foxtrapper wrote:
The week to week and even month to month rooms and efficiencies work well for many a migrant worker. They can work well for you as well.
The local listings for rooms to rent. Many can be moved into the next day or so, if things are amicable between the parties.
For little local listings of rooms for rent, the local library board, the community college lounge board, grocery store boards, coffee shops, fast food stores often have a board as well.
There are times to hold out for wonderfullness, and times to take what you can find.
County offices also are a good place to touch base with. Mens shelters, various other living arangements.
And if you do in fact live out of your car, the truck stops will often let you use the shower for a nominal fee. A few pillows and a nice blanket make almost car reasonably comfortable for a night or two or even three.
Tents in a campground aren't bad, especially if you use the right sort of tent. Sometimes you can camp in a friends back yard for quite a long time. Worse comes to worse, you camp in the back of a quiet park. Get a subdued color tent to hide.
If you're a church type, and especially if you're a member of one, talk to the church.
His avatar is a Miata, not the best lace to sleep! Though, Ive been known to not be above it.
2/15/12 7:41 a.m.
In terms of getting your credit going, if you have any bills in your name, you have a credit score. I had an amazing credit score just by paying cable bill on time for two semesters. Even cell phone bills will give you a nice credit score, if paid on time.
I think a Poopshovel has it right, just look for someone who needs a roommate.
joey48442 wrote:
foxtrapper wrote:
The week to week and even month to month rooms and efficiencies work well for many a migrant worker. They can work well for you as well.
The local listings for rooms to rent. Many can be moved into the next day or so, if things are amicable between the parties.
For little local listings of rooms for rent, the local library board, the community college lounge board, grocery store boards, coffee shops, fast food stores often have a board as well.
There are times to hold out for wonderfullness, and times to take what you can find.
County offices also are a good place to touch base with. Mens shelters, various other living arangements.
And if you do in fact live out of your car, the truck stops will often let you use the shower for a nominal fee. A few pillows and a nice blanket make almost car reasonably comfortable for a night or two or even three.
Tents in a campground aren't bad, especially if you use the right sort of tent. Sometimes you can camp in a friends back yard for quite a long time. Worse comes to worse, you camp in the back of a quiet park. Get a subdued color tent to hide.
If you're a church type, and especially if you're a member of one, talk to the church.
His avatar is a Miata, not the best lace to sleep! Though, Ive been known to not be above it.
It's a 924.
Regardless of your religious preferences, just about anywhere you can find some Catholics that will be happy to help you in whatever you're most comfortable with. My limited experience tells me Baptist ministers will do they same without hesitation.
2/15/12 8:01 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
You need to stop looking for apartments and start looking for people who need a room-mate.
This is the truth!!
foxtrapper wrote:
Tents in a campground aren't bad, especially if you use the right sort of tent. Sometimes you can camp in a friends back yard for quite a long time. Worse comes to worse, you camp in the back of a quiet park. Get a subdued color tent to hide.
The legal/authorized campground in a state park is expensive, comparatively speaking. I'd avoid that.
Need a job? With your military history, I could hook you up in Saint Louis. Other than that, I think you've got the info you need already.
Good luck to you and your father. I hope you find safe housing soon.
As a landlord, I can say that credit history is important but not always the only factor. You don't have huge debt, you don't have a history of bankruptcy, and you don't have a criminal record. I would suggest avoiding corporate-run apartment complexes and try to find someone who owns property as a side income. Craigslist can be your friend here.
It can be tough to get good tenants these days. If you explain your situation and prove that you have a steady income, it might be enough. You will need paystubs, perhaps a letter from you employer. Offer to go on a month-to-month rental agreement so that if you become a deadbeat, you won't be their problem for long.
2/15/12 8:50 a.m.
In reply to MG Bryan:
Are 924's easier to sleep in than Miatas? 
You've got a lot of good input here. Keep your chin up.
Don't be ashamed, you've identified a problem and are taking steps to resolve it. That is all anybody can do.
Lots of good advice here, notably the idea of grabbing some short term week-to-week housing.
No need to be ashamed (as everybody else said).
Re the "government handouts" - you paid taxes and all the medicare/social security taxes etc on top of it, right? Some of that goes to provide a safety net for people in this sort of unfortunately situation - make use of it, that's what you paid in for.
2/15/12 9:38 a.m.
I don't have any advice to give (except to swallow your pride and except a hand-out if need-be) but I can offer my sympathy. After almost 2 years out of work and three little kids we were getting close to that point a while back.
