6/22/18 7:43 a.m.
I know a bunch of you have answered questions for me/helped give me advice in regards to tow rigs and I appreciate that. I finally have the cash on hand and permission to pursue something. My goals are
1) be able to tow the miata to the track
2) be able to upgrade our family camper to something in the 8-10k lbs range
3) It would be nice to be able to sleep at the track to save on hotels
The vehicle would be a dedicated tow vehicle.
Because of number 3 I was looking at getting an enclosed trailer with AC as I found a good deal on a 20ft haulmark with AC locally for 3500 bucks. I do have to pay to store it which is what I do with my travel trailer now, but if I have the enclosed trailer I could also keep the miata in it (right?)
My total budget is 10k my current plan was to try and pickup the enclosed trailer for 3500 and find something in the 6k or less range to tow.
Would I be better off considering other options like, spend all 10k on tow rig and use a uhaul trailer but get decent ramps for it?
Or spending 8k but just looking for an open car trailer?
Both of those won't address my wanting to camp at the track with AC (because NC is freaking hot) but I would prefer something that will last as a tow rig. I guess as an aside usually the SUVs have nicer interiors which is why I have been looking at them mostly, but bumping to 10k might make some trucks more of an option which then opens the door to the family camper being a 5th wheel. I have seen a couple van/truckbed setups for camping in the back and even a few using doghouse air conditioners but it seems like it might be a lot of trouble compared to the enclosed trailer.
Oh and wife wants 4x4 because it adds value to the extra vehicle's utility for her. And we have 2 kids and a dog so need extended cab at minimum on trucks.
Ian F
6/22/18 8:38 a.m.
The newest, lowest mileage 4x4 4 door dually you can find. In that price range, you'll probably want a gasser. A diesel worth buying will likely cost twice as much (or will end up costing twice as much to make it worth owning). If you can find a way to live with 2WD, you'll get more truck for your budget (along with better fuel economy and lower ride height).
If it's going to be primarily a tow-pig, I don't see the point in going for anything smaller/lighter.
6/22/18 8:58 a.m.
I don't think I need diesel. I don't think I can find a dually without bumping the price range up and not buying the trailer at least the enclosed one?
6/22/18 9:19 a.m.
Camp in the enclosed trailer? Lots of great folding bed ideas out there.
But I agree on the dually crew cab, that much weight and you wil be happy with extra tires, and they go a bit cheaper than a similar model year/options truck as more people want a SRW.
6/22/18 9:31 a.m.
java230 said:
Camp in the enclosed trailer? Lots of great folding bed ideas out there.
But I agree on the dually crew cab, that much weight and you wil be happy with extra tires, and they go a bit cheaper than a similar model year/options truck as more people want a SRW.
yeah if I buy the enclosed (which seems like the best idea so far) I would camp in it. That would leave me about 6k for finding a rig. I was just wondering if anyone was going to tell me I would get way more truck/suv/towpig for 8k than 6 enough to be worth it.
Wife says the 4x4 is not mandatory just is appealing (I agree) so maybe now I just need to find the best tow pig I can get for 6k around NC/VA/SC
6/22/18 9:41 a.m.
In reply to Jaynen :
No idea on what your local prices are like, but around here 6k doesn't buy much.... Not new enough for me to want to tow any distances with it anyway. But I am not sure 8k would either.... IMO $3500 for a enclosed (how big?) with AC to camp in sounds pretty good. Save up a bit more for the towpig?
In reply to java230 :
Nearly every dually I’ve seen in that price range has had at least a few fenders knocked off. That’s because they are wider, (the extra tire sticks out) and they are longer. The extra length compounds the problem.
What happens is when turning the inside rear tire jumps curbs, hits signs and signal lights. You have to always keep thinking about the extra width of the duels.
It doesn’t happen so often if the bed is as wide as the duels but with just the fenders it’s so easy to forget, turn a little tight and bang! There goes the fender, maybe worse!
Few women are comfortable driving it and forget parking. No single parking spot is wide enough. Most will be too short too!
They make single axle 1 tons with pretty impressive load/towing capacity’s.
Because of the macho image of duals, regular one tons with only 4 tires sell at a pretty decent discount.
6/22/18 10:47 a.m.
java230 said:
In reply to Jaynen :
No idea on what your local prices are like, but around here 6k doesn't buy much.... Not new enough for me to want to tow any distances with it anyway. But I am not sure 8k would either.... IMO $3500 for a enclosed (how big?) with AC to camp in sounds pretty good. Save up a bit more for the towpig?
6k buys a high 100's to 200's 3/4ton burban or excursion and work truck level trucks in the 2000-2006 range.
