3/6/16 1:45 p.m.
I'm looking for experience with sites or apps that we can use to help share pics from One Lap here while on route.
Basically, I want to be able to upload pictures from my phone to a cloud somewhere, then be able to copy the image address from those pictures so I can post them here.
Today I tried google photos and Amazon prime photos, neither will do what I'm looking for apparently, or I just haven't figured them out.
Dropbox will do it. Easy upload and it'll give you a link, but you have to tweak it to show the picture directly instead of a link to the picture.
Change Mar 04, 22 12 05.jpg?dl-0
to Mar 04, 22 12 05.jpg?raw=1
And it'll hotlink just fine.
If you don't mind paying for it - is awesome.
3/6/16 3:06 p.m.
WordPress is wonderful. It'll upload your media to your WordPress site and put the URL in your clipboard with minimal effort.
Most of my pictures are on Photobucket and I have no problem putting them here. Dropbox also works.
I don't ever have any problems with photobucket, many do though...probably cause no one is looking at my pictures 
Photobucket is my go to hosting site, and I link a ton of pictures. I pay $30 a year to get rid of adds, for extra bandwidth, and 30 gig of storage. Their mobile app does a pretty good job also. I've got 3-4 thousand images on there now.
Imgur is my go-to. Unlimited storage, dead-simple interface, fast, and accessible from everything.
Photobucket USED to be the best option, and still works well on a Laptop, but their mobile App is useless on the iPhone and not very good on other platforms.
I have looked and looked for a mobile app option that allows you to upload and then grab a link that works on this board, but none exist. The best you can do is having to grab and then edit code, pretty PITA.
3/7/16 8:50 a.m.
+4 Imgur.
Also 2 out of 2 Ross' approve of Imgur.
Blast from the past. Thanks, Suddards for allowing hosting in the board.
I'm usually posting in multiple locations and uploading to multiple sites is a pain. I'd rather do it once and link it. My Photobucket account is still up and running fine but my primary host site has been Smugmug for several years. It's pretty flawless.