This too will pass.
If you've got paystubs, an ID card from your workplace, and you're ex-military, just keep looking on Craigslist. There'll be people who want to help a veteran, and there's a good chance you'll find one soon.
But to add to your options - go and see the local housing authority. In addition to the gov't and subsidized housing, they'll probably know some local landlords whom people have rented from when they left gov't housing.
junkbuggie wrote:
To be completly frank I could be blowing this way out of proportion and hopfuly I am.
I don't think you're blowing it way out of proportion. Moving is stressful especially when there is a deadline involved. I've just done it so many times that I'm used to it.
You're doing it right though... you started looking right away, asking intelligent questions, and planning. Post on FB or CL that you need a couch for a week or so and you're willing to trade your mechanic skills, cooking talent, or house cleaning ability. When you go see these apartments, plead your case. Don't be afraid to lay it on a little thick, but don't make it look like you're "trash." Dress casual but clean and nice. Maybe jeans, a polo, and nice shoes? I've rented enough places to know that its one part income and history, and one part impression. If you meet all the financial requirements but you come across as a drug dealer, it won't work. If you don't quite meet the income requirements but you have a good handshake and give a good impression, you're in.
Thanks for the responce every one I was hopeing for things I did not think of and this has been a huge help.
as for the car it is a 924 that I striped out and sold the hatch, the side glass just got thrown out, it just has a windsheild and I live in wisconsin... but it will have to go I have 5 cars that wont fly at any apartment.
junkbuggie wrote:
Thanks for the responce every one I was hopeing for things I did not think of and this has been a huge help.
as for the car it is a 924 that I striped out and sold the hatch, the side glass just got thrown out, it just has a windsheild and I live in wisconsin... but it will have to go I have 5 cars that wont fly at any apartment.
There's some of your income right there. Put the ones you are getting rid of on Craigslist right now. Call all the local scrap yards and ask what they will pay your for vehicles they pick up and go that route if they don't sell. Around here you could get decent money out of just the scrap value.
Another couple of thoughts: Don't lock yourself into a long term lease even if you can. You have something very few people have right now: the ability to go anywhere you want. Have a dream? Chase it! In the last few years here Mosler has hired, Flyin Miata has hired, DIY autotune has hired, GRM has hired, and a Porsche specific performance place has hired. Week to week housing can be had anywhere so your job location is wide open. The other thought: once you find a place you want to stay, you might consider buying a home. The market is pretty cheap right now.
You're not overreacting... but i do think you might be looking on the pessimistic side of things in terms of an apartment.
At least... around here, if you wave some money, they give you a place.
I'd put up another endorsement for finding a some one who needs a roommate.
Even if you could afford an entire apartment right now, paying less to room with someone will give you a chance to build up a decent nest egg and get your financial life in order.
I lucked out the last time I had to make a quick housing switch and ended up sharing a house with two other guys who liked to game and home brew. Between us we had every console out, a killer LAN, and a fridge with two pony kegs that always had great beer on tap.
I now live with my fiance, but I'm going back to hang out with those guys tonight, and can say that I probably ended up with some of the best housing and friends I've ever had at a price that was cheaper than the smallest studio apartment I could find. (and they needed someone to move in right away, so it was a lot faster than the whole application process, ... oh, and one of them had these hot asian frinds... but that's another story...)
i dont mean to be indelicate, but what is father going to do?
madmallard wrote:
i dont mean to be indelicate, but what is father going to do?
I was going to ask the same..
I think he is moving to the new mexico but I just dont know. Its like he is deflated. I am woried but... Also I shoud metion that he has a pretty good nest egg so he wont be living in the street.
Nothing wrong with taking government handouts. Just ask the bank that just foreclosed on your home. 
2/15/12 12:47 p.m.
junkbuggie wrote:
Thanks for the responce every one I was hopeing for things I did not think of and this has been a huge help.
as for the car it is a 924 that I striped out and sold the hatch, the side glass just got thrown out, it just has a windsheild and I live in wisconsin... but it will have to go I have 5 cars that wont fly at any apartment.
5 cars in an apt is a problem? They never told me that. Of course I never told them I own 5 cars, either.
I don't have any advice to add. I was gonna write something long and useful, but then I realized that people got in on this ahead of me. I can say i've been in your position before, and as said, money talks. Military helps as well. I know damn well were you in MN, you'd have a spot at my place, no questions asked, at least til you figured it out.