Hi all,
I found a CraigsList '87 Yugo in need of a timing belt. Just curious how bad a job this is. If it's an interference engine...I'll pass. If it's not, I might look a little closer. My S-I-L could use this...
Thanks! Clem
Hi all,
I found a CraigsList '87 Yugo in need of a timing belt. Just curious how bad a job this is. If it's an interference engine...I'll pass. If it's not, I might look a little closer. My S-I-L could use this...
Thanks! Clem
Also...I don't know if the water pump is driven by the timing belt on this one or not. And should I replace the tensioner while I'm at it?
Thanks again, Clem
NAPA's online catalog (www.napaonline.com) says that it is an interference engine.
BTW, I had to put "timing belt" in the Search field to get the listing.
not 100% certain, but I am sure it is an interference engine.. and no, the waterpump is NOT driven off of the cambelt. Fiat learned that lesson long before the first 124 engines rolled off of the assembly line (the block on the Yugo is a 128 series) but that did not stop them from trying to run the air pumps off of the exhaust cam on the 124 spiders...
Wiki also confirmed it's intereference. I should pass, but I have a feeling this one could be had CHEAP (because who--in the general non-nutso-grm public--wants a Yugo...let alone a broken one?). How hard is it to come up with a good head for this? Anyone here have one to sell me? ;)
Clem (<--who's wondering why my automotive obsessions are dictated by $300 CL search results)
If you do it DEFINITELY replace the tensioner at the same time. I got cheap with that once and was doing the job again 2 weeks later. The part is cheap and the job easy (as long as you are in there for a belt change anyway)
132 engine is a dohc and isn't a bolt-in.
Easy enough to swap out the bent valve head with a good one. Fiat parts work and are inexpensive and better quality. The only trick is if it's an 1100cc head it's got smaller combustion chambers so you kind of need the same size head to retain compression. The 1100 head was a popular swap onto the bigger engines to bump compression.
I know it is not a bolt in.. but I also know where to get a lancia beta transmission to help make it work
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