I am trying to get a very stuck wiper arm off. I have the generic battery terminal tool. It keeps wanting to bind and the jaws are sticky. I've oiled it and it gets better for a bit, but I'm over it. Is there a high quality version of this other than the HF generic?
I've got one from Lisle. It's somewhere around ten bucks. No complaints.

I just put wipers in the service blade position and rock them back and forth until removed.
I did the same for many years. Then I got the tool and it's a lot easier. It gives one less worry about scratching someone's nicely painted car.
Ranger50 said:
I just put wipers in the service blade position and rock them back and forth until removed.
I tried this first. 22 year old truck where I don't think they've ever been off. They are deeply resisting detachment from their home.
For history/searching sake. I searched Lisle and they didn't have one like Cousin_Eddie showed above, but they did have #54150, a combo battery terminal/wiper arm puller. I then found OTC #4676 which looks like the one above. I did what my Dad would have done in this case - bought both. Both are light years ahead of the generic HF type. I did one with the OTC - easier to get in place but harder to apply mondo leverage, which is what was needed. A wee little pliers on the handle got the arm to free with a frightening bang. The Lisle articulates so it was a little tougher to get seated but was easier to apply leverage.
In either case, I struggled for probably 15 minutes with the HF before I gave up and came here. With both of these tools the job was done in 2 minutes. Both are wins.
I just went back and looked at my receipts. Mine in the picture above is the 4676 by OTC. I gave you a bum steer on the Lisle info. Sorry about that.
Link to the OTC tool pictured above
It's ok - that Lisle battery terminal puller is eleventy billion times nicer than the cheapy. I'm glad I have both. The Lisle worked very well on wipers for anyone that wants a combo tool versus the dedicated OTC. The OTC is more compact and efficient if only for wipers.
I bought the hook and lever style one for clip on style wiper blades and the thing is like a magic wand to remove them. From 15 minutes of messing around with screwdrivers to one shot and pull straight up. It may be the only cheap tool that I have bought and not hated.