11/25/14 10:51 p.m.
Feast your eyes upon this certain death machine:

Seems hammered, huh? Notice anything weird yet?

Aha! A RHD conversion, likely for rural mail carrier work. The pulley is a little ingenious.

Oh, wait. The airbag is still in it! Certain death for sure in a collision. Wow.

I couldn't get a clean shot of it, but the brake pedal is a dummy connected to the real pedal under the dash with a 2x4. The accelerator pedal is I think on the left now and at a bizarre angle (likely to keep the throttle cable working?).
I really, really wish we had vehicle inspections like Germany...
Automotive Darwin awards anyone?
11/26/14 6:21 a.m.
Redneck genius engineering. Guarantee that right hand side is hammered from taking out mailboxes when the side of the road is snow covered.
the pulley rhd set up is pretty common practice for mail vehicles out in rural areas. it allows you to turn any vehicle into a mail carrier without having to buy an actual mail truck, i use to see them all the time when i worked for the county and was driving around on the back roads.
but hopefully that airbag is unplugged... 
C'mon man, everybody knows that should be a Morse timing belt.

.... w/ a smaller driven pulley for quick steer. 
I am hoping the plywood is a shelf for mail totes and not the actual floor of the vehicle...
I have to say I was pretty unimpressed. I've seen much worse come through the shop fer cryin' out loud. At least this was done to serve a purpose.
11/26/14 8:19 a.m.
I like the floor boards. Get it? See what I did there??
A real man would have used a spare roots blower belt.
11/26/14 9:11 a.m.
I like the grant hot.rod wheel.
11/26/14 3:47 p.m.
"Worst car hack" "certain death machine". Come on, how long have you been cruising this board? That car wouldn't even make the top 10 worst engineered cars just off of some of the things I've seen on craigslist,etc. The whole 2x4/brake pedal thing does sound a touch scary though.
11/26/14 4:50 p.m.
How much airbag do you need really when you're going 10mph with the flashers on?
Appleseed wrote:
A real man would have used a spare roots blower belt.
Belts are for Bob Costas. (the iNanny replaced my original text 'p*s', which was slang for felines)
A REAL man would use a chain!
11/26/14 8:05 p.m.
You guys have really seen worse than a fan belt steering wheel bolted to an AIRBAG and a 2x4 running under the dash sideways for a brake pedal?!? 

I'm afraid to ask, but pics? It's got to be nightmare stuff for sure...
11/27/14 11:20 a.m.
Are we sure that's not a Forester grafter to a first generation RAV4? I don't remember the ribbed body panels on Foresters. And the windshield looks odd . . .
Meh, I saw a rural carrier in an Isuzu Trooper on Monday driving from the passenger seat. No dual controls either. But for safety sake, he had a rubber glove on his outstretched left hand for better grip as he shuffled the steering wheel. I gave him plenty of space as I passed.
i sometimes find it amusing what some people on this board thinks is dangerous or strange...
windsordeluxe wrote:
Meh, I saw a rural carrier in an Isuzu Trooper on Monday driving from the passenger seat. No dual controls either. But for safety sake, he had a rubber glove on his outstretched left hand for better grip as he shuffled the steering wheel. I gave him plenty of space as I passed.
That's how they all do it around here, they even do a USPS class.