fiat22turbo SuperDork
10/27/08 2:08 p.m.

Reflections on tinkering

I spent a really stimulating day yesterday at the Tinkering as a Mode of Knowledge conference, listening and talking to people like Dale Dougherty (founder of Make Magazine, the Maker Faire, etc.), Mitch Resnik (MIT Media Lab), Rick Prelinger (the Prelinger Library and online film collection), Anne Balsamo, and others. We're meeting for part of today, but I wanted to start reflecting on yesterday's discussion; and in particular, I want to get at the question of what tinkering is. Is it a unified body of practices? Is it a distinct set of skills? is it an historical moment? Is it just a trendy name? This is something we spent a fair amount of time discussing, either formally or informally, and the answer is: It's all of those. I also thinking there are a couple other important things that define tinkering.

What is Tinkering?

You can define tinkering in part in contrast to other activities. Mitch Resnick, for example, talks about how traditional technology-related planning is top-down, linear, structured, abstract, and rules-based, while tinkering is bottom-up, iterative, experimental, concrete, and object-oriented. (Resnick is very big on creating toys that invite tinkering.)

Anne Balsamo and Perry Hoberman have looked at a wide variety of tinkering activities, ranging from circuit bending to paper prototyping to open source to blogging. They argue that these varied activities are unified by a common set of principles or practices. (The following are just highlights.)

* Tinkerers improvise, iterate, and improve constantly.
* Tinkerers use materials at hand, combining heterogeneous parts and components (e.g., raw and finished materials, handmade and industrial objects, customized and personalized consumer products) in ways that push beyond the boundaries of their original contexts. As a result, tinkered objects tend to be collages, appropriations, and montages. Tinkering is bricolage.
* Tinkerers are also social animals. Their success depends in part on being able to tap into porous and ad-hoc communities. For most of what they do the manual is useless; other tinkerers are the only ones who are likely to have the information you need.

Tinkering isn't so much a specific set of technical skills: there tends to be a pretty instrumental view of knowledge. You pick up just enough knowledge about electronics, textiles, metals, programming, or paper-folding to figure out how to do what you want. It certainly respects skill, but skills are a means, not an end: mastery isn't the point, as it is for professionals. Competence and completion are.

Is Tinkering Shallow or Deep?

One of the things I talked with several people (Mike Kuniavsky in particular) about was how historically specific tinkering is. The deeper question is, is this just a flash in the pan, a trendy name without any substance underneath? The answer we came up with is that this is like a musical style, both the product of specific historical forces, and an expression of something deeper and more fundamental. (Think of jazz: you can talk about how it emerges in the early 20th century out of blues, ragtime, and other previous musical forms, reflects particular sociological and historical trends, and is guided by certain assumptions about beauty and what music is; but at the same time, it definitely expresses a deeper impulse to create music.)

Think of the historically contingent forces shaping tinkering first. I see several things influencing it:

* The counterculture. Around here, countercultural attitudes towards technology-- explored by John Markoff in What the Dormouse Said (here's my review of it), Theodore Roszak (his Satori to Silicon Valley is still one of the best essays on the historical relationship between the counterculture and personal computing) are still very strong, and the assumption that technologies should be used by people for personal empowerment. Tinkering bears a family resemblance to the activities embodied in the Whole Earth Catalog.
* Agile software. Mike sees some similarities between agile software development and tinkering; in particular, both are attempts to break out of traditional, hard-to-scale ways of creating things.
* The EULA rebellion. The fact that you're forbidden from opening a box, that some software companies insist that you're just renting their products, and that hardware makers intentionally cripple their devices, is a challenge to hackers and tinkerers. Tinkering is defined in part in terms of a resistance to consumer culture and the restrictive policies of corporations.
* Users as Innovators. The fundamental assumption that users can do cool, worthwhile, inspiring, innovative things is a huge driver. Tinkering is partly an answer to the traditional assumption that people who buy things are "consumers"-- passive, thoughtless, and reactive, people whose needs are not only served by companies, but are defined by them as well. When you tinker, you don't just take control of your stuff; you begin to take control of yourself. (John Thackara talks about user innovation wonderfully in his book In the Bubble. As C. K. Prahalad argues, this isn't a phenomenon restricted to users who are high-tech geeks: companies serving the base of the pyramid see the poor as innovators.)
* Open source. Pretty obvious. This is an ideological inspiration, and a social one: open source software development is a highly collective process that has created some interesting mechanisms for incorporating individual work into a larger system, while still providing credit and social capital for developers.
* The shift from means to meaning. This is a term that my Innovation Lab friends came up with a few years ago. Tinkering is a way of investing new meanings in things, or creating objects that mean something: by putting yourself into a device, or customizing it to better suit your needs, you're making that thing more meaningful. (Daniel Pink also talks about it in his book A Whole New Mind, on the shift from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. The geodesic dome is a great example of a technology whose meaning was defined-- and redefined-- by users.)
* From manual labor to manual leisure. Finally, I wouldn't discount the fact that you can see breaking open devices as a leisure activity, rather than something you do out of economic necessity, as influencing the movement. Two hundred years ago, tinkering as a social activity-- as something that you did as an act of resistance, curiosity, participation in a social movement, expression of a desire to invest things with meaning-- just didn't exist: it's what you did with stuff in order to survive the winter. Even fifty years ago, there was an assumption that "working with your hands" defined you as lower class: "My son won't work with his hands" was an aspiration declaration. Today, though, when many of us work in offices or stores, and lift things or run for leisure, manual labor can become a form of entertainment.

