I remember our first year, we bought a house.
Weren't really looking, but we rented a converted farm house, wood paneling and drop ceilings can hide a multitude of sins. 3 ft. of water in the basement, none in the well?
Looked at a house that an old lady owned, passed away. The week of the closing our dog got hit by the snow plow and had a cast on. No water in the house we rented, a light switch in the hallway would hum and get warm if you turned it on. Brand new car would shut off all by itself for no reason, then heal 20 minutes later and act like nothing happened. Went cross country skiing to relax, wifey falls in the parking lot, punches a kidney with the back of a ski, she's in the hospital. At the closing, I called the fuel oil delivery folks in front of both lawyers. Three days later we show up to paint and all the radiators are split and frozen, puddles of ice on the hardwood floors. Oiil was not delivered.
All this in five days.
They say things that start out bad end up well. I don't believe in wives' tales, but after 34 years, I'll give you that one.
Be an island. Yes, your in-laws live on the street, so what? You have to make it yourself, not the parents or in-laws; they've done their time.
Remember how you treated the wife when you were dating, eggshells, kid gloves etc? Still doing that?
We have friends, I have friends, she has friends, we all get along well. She'll do what she can to help in the garage but she will run to Vermont for an event with her friends. Life doesn't stop because you changed the married/single block on a loan application.
Call me in 33 years, I'm curious.