As the title states the wife would like me to sell the following:
1993 Eagle Talon, 800hp
1999 Mazda Miata Turbo
1974 BMW 2002 GRM Challenge Car
2012 Diamond Cargo Enclosed Trailer
The long and short of it is my life is crazy, work is insane, and baby #2 is on the way. I don't have as much time to work on the cars as I would like.
The replacement car could be anything around $45K on the used market; the Carrera S is just the way I am leaning at the moment.
Is this really what my life has come to? (Yeah, I know poor me). Any thoughts?
2/12/17 6:25 p.m.
Time for the Shia "Do it!" gif, unfortunately I'm on my phone.
What do you mean what do I do???
You go get that Porsche as your wife says!!!!!
2/12/17 6:38 p.m.
I am waiting for someone to ask if your wife is single.
Just keep the 2002 without telling her.
Sell everything and get a GT3, because they are more of an investment than a Carrera S
start searching carmax and get the warranty
Is it a trap?
If you could spend $45k on a Carrera then you could probably spend $45k on a Toyota Minivan.
Proceed with caution.
In all seriousness. The pregnant thing causes decision's that should be pondered for a while.
2/12/17 7:28 p.m.
get the porsche & a warranty 2005+ should have an upgraded ims bearing, but still an m96 engine...
Sell everything and get a 2008 Porsche Carrera S.
How much more is it to get into a 2009?
So... just listen to the woman and buy the Carrera S. Are ye daft man? (I'd go Cayman S were I you but to each his own).
That list isn't likely to make much of a dent in the total nut so... keep the trailer for when you want to drag the new P-car to the track. Unload the rest for whatever pennies on the dollar they can fetch and use it to take the missus to somewhere cool without the kids.
2/12/17 7:51 p.m.
Its a good plan! The only thing I'd change is the model. I'd go for a 2008 or older 996/997 turbo. No IMS to worry about and its a turbo! Seriously, you get a lot more car out of a turbo. Huge brakes, huge power, AWD and usually a ton of options.
how is this even a question?
I'd do it! And, when you do, please put me #1 on the list for the 1999 turbo Miata. I'm in Florida to boot! 
If we get together, you can drive my 993 to see what you think. $45k buys you a really nice 993, and you shouldn't lose a dime on it.
2/12/17 7:57 p.m.
Second kid coming? Lots to be said for simplifying and distilling.
Only if you have a backup. They are reliable but nothing is 100% and parts aren't as easy to get as a ford.
As noted above, I'd seriously consider a 996TT as well. Same price range.
Sell it all and by a Porsche.
loosecannon wrote:
Sell everything and get a GT3, because they are more of an investment than a Carrera S
This, and because everytime I drive a GT3 I think of selling everything, including my house to buy one. They're that good.
My vote (do as I say, not as I do, etc.) Sell it all with the 2002 going after the challenge (right after the baby is born IIRC). Then take a break for a bit by only doing things that are arrive and drive with the Porsche or as a tag along on someone else's ride. Once things settle down, re-evaluate.
APEowner wrote:
loosecannon wrote:
Sell everything and get a GT3, because they are more of an investment than a Carrera S
This, and because everytime I drive a GT3 I think of selling everything, including my house to buy one. They're that good.
And the way the market for them has been going you will need to sell your house for one.
Much to my chagrin.
Also, no back seat if that's a factor.
I'll sign up to buy the BMW 2002 for the final challenge budget.