a few days ago, I got to looking around the vintage (H-Mod) section of dsr.racer.net and ran across the old Flying Shingle H-Mod car. what struck me about it is the complete and utter simplicity of it, as per a blurb from the designer/owner/driver:
Ken Polman said: There was no suspension per-se. The frame articulated and I ran only 10 psi in the tires. Just a big go-kart.....
this got me thinking, gokarts of today must handle a lot better than they did back then, due to new construction techniques and new designs and newer, wider tires, why not apply some of the same knowledge to build an updated version of the Flying Shingle? throw a 600cc sportbike engine at it, design a bit of flex into the chassis, run "standard" sized tires for DSR/formula cars, and go for it? it might be hell at the rougher tracks like Sebring, but at somewhere relatively smooth, it could be really fast if it was designed right. any thoughts?