10/13/10 6:59 p.m.
So I was talking with my dad tonite, general BSing and stuff and he suddenly interjects "Oh would you be interested in a 1959 Wartburg?" Then goes on a 30 minute rabbit chase that has nothing to do with the Wartburg. As he trails off on wherever his story ended up I'm like "HELLLO, what about this Wartburg"
So it seems he got talking cars with a co-worker and the conversation eventually drifted around to my current obsession and "Oh, my brother has a nice driver quality one of those, I've driven it a few times"
GAH....waiting for more info, contact from the brother, etc. A nice original driver Wartburg next to the FrankenWartburg in my garage and at shows would make me oh so giddy.
With my father, it's not a conversation along those lines.
While in training after boot camp in the Navy, I told my father I wanted a Mustang for my next car. Keep in mind this is 1970-1971. After he told me about a few different cars and I went to look at them (usually, 6 cylinders with automatic coupes in unattractive colors) he mentions over Thanksgiving dinner that he saw a Mustang at the Ford dealer in the next town. The next afternoon we go and look at the Mustang. My father, not knowing the different models and horsepower ratings has found a nearly new 1969 Mach I. And not just any Mach I, but a 428 Cobra Jet Mach I.
The previous owner couldn't afford the car AND insurance payments....and neither could I.
10/13/10 7:16 p.m.
My pops is a car guy just not a mechanic, so he's pretty reliable for identification and appraisal. But this is pure hearsay from a co-worker who isnt a car guy and who's brother is in another state so we're waiting with baited breath. I know of one other Wartburg 311 for sale in the US that I've been trying to get but the guy wont give me a price, wants me to name a price and I've already told him my last one was free and in better shape than his so my frame of reference is skewed.
10/13/10 7:37 p.m.
I know we both drove the Wartburg before we transformed it...I saw you drive it...and you really actually want to drive one stock? Really? It had fun novelty value for the first few laps around the paddock, but trying to actually driv eit on the road?!!?! 
Remember why you got rid of the Studebaker? Yea.
The Wartburg you have is probably the most fun to drive Wartburg 311 in the world. At the least, it is the only one that will do a smokey burnout from the REAR wheels and then run a 15.5 1/4, and a 2:06 around Shenandoah circuit.
10/13/10 7:41 p.m.
hell yeah, Id own a stock one in a heartbeat. We're not talking a DD here but to have a stock one next to Frankenburg at shows so people can truly appreciate what went into the transformation? In a heartbeat. Besides, its near the new motor for Frankenburg so I could kill 2 birds with one stone in the retrieval process.
I think having a stock one to show as a point of reference would be brilliant.
You're going to need a bigger trailer, though. 
10/14/10 4:09 a.m.
dollraves wrote:
I think having a stock one to show as a point of reference would be brilliant.
You're going to need a bigger trailer, though.
After reading that I went searching for East German car haulers. I didn't find any, but I did run across this.

No matter what you put in the bed, it'd be full of win. Well, maybe pig turd AND win.
There are other wartburgs imported ... what if it isn't a 311?
How cool would it be to have a 311 aqnd a 353?
10/14/10 7:53 a.m.
littleturquoiseb wrote:
There are other wartburgs imported ... what if it isn't a 311?
How cool would it be to have a 311 aqnd a 353?
Its a 1959 and a Sedan. The 353s didnt come out till the 60s. Should be a 311 just like ours.
I really think this is probably just another situation of "back in the day I had one of those...." when they probably had an old Volvo or something. But we'll see if anything comes of it.
JThw8 wrote:
I really think this is probably just another situation of "back in the day I had one of those...." when they probably had an old Volvo or something. But we'll see if anything comes of it.
haha...this is exactly what I was thinking.
I can't tell you how many times (because I can't remember) at gas stations someone would strike up a conversation wtih my father in his red '37 Ford coupe street rod and say something to the effect of "My uncle had one Just like that...except black. What is it? A buick?"
Heck...it happened just two days ago with my friend's '50 Ford pickup. A neighbor came over and started to reminisce about her husband's '78 F150. Seriously?
Oh then...there's guys like me who come along in a thread and do exactly what these other folks do about cars ;). "I had a guy do that to me once."
10/14/10 8:45 a.m.
Yeah, every time we're out its something. On BABE, somewhere in Alabama an older lady approached me and although she didn't have one just like it she at least had something interesting. A Simca, it was her fathers car and the Wartburg reminded her of it. She still had it sitting at the house and was hoping we were a) local and b) knew something about Simca's because she really wanted to get it on the road again.
I guess it's just a testament to the appeal and power of old stuff.
I have often had people come up to me while I was filling up my Spitfire and comment that their brother (or whoever else) had an "MG just like that years ago".
Once a lady came up and said she had once had a TRIUMPH, but hers was a TR4. Nice that she recognized the make and model of mine and hers.
I walk property for environmental assessments and once came across a Borgward Isabella in the middle of some woods on one site and a Renault Dauphine on another. Both were totally trashed. I must say I've never seen a Wartburg on a site, or anywhere else.
10/14/10 10:18 a.m.
spitfirebill wrote:
I walk property for environmental assessments and once came across a Borgward Isabella in the middle of some woods on one site and a Renault Dauphine on another. Both were totally trashed. I must say I've never seen a Wartburg on a site, or anywhere else.
I acutally know where there is a Borgward Isabella in a junkyard locally. Havent been able to convince my team it would be a good Lemons candidate yet.
I know of one other Wartburg 311 for sale in the US. Im sure there are others out there but very little info.
Fun story, when I went to get my historic plates at DMV the lady took my paperwork and asked me to have a seat as she walked over to the computer. She called me up to the computer and told my that policy was that if they got paperwork on a car they never heard of they were supposed to to a google images search to verify the photos I was submitting matched the type of car I was claiming. My car was the only one she could find on the internet. I thought she was going to shoot me down but when I looked at her sadly and said "Welcome to my hell" she laughed and gave me my tags.
10/14/10 2:07 p.m.
Well just got an update call. Co-worker got his brother on the phone to get the details. Car is a 1959 Wartburg 311, 45,000 original miles and in perfect restored condtion.
However, owner moved 2 years ago from Nebraska to Georgia and sold off most of his car collection, including the Wartburg, before he left.
Current whereabouts unknown :(
My First Canoe..... Yes?
Edited for Dang, I read the whole thread slowly and someone else beat me to it.
2/28/11 7:29 a.m.
littleturquoiseb wrote:
There are other wartburgs imported ... what if it isn't a 311?
If it wasn't a 311, it wouldn't smoke tons of weed and listen to hippie jam bands
2/28/11 2:17 p.m.
Thw8 is modest, the current incarnation is very quick and corners and stops very, very well. It's a handful around turns, but if you're steady it will fly.
2/28/11 5:34 p.m.
dculberson wrote:
Thw8 is modest, the current incarnation is very quick and corners and stops very, very well. It's a handful around turns, but if you're steady it will fly.
Its getting swaybars to go with the new motor!