Driven5 said:
Tom Suddard said:
The absolute best thing we can do is rainbow paintjobs on all of the Challenge cars.
Crackers said:
Two words:
Challenge Trebuchet.
Bonus points for using a dysfunctional nazi as a projectile.
Fixed, again.
Firing functional vehicles at human garbage seems like a waste.
10/18/17 1:27 p.m.
Appleseed said:
If someone confuses you for a Nazi, you're doing a lot of things wrong and should probably reevaluate your life choices.
I'll let those people assaulted by antifa at republican conventions know that because a bunch of mouthbreathing commies have the vaguest definition of facsist possible so they can justify physical violence against people they don't like they have to reevaluate things about their life.
In reply to Crackers :
I doubt their parents feel they are human garbage. Perspective people. The world isn't black and white.
Grizz said:
Appleseed said:
If someone confuses you for a Nazi, you're doing a lot of things wrong and should probably reevaluate your life choices.
I'll let those people assaulted by antifa at republican conventions know that because a bunch of mouthbreathing commies have the vaguest definition of facsist possible so they can justify physical violence against people they don't like they have to reevaluate things about their life.
yeah.... like my post earlier:
"or a racist. We just went through this. A local facebook group decided that what some of my family members said was "racist", so they photoshopped their facebook posts to create racists things (me included), "screen shot" them and then sent them into employers to get people fired. Luckily my employer is not an idiot and I showed the actual posts not the made up ones and they moved on.
It's unbelievable what is considered "normal" now. Punching people you disagree with (or using a bike lock), trying to get people wrongly fired, etc is just idiotic. If you can't handle hearing different views than go hide in your cave. "
I agree Bobzilla. Not sure where this new "normal" came from, but it is disturbing. I'm also a bit concerned about a lot of college aged kids, my nephew included. Not sure what they are learning, but never in my lifetime have so many of them emerged politically charged. Not all, but some of what he has learned is simply false, but you can't have any type of discussion about it. Any varying opinion automatically gets the "your a racist" or something similar remark, even when the topic does not concern the remote hint of race. Other opinions simply do not exist for him. He's been taught that he is in the "know" and therefore superior to anyone that disagrees, even though he has zero life experience.
I love my nephew, but for someone that claims that he is the height of tolerance, he is the most intolerant person I have known. Sadly, he is not alone.
Bobzilla said:
Grizz said:
Appleseed said:
If someone confuses you for an actual Nazi, you're doing a lot of things wrong and should probably reevaluate your life choices.
I'll let those people assaulted by antifa at republican conventions know that because a bunch of mouthbreathing commies have the vaguest definition of facsist possible so they can justify physical violence against people they don't like they have to reevaluate things about their life.
yeah.... like my post earlier:
"or a racist. We just went through this. A local facebook group decided that what some of my family members said was "racist", so they photoshopped their facebook posts to create racists things (me included), "screen shot" them and then sent them into employers to get people fired. Luckily my employer is not an idiot and I showed the actual posts not the made up ones and they moved on.
It's unbelievable what is considered "normal" now. Punching people you disagree with (or using a bike lock), trying to get people wrongly fired, etc is just idiotic. If you can't handle hearing different views than go hide in your cave. "
If I'm dressed in a tan uniform, jack boots., and a red armband, would you think I'm a Nazi? Don't confuse some wag using " Nazi " to rile someone up with an actual nazi.
Is the point on my original post a little more clear?
In reply to Appleseed :
Unfortunately they've evolved as the uniform is a dead giveaway. "Suit's not boots" is the new methodology. It causes less trouble with governments and lends a veil of legitimacy/plausible deniability.
I do agree that the term Nazi is thrown around way too much anymore. It's started to make it to the point where the connotations related the Nazi ideology are being diluted which is incredibly dangerous.
In reply to Appleseed :
The problem is the people labeling the "nazis" have no idea what a nazi is.
