Thinkkker said:
Vajingo said:
Thinkkker said:
PMRacing said:
What happened to the Church of the Holy Cone?
Yea, we did this like 10 or so years ago? I bet it is lost to the forum changover etc. My shirt as reverend of the faith was lost due to stainedness and such.
The stains of sin are something we all bear
And the wife must live happy to allow for the worship to continue.
Anoint her feet with oils... 75w90, Dex/Merc.
I think the scripture verses should all be GM RPO codes.
G:80 - And he saw that it had positraction, and it was good.
They're onto it, but as long as you vaguely base it on an existing religion (Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland) you're good to go.
Brother, do you have a moment to talk about our savior and King Ranch F150? His transfer case died to save your Kia Soul from the muddy ditch of hell. All he asks is that you accept him as your Ford and Savior.
I know we're all just having some fun word play, but I'm just making commentary on how a legit new religion would be thrown in jail, but as long as it is vaguely based on the predominant religion it is entirely ignored. You could do it. I won't say it's moral or ethical, but I would never personally condemn a religion that people truly believed was "the right path." I might believe they're whackjobs, but if they truly have faith that they're right, good on ya.
Consult your accountant and attorney, but based on what I'm reading you don't necessarily have to be a church to be exempt from property taxes in Florida. An Educational non-profit organization should suffice.
State law provides Florida non-profit organizations with opportunities for property tax relief through a number of property tax exemptions. (Florida Statutes 196.195, 196.1978, 196.196, 196.197, 196.2001, 196.2002) Exemptions are available, but not limited to, the following: Religious, Charitable, Literary, Scientific or Educational Non-Profit Organizations Affordable Housing Hospitals and Nursing Homes (non-profit) Educational Childcare – Gold Seal Quality Status If the property is used solely for the intended nonprofit status, the owner may be eligible for a total exemption from property taxes. However, only portions of the property used for the non-profit purpose are eligible for exemption. Portions of the property not actively used for the exempt use are considered taxable.
You could even add a garage, lift and allow members/sponsors to participate. If it's a successful charitable organization you could even pay yourself a modest salary as the foundation director (or preacher).
^^^this is smart^^^
less funny, but smart. Also probably a really good way to serve your community.
*I wonder what the minimum requirements would be for an educational non profit. Like, could you hold a bi-weekly "intro to maintenance" course for a couple hours? An hour? Once a month? Advertise on FB or something? Show folks how to change oil/filters, rotate/fill tires, just basics.
Is the Enchanting light for tire(d) souls service on Tuesday or Wednesday night?
And this is why we won't lock/retire old threads. Just revisited this thanks to canoe zombifying, and thoroughly entertained a year and a half later.
5/24/22 10:30 a.m.
Marjorie Suddard said:
And this is why we won't lock/retire old threads. Just revisited this thanks to canoe zombifying, and thoroughly entertained a year and a half later.
Good enuff'!
BTW, what does the OP mean by start a religion? That infers this isn't one... 
Noddaz said:
Marjorie Suddard said:
And this is why we won't lock/retire old threads. Just revisited this thanks to canoe zombifying, and thoroughly entertained a year and a half later.
Good enuff'!
BTW, what does the OP mean by start a religion? That infers this isn't one... 
I think that at this point we only qualify as a cult.
Marjorie Suddard said:
And this is why we won't lock/retire old threads. Just revisited this thanks to canoe zombifying, and thoroughly entertained a year and a half later.
...and I completely missed it the first time around.
02Pilot said:
You need hats. Then you can wear them in your driver's license photo. But they should not be required.
I'm in it for the hats. Already have a collander for special occasions, and for the top of my winter solstice tree.
First nomination is for a good-sized funnel, material and configuration of your choice.
Possible patron saint:

Beer Baron said:
Noddaz said:
Marjorie Suddard said:
And this is why we won't lock/retire old threads. Just revisited this thanks to canoe zombifying, and thoroughly entertained a year and a half later.
Good enuff'!
BTW, what does the OP mean by start a religion? That infers this isn't one... 
I think that at this point we only qualify as a cult.
We are the cult of creative cheap-asses
EDIT: Hmm present me posted the same thing past me did.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
They're onto it, but as long as you vaguely base it on an existing religion (Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland) you're good to go.
Acts 1:14
These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication

12/3/22 11:11 a.m.
In reply to gearheadmb :
I sense a holy war incoming over which Accord is The One.
It's the 3rd gen.

Beer Baron said:
Noddaz said:
Marjorie Suddard said:
And this is why we won't lock/retire old threads. Just revisited this thanks to canoe zombifying, and thoroughly entertained a year and a half later.
Good enuff'!
BTW, what does the OP mean by start a religion? That infers this isn't one... 
I think that at this point we only qualify as a cult.
Given that the only discernible difference between a cult and a religion is market share, I'm ok with where we are so far.