10/7/20 6:57 a.m.
I am a "pick-your-battles pragmatist" so my vote would be to pour a little concrete and get some paint and just do this:

It looks better than mud, is actually designed for just this occasion, and is a subtle way to show off your competitive automotive proclivities.
Talk to the municipality about what your rights are, and if you cab, pour a proper concrete curb. Rocks are a pain in the ass, because you will eventually come home to something high centered on one. Curbs look "real".
My first thought was also "what great photos", quickly followed by "man, that's some picturesque property!"
As for the issue, agree that it may be right of way that you own, but can't do anything with. If it turns out that you can, a ~3 or 4' black iron fence would look nice.
A friend of mine lived in the curve of a road. Basically one of those 90 degree sweepers that Miata owners love.
People would miss the turn and end up in his yard. Occasionally they would almost hit his house. Finally one did hit his house.
So he got some railroad rails, the the steel rails, and drove about 10 of them into the ground, spaced about 3 feet apart, right at the property line by the road. He left about 4 feet of the 10 foot long rails sticking out of the ground.
After several people mangled their cars and themselves by crashing into the barrier he had placed to prevent people from crashing into his yard and home the local government made him take the rails out.
He sued saying he had a right to fence off his property however he wanted. Next thing you know the local government straightened the curve by using some public land on the other side of the road.
10/7/20 7:37 a.m.
Scotts know how to keep a car on the pavement ....or else?
I dont see a lot of mud on this apex

10/7/20 7:59 a.m.
I'm in favor of starting with the pink surveyor's paint and seeing where it goes from there.
10/7/20 8:06 a.m.
In reply to jharry3 :
Reminds me of the Panzerplatte stage in Rally Germany. It's on a military training ground and there are buried concrete blocks in the corners to prevent tanks from sliding off the road.

It did this to a Subaru:

Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
Don't replace the rock, dig a hole instead. Just big enough to swallow the average tire and 18+" deep. After they pound through it a few times, they will stop cutting the corner.
As a bonus, you can blame the hole on the people that cut the corner.
Seems that if left alone long enough, that would happen on it's own.
Keep it wet, leave a puddle, and the hole will be dug. Fill with grass, and done.
Just an antidote...
Here, on a rural road Rt105 near Elmore, OH there is a large curve on this two lane road. Also at the curve is a body shop. Completely intentionally, the owner of the shop keeps two positioned wrecked cars in the field just off the curve. To the unknowing and unexpecting, as you round the curve it looks like you've come upon the scene of an accident. That slows people down.
ultraclyde (Forum Supporter) said:
The county, city, or whoever likely has control of the right-of-way even if it's on your property. That's up to 15' off the road edge in some places. Placing anything in the right of way is likely illegal, ostensibly for the safety of motorists impacting stationary objects.
I'd make dang sure I knew where the right of way was, how it was legally measured in the regs, and what the laws are about placing things therein. Once you know where you stand, I'd consider moving the big rocks out half way from where they are to the pavement. Abandon the grass on the street side. What were you going to do with that 3' anyway?
I'm sure that varies from state to state and there are rules about eminent domain. But do your research.
my property deed goes back to When we became a state. From that point on the only easement on my property is the one taken out in the 1960's to put a sewer line under the street. That's according to state and county records.
I love the variety of suggestions I get from you all, from the eminently reasonable straight up to berkeley them all up with fire!
John Welsh (Moderate Supporter) said:
Just an antidote...
Here, on a rural road Rt105 near Elmore, OH there is a large curve on this two lane road. Also at the curve is a body shop. Completely intentionally, the owner of the shop keeps two positioned wrecked cars in the field just off the curve. To the unknowing and unexpecting, as you round the curve it looks like you've come upon the scene of an accident. That slows people down.
Hmmm. So if I inadvertently swallow poison, I can read your post and be fine?
I was thinking you were looking for the word "anecdote"--a short account of an interesting or humorous incident -- but after carefully considering, it could be that you were referring to the act of running over the lawn as the poison and the response of putting wrecked vehicles at the site as the antidote.
I might argue that it's too early to be pondering such things. 
If you are looking for revenge go with the big rocks, deep hole, rebar, anti-tank barricade ideas. If you want to keep cars off the lawn put in a row of the orange fiberglass sticks used to mark roadway or driveways in heavy snow. Most reasonable people will drive around them but if not, then escalate.
Dig moat and fill with sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.
Do they make electric rocks?
Find out your municipality's eminent domain rules. Mine for instance is something like 20' from the center of the road. You may own the property, but they maintain rights to the first X feet of your yard.
Once you find the domain dimensions, then find your legal setbacks. About all you can do is put your rocks in a legal place and watch the ruts happen. Technically, that part of your yard belongs to the municipality that maintains the road.
I just planted big rose bushes because people were parking on the street with their tires in my yard. I haven't seen anyone park there in three years now.
In reply to 1988RedT2 :
Bitten again by posting from the phone while seated in a parking lot! 

bearmtnmartin said:
I have a corner property. By some chance my corner pin is well into the asphalt on the road corner.
I question if that corner pin is actually your corner or if that is a survey marker. This marker is then used as a measuring point for determining many calculations. Not just your property line but distance to for others (including municipal property.)
10/7/20 9:10 a.m.
I don't know everything about property but I own a bunch and my dad was a developer. But, right of way is right of way and your property is your property. If there is no easement listed you can do what you want right up to the pin at the corner of your lot. I'm not considering building set backs etc., you are just talking about landscaping stuff here.
My final move would be to move the rocks onto the asphalt just inside the pin. BUT, I always try to get along with neighbors. If these aren't neighbors causing the problem and I cared about green space that much those rocks would have a new spot on the pavement.
John Welsh (Moderate Supporter) said:
bearmtnmartin said:
I have a corner property. By some chance my corner pin is well into the asphalt on the road corner.
I question if that corner pin is actually your corner or if that is a survey marker. This marker is then used as a measuring point for determining many calculations. Not just your property line but distance to for others (including municipal property.)
This. ^^^
My current property has actual line pins; rebar in the ground that marks where the actual property line is. Mom and Dad's house has a pin in the center of the road which is a survey pin. The pins mark the left and right planes of the boundary, but you have to measure X feet away from the pin to find the front property line.
Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things?
Patrick (Forum Supporter) said:
Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things?
I was just thinking this exactly. I would do nothing.
Do you know who is moving the rock and why? Maybe there is someone with a motorhome that really can't easily take the turn. Or a school bus needs to get through to pick up a wheelchair bound kid.
if you had a rock in what is now mud , I can see why it was moved , its a danger at night.......well in the daytime too....
if you added some more big rocks to make the wall go back to the street people will have less room to cut the corner ,
If I drove that road and a big rock "was in the street" I would want it gone too ,
The drivers have no idea where your property line is......
Just sayin.......
10/7/20 11:20 a.m.
Robbie (Forum Supporter) said:
Patrick (Forum Supporter) said:
Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things?
I was just thinking this exactly. I would do nothing.
Do you know who is moving the rock and why? Maybe there is someone with a motorhome that really can't easily take the turn. Or a school bus needs to get through to pick up a wheelchair bound kid.
I'd agree, but he did mention this
bearmtnmartin said:
It's a big wide corner and I turned it for years with tandem axle dump trucks and equipment trailers without leaving the asphalt.
Maybe whoever is making the turn just can't drive? Too many unknowns.