In reply to Error404 :
So it's an innate quality of a person, something genetic mayhaps, that dictates who is likely to break the rules? That would make sense, then we just need to weed out the undesirables and we have ourselves a final solution. 
Wow, that's a stretch of monumental proportions. Care to share how you made that leap?
We have children going hungry at school because their parents can't afford to pay for meals. Now I know there's been a push to get those kids back into the packing plants but can you see how the preventable hunger of children might be a reduction in QoL? The working homeless that couldn't afford the latest round of rent hike? The vets who struggled for how many years to get their conditions, caused by burn pit exposure, covered by the govt? Congested cities navigable only by car or rural areas where Dollar Tree is the grocer because they drove the grocer under? The person rationing their medication?
No, we don't have children going hungry at school. Pretty much every school district in the nation has programs to feed hungry children. I'd also argue that the number of parents actually unable to afford to send their kid to school with a sandwich is minuscule. Despite that, California schools provide breakfast and lunch for every student...
Update of State Meal Mandate
Commencing in SY 2022–23, Education Code (EC) 49501.5 requires public school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools serving students in grades transitional kindergarten through grade 12 (TK–12) to provide two meals free of charge (breakfast and lunch) during each school day to students requesting a meal, regardless of their free or reduced-price meal eligibility.
They also provide meals on non school days. CA throws away enough food every day to feed every truly hungry child in the nation many times over.
Working homeless? What percentage of people are working homeless? How can you determine average quality of life based on statistical anomalies like the working homeless? All of your examples added together are statistically insignificant, and are not new phenomenon. They existed in the past, so can't be a significant factor in QOL comparisons.
We, as a nation, have put profit over people is it has definitely lead to decreased QoL for many people, creating situations where people feel desperate and under ever greater stress. Stress that can manifest as illness, both physical and mental. Or maybe those hungry kids should stop making poor choices, maybe get on down to the quarry and mine some bootstraps.
Again, confusing corelation with causation. Stress is not unique to poverty. It's about perspective. Division causes stress and desperation. Your message causes the very stress and desperation that you are trying to fix. Telling people that their situation is a result of unfairness and others peoples' greed just increases the stress and desperation, and doesn't fix anything. There is zero chance that it makes anyone happier. It does harm by justifying the actions that put them in the situation, or dissuades them from taking actions that would improve their situation. Any solution that does not involve personal responsibility is not a solution.
You also appear to be focused on the quality of life difference between the successful and poor vs. the actual quality of life. The truth is both have increased, but you are unhappy because the gap still exists. Tell me that the quality of life for a poor person was better in past decades than it is today.