In reply to racerdave600 :
Funny enough, it goes both ways. I told a friend I recycled. He called me a “berkeleying liberal” I said ha ha! No, not really. My car doesn’t have a cat, I don’t smoke weed, and I am literally carrying a gun. I would make a terrible liberal!
joey48442 said:
In reply to racerdave600 :
Funny enough, it goes both ways. I told a friend I recycled. He called me a “berkeleying liberal” I said ha ha! No, not really. My car doesn’t have a cat, I don’t smoke weed, and I am literally carrying a gun. I would make a terrible liberal!
Too funny! I'm pretty sure if I didn't recycle my gun packing wife would shoot me! She even brings some things home from work to put into our bin because they do not recycle.
10/18/17 4:46 p.m.
Shut this sucker down. The Canoes have been launched.
I really don't want to know anyone's politics. I once bumped into a GRMer on another forum in full rant mode and I was never able to comfortably converse with him again.
In reply to Kreb :
That is just silly. I can't stand Mellencamp's personal political views, but I still enjoy his music. This place is one of the safest places where we can ACTUALLY TALK about these things. People here are a lot less judgemental and are more open to LISTENING to someone's opinion rather than just telling them they're wrong (unless it's about Ridgelines).
Just be careful out there. Florida has declared a state of emergency due to this. (the Alt-Righters or the Challenge,? I am not sure which one)
Regarding neo-NAZIs; Can't we all just take Jake and Elwood's lead???
In reply to racerdave600 :
I bring home recycling as well! A funny story, we have these small box cutters at work, and no one ever uses all the blades before they loose the knife. One day I joked with my boss that I was actually using the last blade and not wasting any of it... my boss sad “ha! That’s what happens when you listen to npr!”
we actually get along well, but we don’t talk politics much.
mad_machine said:
Just be careful out there. Florida has declared a state of emergency due to this. (the Alt-Righters or the Challenge,? I am not sure which orne)
Has to be the Challenge. That is serious business.
anyone else reading how the Russians trolled us and rethinking the noise level on social media these past couple years? There is a lesson there, friends. I think we all agree free speech is good and Nazis are bad. The best thing we could do? Ignore. Step around their tiki-torch-carrying hysteria to go shop in the store they're blocking. Let them speak to a bomb-sweat room. Live our lives.
Come to the Challenge. Talk cars. Meet and make friends. The rest? Noise.
10/18/17 7:05 p.m.
Bobzilla said:
In reply to Kreb :
That is just silly. I can't stand Mellencamp's personal political views, but I still enjoy his music. This place is one of the safest places where we can ACTUALLY TALK about these things. People here are a lot less judgemental and are more open to LISTENING to someone's opinion rather than just telling them they're wrong (unless it's about Ridgelines).
Then take it off topic. That is all.
FuzzWuzzy said:
In reply to markwemple :
But hate speech IS legal. It's literally saying something that someone else doesn't like.
Don't like it? Don't give them attention.
No. That's the point. Hate speech is not protected speech.azes me how many people don't understand this. Heck, our Current AG probably doesn't. Hate speech (to over simplify) is designed to incite, like painting a swastika on a Jewish Temple. Funny how Nazis and rednecks plaster their symbols everywhere here without issue but, in Germany the only place a swastika is legal is in a museum. Makes you wonder about us. (or them, I guess) Let's hope that all is fun and the crazies stay far away!
10/18/17 7:40 p.m.
In reply to markwemple :
might want to double check your supreme court rulings.
Matal v Tam, June 2017
and yea, I know, it's a link to the Washington post, but there is a link to PDF download of the court ruling. For some stupid reason I can't paste text from anywhere else while I'm on my phone, but the gist of the ruling is
"Speech that demeans or degrades based of racial, gender, etc grounds is hateful, but the proudest boast of our free speech is that we protect the freedom to express the thought that we hate"
The quote is from Justice Samuel Alito about the ruling.
dculberson said:
In reply to T.J. :
Punching a nazi is better than free speech.
I am sorry to inform you you have failed the test: America
Please feel free to take the test again in the future.
10/18/17 8:17 p.m.
In reply to Marjorie Suddard :
Actually I doubt that. Russian and Chinese IPs are dirt cheap and about the only people who don't use them when they screw with another countries politics are Russian and Chinese.