Here's an OBS Ford Dually with the 7.3 for 5900
No experience here but I can’t imagine a dually being a good 4x4. The extra width and weight seem like a liability out in the sticks. That might be asking a little too much of one vehicle.
Buy a motorhome that can tow an open car trailer?
Solves all problems, right?
6/22/18 11:36 a.m.
wvumtnbkr said:
Buy a motorhome that can tow an open car trailer?
Solves all problems, right?
Yes, but not on a 10k budget, at least not one my wife would ever sleep in :)
10K buys ALOT of motorhome.
Hell, they seem to lose about 75% of their value in the first 2 or 3 years!
6/22/18 11:44 a.m.
Well it would need to be 8k of motorhome and 2k for an open car trailer :) but we do have a 5k camping trailer we could sell in the future actually 60% at the ten year mark is average for class A, C and 5er
The sweet spot is either 6yrs old, or 10 years old it goes to about 3% per year at that point with a bump at around 10 years
6/22/18 2:29 p.m.
6/22/18 2:41 p.m.
Jaynen said:
wvumtnbkr said:
Buy a motorhome that can tow an open car trailer?
Solves all problems, right?
Yes, but not on a 10k budget, at least not one my wife would ever sleep in :)
What's your budget for the camper upgrade?
Could you:
1. Sell current camper
2. Add funds from camper sale to the "camper upgrade" budget and the "tow pig/trailer" budget getting way more than $10k
3. Buy decent motorhome and open car trailer
6/22/18 4:56 p.m.
The camper upgrade won't happen until next season maybe next summer after we sell our home in San Diego and buy something out here. I have 6 more track days planned for the rest of this year at least two of those I really want to tow to and given the choice I would rather camp out at.
6/22/18 7:20 p.m.

Here is the enclosed I am looking at
6/22/18 7:31 p.m.
I can see an argument where it makes more sense to rent a tow rig for the few remaining events this year, and then pursue buying something more ideal before next season starts instead of rushing to make something work right away. Take some time after this season to get financially sorted, and buy the easy button when more funds are available.
Renting would keep you from having to store another vehicle in an already crowded area. It also keeps you from having to worry about maintenance on a vehicle with unknown history and 200k on the clock leaving you (and whatever you're towing) stranded somewhere.
6/22/18 8:13 p.m.
Hmm, I am financially sorted fine I just want a 10k budget. Honestly a lot of the excursions etc I see around 5-6k look pretty clean and the V10 should do the job nicely?
I think I'm pretty much convinced just to keep my 2wd Excursion.
6/22/18 8:19 p.m.
Fair enough. I didn't mean to imply anything. I know that I'd feel super stressed financially trying to sell a house and buy a house on different sides of the country, while also storing a camper trailer (that will soon be upgraded with something more expensive) and funding race weekends, but that's me. I wish you nothing but the best. keep the shiny side up!
6/23/18 9:05 a.m.
Well fortunately cost of living out here (NC) is a lot better than San Diego so its more an inconvenience to have the extra funds for a downpayment locked up in the house out there. And while the house we rent here is nice it doesn't have car guy friendly HOA rules. I was not offended or felt you were implying anything I just wanted to clarify the budget is self imposed. I already talked to my bank and they would be more than happy to give me even a zero down loan for an RV but as I just paid off my car and stuff I don't really want any more loans
6/23/18 9:08 a.m.
yupididit said:
I think I'm pretty much convinced just to keep my 2wd Excursion.
Now that my wife was more clear about 2wd being ok I may find one as well. This one is close, its a little on the pricy side I have seen 2wd around 5k or so for the non rusted clean ones usually
Second owner, seems like it was the wifes rig is close enough to go see only 40mins away motivated seller
4wd 2001 Excursion Limited

Ian F
6/23/18 9:21 a.m.
In reply to Jaynen :
That doesn't look bad. Shouldn't be too hard to find a replacement front bumper. The interior looks a bit worn so you may want to think about how much it will cost to clean it up and bring up to a condition the wife will tolerate, provided that is a concern. Definitely worth a look and test drive if only for educational purposes. An opportunity for the wife to see it and drive it if she's not used to driving something like this.
STM317 said:
Fair enough. I didn't mean to imply anything. I know that I'd feel super stressed financially trying to sell a house and buy a house on different sides of the country, while also storing a camper trailer (that will soon be upgraded with something more expensive) and funding race weekends, but that's me. I wish you nothing but the best. keep the shiny side up!
Its funny because simply reading these threads stresses me out. I have a SFH, 2 cars, and a 3 year old. Its a lot to take care of and a lot of stress. We are considering renting a loft downtown, renting out or selling the house, and going down to 1 car just to simplify. A camper, car trailer, tow vehicle, 2 DDs, a track car would make my head explode.
I just think I'm not cut out for it :(