No doubt there are other sources you could point to-- microentrepreneurship or the growth of "jobbies," the presence of an infrastructure that supports the sharing and tracking of unique handmade things (from eBay to ThingLink).

Does Tinkering Matter?

That's a pretty varied list. And it suggests that tinkering is more than a local, Valley, geek leisure thing.

First, tinkering is a powerful form of learning. Even if it doesn't stress mastery of skills, tinkering does emphasize learning how to use your hands, learning how to use materials, and to engage with the physical world rather than the world of software or Second Life-- though tinkering does share a sensibility toward the world that lots of kids demonstrate to programs and virtual worlds: you just get in there, hit buttons, and see what happens.

This really matters because you can be creative with stuff in ways you can't with bits, and that the more you understand the possibilities and limitations or materials-- or more abstractly, if you learn how to develop that knowledge-- the smarter you become. In this respect, it dovetails with "a little-noticed movement in the world of professional design and engineering" that Gregg Zachary wrote about a few weeks ago: "a renewed appreciation for manual labor, or innovating with the aid of human hands." (I write about this at greater length on End of Cyberspace.)

Second, tinkering is forward-looking. It's partly about how we'll use and interact with technologies in the future. As much as any loose movement can be described this way, tinkering is a set of anticipatory practices, aimed at developing a sensibility about the future. It's a way to develop skills that are going to matter in the Conceptual Age, in the ubiquitous computing world. As we move into a world in which we can manufacture things as cheaply as we print them, the skills that tinkerers develop-- not just their ability to play with stuff, or to use particular tools, but to share their ideas and improve on the ideas of others-- will be huge. (I talk about this some in an article in Samsung's DigitAll Magazine.)

Finally, tinkering is an expression of the nature of our engagement with technology. If you buy the argument of Andy Clark that we are natural-born cyborgs, you can see tinkering as a form of co-evolution with technology, or a kind of symbiotic activity.

Mental SuperDork
10/27/08 3:13 p.m.

That is an interesting discussion, and I am probably cheapening it with my semi-sarcastic comment, but what if you mess with things and make them worse? I love to diassemble things and find out how they work, but I rarely improve them. I gain a decent academic undertsanding of their workings, but I cannot duplicate it most of the time.

I buy that it is a powerful form of learning and that it is forward looking, but it would imply an improvement in a skill set, like getting a better golf swing. I can tellyou how to hit the golf ball 300 yards, but I cannot do it. I could tell you how to properly rebuilt a carb, but mine will usually leak gas. Certianly I am better equiped to understand a carb than someone who has never messed with one, but I am actually learning if I cannot tinker to improvement?

I also like the idea of tinkering as leasuire, certainly that makes sense. I often liken what I do in my garage as the Bhuddist Monks who rake gravel. I clear my mind and I find it relaxing. (until I get mad and want to hurl wrenches, then its time for a beer)

SVreX SuperDork
10/27/08 4:50 p.m.

"Tinkering as a Mode of Knowledge conference"

Where do I sign up???

fiat22turbo SuperDork
10/27/08 5:17 p.m.

Well, here's a case in point:

I have an old big screen TV in my living room. I bought it for $300 from Craigslist a few years ago and it had been a little problematic for most of the time I've used it.

So I started trying to learn how to fix it, I bought some TV repair books and eventually decided that it was poorly built and much like an old car it would make more sense to gut it and put a more modern "engine" inside of it.

I found a working LCD projector at work (only 166hrs on the lamp!) that was being scrapped since it was out of warranty. I brought it home and pointed it at the TV and it worked reasonably well. During this time I was reading lots of sites on building your own LCD projector and some of the commons issues surrounding that.

Armed with that knowledge, I gutted the TV and placed the projector inside the base of the TV. We had an old mirror that was scratched that we replaced so I learned how to cut that and after making a mess of it, I ended up with a piece that worked well enough to use to redirect the projection to the original rear projection mirror. Other than the mirror being too small and the reflections from the glass portion of it causing striations in the image, it worked well.

