One of the reasons health care cost so much now is to cover the Govt. run systems already in place, and dealing with the complications of filing insurance claims due to more govt. regulations and punitive damage award settlements.
My wife works for an internist, and it costs them around $69 per patient to break even on an office visit. Medicare pays about $20, and if they are lucky, they might, might get something from Medicad. It is to the point where they will not accept any new patients with either of these, and that is sad. If you think they are rolling in the cash, you are also mistaken.
Many months the Dr. has to subsidize the practice to make ends meet, and his malpractice insurance has skyrocketed in the past couple of years. And there are only so many patients you can see in a day so you are limited somewhat in your cash revenue. The reason a lot of doctors give cash discounts is the sheer abundance of paperwork involved with filing insurance claims, mostly due to not getting sued. It takes a substantial amount of work on a daily basis just to get paid, so if they can skip these steps and get paid sooner, you get the money back that they would have spent on your claim.
The only real solutions to this problem involve fixing the govt. systems already in place, and allowing a breakup of the govt. monopolies in place by not allowing competing insurance companies across state lines.
In our current area, BCBS is the only game in town to speak of, so they can do whatever they please, and if you think insurance companies are corrupt, there is nothing in the world more corrupt than governments. No matter who is in office a govt. run system simply will not work and still maintain any reality of a functioning, quality system. There is also no way on earth a govt. system saves the govt. anything either, a total lie and misconception. This money has to come from somewhere, and since they are not spending money to insure the people that are already uninsured, and even including what you would pay in premiums, there is a substantial gap. Taxing is the only way on top of your premiums. That or printing more money, also very bad.
As for everything else, the company I work for now does all of it's work almost exclusively out the country, mainly South Africa and Australia. We are an R&D company and a producer of high tech products for energy fields, mainly coal mining and oil. Since big O took office, these industries have pretty much been strangled. They are now just trying to survive. Since we have an abundance of both, this is very sad news, and they employ a lot of people as well. I cannot relay how bad these industries are right now. Regardless of what you hear on the news, there is nothing out there right now capable of producing the kinds of energy we need to replace them with in the quantity needed for the US and worldwide. Green energy simply doesn't exist in a way that can remotely produce the energy the world requires. And strangling the companies that could possibly work towards this goal with crippling taxes is no way to proceed here. Trust me when I say that many of these oil and mining companies also invest in R&D for other types of energy, something that is being taken away at this moment and not replenished from govt. subsidies. This administration has zero interest in "going green", they have every interest in controlling your energy consumption, which controls you.
Also, having now seen these countries and the way they are run and their conditions, we are VERY blessed. And you do not want to follow their governmental path which is the one we are currently on. People need to wake up and get some common sense or it will be too late to stop the deflation of the dollar, the poverty that follows, and the govt. take over of pretty much everything.
The biggest differences I see between the two parties is that the Repubs are simply greedy, where the Dems are trying to shove a 3rd world govt. down our throats.
OK, rant off....