one has gotten overly scripted, and far too predictable

James May admits that the UK show has changed, and that all they are doing now is playing characters in a sitcom. I've ignored the last two seasons of TG UK, and that is a big part of why.
Saw it last night. As I have said in the past the show has been growing on me. I enjoy watching it for what it is. Just don't sit and watch it and compare it to the UK version. If you do it will always fail.
I think I'd watch it more if they replaced Foust. Someone said it early, everything he does he just tries to hard. Kinda like that kid that never got picked in kickball. But now that he's learned to drive cars he automatically thinks he's better than his co-hosts. The bearded guy at least seems to have some knowledge in cars. The third guy, has his moments, but his jokes always seem scripted like he's just waiting to deliver the punchline.
I also always found it funny when the UK guys would play jokes on eachother, super gluing all the control knobs and buttons, rubbing cheese all over the motor, stealing the radio remote, etc. The US episode where they are driving across the desert Foust unhooks the bearded guys trailer from the trailer hitch and then they (being Foust, the producers, film crew, and everyone else involved) let him drive like that until the trailer comes off, flips and gets destroyed. I'm all for a joke, but that seems dangerously unsafe. And then to know that someone, somewhere is going to imitate that with one of their buddies is scary...
I flipped over to US TG last night and when I saw it was a remake of a UK skit I flipped it.
8/29/12 7:31 a.m.
I replied to this same thread on the Classsic Board, but since that board is as active as the US economy, will re-post...
Top Gear USA sucks because it is constrained in it's ability to say that a car sucks when it does; must not offend the sponsors and all that. Somehow TG UK ignores the hypocracy/political correctness and calls a spade a spade. And anything made in the USA a turd. THATS why people love TG UK.
That all said, TG USA sucks LESS than just about any other car-guy show on the air. Just about every other show can be summed up as : Time is running out, budget is blown, tempers are flaring.
What we need is Jay Leno unleashed. Straight talk about cars and the state of the industry. Jay has the car creds, the screen presense and enough $$$ to fiance the show himself if no sponsors ever came on board.
All I get on my tv is tgus so I watch. I enjoy.
I'm watching. Its a show about cars. No one gets voted off, there is no fake drama, and no one pretends to hate each other and fights. They could replace the hosts with robots or poop and I'd still watch. Because it's about cars. And no one gets voted off.