I search craigslist when I'm bored at work and one of the cars I look for is the B13 SE-R. I'm enamored with the idea of a sub-$1000 beater that's still fun. In the last year or so I've been searching I haven't seen one show up. So where have all the B13 SE-Rs gone? The big rally stage in the sky?
2/10/15 6:06 p.m.
Well for us - they were never imported to Canada.
For the rest - iron oxide mostly. They rust bad.
Well, I am in Minnesota so rust is prevalent but rust can't have killed them all. Maybe it's time to start looking for a Tsuru.
2/10/15 7:08 p.m.
How many were made? I saw one sitting in a driveway in the ghetto a few weeks ago and it was the first time i'd noticed/seen one in real life in possibly years, and we have no rust down here.
I built my own in Canada. Had a pretty decent XE, found an insurance auction NX2000, swapped the powertrain, suspension and brakes over. I really enjoy that little car.
If I ever go to Mexico again, I'm going to find a Tsuro grille and badges and bring them home. That would really confuse the locals.
I just looked on CL here and didn't see one. Rust isn't an issue out here either. I did see a clean 04 Spec V for $4K though, that is tempting.
There's an older lady that lives up the street from my parents that has a perfect red 1993 or so SE-R. I have been watching it since high school in the late 90's. I saw her putt by my parents' house recently so I know she still has it! I really want to put a note on the windshield sometime before it vanishes.
I guess most of them got crushed when people moved to newer Civic Si's, WRXs, etc.
In reply to Lancer007: I thought of buying an 04 Spec V, but I wanted a 328i more.
Many rusted out. Many were crashed. Many were junked after 200k+ miles. The few survivors are largely held onto by people who know and cherish them. They were uncommon when I was in high school 10 years ago, they are all but unobtainium now. Most of the early 90's fun cars are entering that phase right now, sadly...
Check in states with less rust. They pop up from time to time, here. One of the rallycross crew threw a rod in his last year. I think the chassis (which was rust free) was brought up North by the buyer.
Boo. I'll keep on the lookout but maybe I'll wait for the right Infiniti G20 to come around instead.
2/10/15 9:20 p.m.
I do a search for each year every now and then, most are abused. Such a shame, great little cars.
Why not a B14 200SX SE-R?
Crap, that's tempting me for a rallycross car.
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
Canadian government is supposed to have made it legal to import new cars from Mexico very recently. Why not bring back a whole Tsuru?
(I really want someone to find out if they can, because I want to too!)
Funny you mention this. I was passed by a very well maintained and modded b13 seR today. License plate said "lil gtr" very cool car. Well done, and tasteful. Sounded good too (had a vvtli badge too)
2/11/15 5:09 a.m.
The rear strut towers fall off even on non-rusty cars. Rust makes this way worse.
In reply to Brett_Murphy:
I think the 200sx body style is pretty ugly otherwise I'd snag one of those. The boxy B13 just does it for me.
2/11/15 8:12 a.m.
Check the normally labeled sentras. Sometimes people don't know what they've got and won't put SE-R in the title.
2/11/15 8:30 a.m.
johndej wrote:
Check the normally labeled sentras. Sometimes people don't know what they've got and won't put SE-R in the title.
Unfortunately this happens a lot. Other than the foglights and the 14 wheels and a spoiler they really didn't get anything different on the outside other than the SE-R badge. The flip side of that is that they sold a limited edition SE version that had all the appearance options of the SE-R but still had the 1.6 under the hood. But the sad reality is they were cheap and cheerful cars that got beat to E36 M3 by people who often really didn't know what they had. My buddy bought one from his ex-girlfriend for 600 bucks with some poorly repaired accident damage, was still a hoot to drive and he's trying to keep it going.
I've actually got a G20 as a project car. It's not the "right" one (autotragic, sunroof car) but it's still got an SR20, four wheel discs and independent suspension all around. These really are some special cars, it's sad to see them disappear like they have. 
$700 - http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/cto/4834856734.html
NMNA. Glad that there are a couple of other cars I'd rather tackle first, because it's tempting....
While the G20 is more or less the same, for your uses you'll be much happier with the SE-R. It's lighter and more tossable IMO. Plus the stock seats in the SE-R are way more suited to spirited driving.
If I remember correctly, the Sentra SE doesn't have the full-width taillights found on the SE-R. That could be a quick way to tell SE from SE-R.
What's funny is I just came to this site to post that I saw a Sentra with a GTIR swap today and here we have a sentra thread.
Speaking of which, if you can't find a G20 or SE-R import a GTIR, lol. Basically a AWD G20 anyways.
In reply to David S. Wallens:
Seems right. My Xer doesn't have the inner red panel.