It's gonna be a slow build, but I promise I'll try to make it worthwhile. My goal is to model a backwater mining branch in the '20s and '30s, with a fair bit of whimsical shenanigans thrown in. So far, I have the barest beginnings of a track plan laid out, and I have a name and a logo. The location is somewhere in the Great Basin desert area of Southern Idaho and Northern Nevada. Probably gonna mine a rare natural element, maybe Pizzazium Infinionite or something equally strange/weird. I'll be slowly piecing together rolling stock, locomotives, and track and building a small (16"x54") slice of my railroad. So, here it is-

That's almost a micro. You can pack a ton into that regardless.
As soon as some structures and Unitrack show up, you, Kazoo, and Shawn G will have some competition. 
In reply to Appleseed :
Mine will be HO scale. Ought to be fun... I'm also designing it for eventual expansion.
Take a look at the free version of "anyrail". It only lets you lay out a certain amount of track (maybe 50 pieces IIRC), but it's great for seeing what will fit in a given space. If you are using some sort of "prefab" track, it's also a great way to test whether things are going to line up or not once you start using multiple radius curves and various types of switches. It's a huge time-suck, though.
In reply to kazoospec :
I'll check it out. I was going to do my usual and just make up some templates.
In reply to kazoospec :
DOOD! Thank you. Anyrail is a great program. Already playing with it.
So, this happened today...

I also sold a bike that was taking up space, and dropped the proceeds on some rolling stock, another locomotive, and a bunch of track. The 0-4-0 is perched on the base of the layout, which I reclaimed from a desk that the kids broke. Also got in touch with my old train buddies, and the club is still up and kicking. It's caused SWMBO a bout of endless eye rolling, which also pleases me somewhat...
10/29/20 6:45 p.m.
In reply to Recon1342 :
She’s just jealous. LOL Sounds like a great project while you’re rehabbing your thumb
In reply to 11GTCS :
She knew about trains when we were dating. Might see if I can get her re-interested in scenery. We had a small N scale layout while I was in the Marines.
It's fun/expensive getting them involved. I would guess 90% of what I have I didn't buy.
So, a bit of background on the switcher... I originally planned for an 0-6-0 porter as the mine/yard goat. Ordered one, but shipping snafus sank that plan. Today, I stopped in to the local train store ( Yep, just trains. N, HO, O, and large scale). It's owned and run by a friend of mine who I've known for 20+ years. He had a box full of various makes and models of switchers, all from an eBay lot whose owner had questionable detailing practices. Picked this one out of the mess, ran it around the test loop, and paid the man $25 for it. It's a later IHC with a can motor, and it runs nicely. The downside was A) a pile of brass chain glued around the forward sand dome ( Mr T was jealous), and B) jewel-type marker lights glued to everything. Five forward-facing, four rear-facing, and two on the cab roof. After about two hours of work, I've got the shell stripped down and ready to re-paint. Vinegar will soften superglue, BTW...
Made a run out to the club last night and did some catching up.... looks nice, and way bigger than when I helped start it in 2001. I got back into the hobby just in time to help expand into the next room...

Oh, yeah- that guy in the corner with his hands behind his head? That's Steve. I've been friends with him since first grade. I also am responsible for his 1:87 scale addiction...
Hi-Temp stove paint is an acceptable alternative for engine black. Who knew?

In reply to Wally (Forum Supporter) :
I've decided to give the little docksider #5 on Sagebrush Flats' locomotive roster. The backstory is that an SFRC agent was in Baltimore around 1914-15, and saw one of these little C-16s. The company decided it was perfect for the mines, and ordered one to B&O's specifications. Since in real life there were only four built, SFRC's is the fictional 5th locomotive built.
From track plan to reality- stage one, anyways...

11/8/20 7:05 a.m.
This just got posted yesterday. This is a video of the On30 layout I help operate once a month...unless Kung Flu is in season, then we don't have ops sessions. Skip ahead to about the halfway point to see more of the scenery and not just a train running.
"Dead Rail" refers to it being battery power. When you have a full basement layout keeping the track clean and functional is a pretty daunting task. Steve went to small batteries and hand held throttles a couple years ago and they have worked very well.
In reply to ddavidv :
Dead rail is pretty neat stuff, for sure. Our club is HO scale, DCC operated.
My layout will be dcc eventually, but for now it's not even powered. Next up is more track, and then ground cover and ballast...
Here is the entirety of SFRC's motive power, along with the UP's local interchange switcher, a Baldwin VO-1000.

And a shot of Old No. 13 as she pulls a load of empties down the mainline...

Has it been 6 months already? Wow.
I have not been building my layout, mainly because I have been helping expand out at the club. We have a show coming up in June, and the expansion has the mainline laid and functional, with the yard being wired in right now. Anyways, I've been slowly building up my collection of rolling stock , and have been searching for a smallish caboose (not a bobber) that is suitably old timey for the 1910-20s. I've attempted to order two different kits, both supposedly in stock, so I could build a unique hack. After being back ordered twice, I got sick of it.
This caboose started life as an MDC old timer caboose kit. Tonight, I shortened it, glued it back together, and added some Kadee Andrews trucks and the grab irons, etc. It needs a bit of body work to hide the seams, but I've got a suitably cute wood-sided crummy to run behind my old-timey stuff.

That caboose's proportions has narrow gauge written all over it.
If you get a chance, I'd love to see some more pics of the "club layout".
kazoospec said:
If you get a chance, I'd love to see some more pics of the "club layout".
I'll be out there Friday, so I can take some pics and post them. We occupy an old building at the Idaho Farm and Ranch Museum. It's a pretty neat set up.