The next piece was semi-permanentally mounting the new mirror, which I recycled a hinged service panel at the front of the TV, the panel used to hold the mixing board for the CRT guns. I mounted the mirror to that with some bathroom mirror mounts and adjusted the angle with some 1/4" bolts and a couple of springs from my HF spring assortment pack.

The final piece was to control the projector from the front of the TV. I didn't have the special RS-232/Serial/S-video cable that can be used to control the projector via telnet. I also didn't have the remote and InFocus doesn't publish their IR frequency codes. So, I popped the top off the projector and soldered a couple of wires to the power button pad on the circuit board. The wires were the original wires that ran to the control panel on the front of the TV and I just traced the wires that connected to the power button. I notched the cover for the projector to clear the wires and put it back together.

After using it for a few days, I have a few more things I'd like to tinker with to improve the image. A front surface mirror to remove the striations in the image. Make the mirror larger to make the final image larger. Changing from composite to S-video cable to further improve the image. A set of updated covers to block out the ambient light from the room getting into the TV.

Some things I discovered while playing with this: The quality control and technology used in rear projection TV's is crap. The companies obviously have a huge profit margin in these. An example is that on this TV, they used solid core wire for all of the connections. Plus the connections that were soldered weren't soldered well and the ends were trimmed leaving a lot of transmission towers in the circuits.

Growing up, I'd take things apart and usually I didn't improve them, I considered myself lucky to have had them work after the fact. When I was in middle school and high school I had already been spending time at the track with a family friend's formula ford, plus working in my dad's computer shop. Since we couldn't afford to go racing ourselves (dashing my hopes of being the next American F1 champion, heh) I started racing R/C cars, had some fun and learned a bit about maintenance and patience. I also took summer "fun" classes where we would use a real cartoon studio and equipment to make our own cartoons (mine featured a Voltron robot and Legos) as well as building rubber-band powered model airplanes.

Now, I'm the guy who fixes stuff. I'm also the one that comes up with solutions and isn't afraid to just fix the problem rather than throwing money at it. As Red Green said, "If you she doesn't find you handsome, at least she can find you handy!"

egnorant Dork
10/27/08 11:25 p.m.

For me, tinkering is a curse and a blessing. I can fix I rarely get the thrill of something brand new.

Tinkering is aquireing knowledge about how things work. Then using this knowledge for fun and profit.

Rebuilding my first automatic transmission at age 17 was an eyeopener. I realized that there was some truly intelligent, persistant and innovative people out there somewhere.


Mental SuperDork
10/28/08 9:24 a.m.

OK, then as I understand it, even when I don't fix stuff, the mere act of taking it apart and understanding its operation can (not an automatic) better prepare me to solve less technical problems becuase I do use that knowledge to think outside of traditional fixes?

Am I even close?

EastCoastMojo HalfDork
10/28/08 9:31 a.m.

Yes. I see the mind of the tinkerer as always seeking to understand something better. If you look for an answer, you are more likely to find it than if you wait for it to come to you.

I think a true tinkerer can take something apart just for the sheer joy of seeing the guts of it, even if they don't "improve" it. If you think about it, most people never see the inner workings of their car or that clock radio that died last year, or their gas furnace when it quits. They either get a new one or call someone to fix it if it is not a "disposable" item.

Enquiring minds want to know what's in there. What makes it tick, what controls the flame, what brings it to life. Who was here before me and what was he like? Everyone leaves their mark in life, but sometimes you have to look in new places to find it, or to leave your own.

Jensenman SuperDork
10/28/08 10:35 a.m.

ECM summed it up well. I am a tinkerer from hell, I do stupid things trying to get stuff to work better. I don't always succeed but I pretty much learn something every time.

NYG95GA Dork
10/28/08 10:47 a.m.
Mental wrote: I often liken what I do in my garage as the Bhuddist Monks who rake gravel. I clear my mind and I find it relaxing.

That's what it means to me; it's a Zen thing.

egnorant Dork
10/28/08 2:30 p.m.
NYG95GA wrote:
Mental wrote: I often liken what I do in my garage as the Bhuddist Monks who rake gravel. I clear my mind and I find it relaxing.
That's what it means to me; it's a Zen thing.

Zen, Yes it is!

Improving is also a key aspect. Build a bracket rather that just use 4 washers. Lawn mower wheels on that "portable"generator. Solar setup to keep all your cordless tools charged.. and run the shop radio, battery tender, workbench LED lights.

A lot of what I like is the joy of doing the job, not nessesarily the completed job. Often I get a project car and put a lot of work into it only to lose interest once it is fixed. I also prefer hand tools to power tools on most things unless I am seeing how fast I can accomplish something.


fasted58 Dork
7/26/11 8:14 p.m.

cheap canoe

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