4/21/16 5:02 p.m.
On the flip side, my girlfriend constantly gets asked if her car belongs to me. It took months for her co-workers to believe it was hers.
She drives a bright yellow dc2 Integra, with black rims, tints, noisy exhaust and black bonnet (hood).
A while back she was pulled into an rbt (random breath test) and the young cop who tested her wouldn't believe her that it was her car. Went on for about five minutes till the senior officer ran the plates and said to the young cop, it's registered In her name, she's driving it, no problems here and waved her off.
Young cop just stood there in stunned silence.
On a similar note, she may be closetly gay... We just got her a forester, which seems to be the choice of lesbians every where.
Seriously though, girl cars, gay cars, whatever cars, are all just cars, it only bothers you if you let it.
4/21/16 5:07 p.m.
Whenever someone mentions such things, I ask them why they know so much about the rules of a game they profess not to play? Or do they?
4/21/16 5:13 p.m.
It's hot pink and driven by a woman. This is a "chick" car.
The more people worry about "chick cars", the lower the used price is for me... I'm conflicted because I hate sexism when it comes to cars but I also want to buy cheap used Miatas.
I just noticed I started driving around the same time the Miata debuted. I got my first one in '99. In all these years, I've never crossed paths with a Miata drivin' chick in distress who I could offer my meager wrenching to. Although, the last Miata specific shop I went to was run by a chick, who had a bad ass LS FD Rx, and a chick was charged with the theft of my last Miata. Chicks dig em.
4/21/16 6:10 p.m.
I spent a lot of years driving around in vagina repellent before I bought my first Miata. I'll take a chick car any day.
M030 wrote:
Im a teacher, and it seems that many young people I encounter believe fun cars are somehow less masculine to own. For example, I get a lot of flack from them for my old red Boxster, which, "girl's car" or not happens to be my favorite car I've ever owned. Heaven help you if you show up in a Miata or a VW Cabrio. Incidentally, I like driving both. A lot. Does anybody actually buy into that "girl's car" crap or are we all adults here and just drive what we like?
Chick cars are SUVs and minivans.
4/21/16 10:14 p.m.
Meh, I own a pickup truck with a cam louder than a Harley.
And an MX-3. Hmmm, maybe I'm bi too?
Lesley wrote:
Meh, I own a pickup truck with a cam louder than a Harley.
And an MX-3. Hmmm, maybe I'm bi too?
We need someone to do to automotive journalism what Prince did to music.
it's the same in boats.. it's "manly" to go out and buy a go-fast to get your thrills and scare the E36 M3 out of your passengers, but a small sailboat is considered "effeminate". But guess which boats the girls would prefer a day trip on?
4/22/16 8:56 a.m.
Can't see that happening anytime soon... but we can live in hope :-)
Beer Baron wrote:
Lesley wrote:
Meh, I own a pickup truck with a cam louder than a Harley.
And an MX-3. Hmmm, maybe I'm bi too?
We need someone to do to automotive journalism what Prince did to music.
4/22/16 9:19 a.m.
I cant believe this classic hasnt been posted.

In all my years of owning TR8s. I've only known one female TR8 owner and she was an automotive writer. Sure there have been a few two car families where the cars are called his and hers, but we all know whats going on there. I have 6 TR8s and my wife won't drive any of them, so I'm in no position to comment on the chick car thing. FWIW my 16 year old daughter wants a red Miata with a tan top because its cute and doesn't sound like one of my "race cars". Whenever I see a Subaru Baja, I always think chick car. Might have something to do with the rainbow sticker that always seems to be stuck on the backs of them. They are real popular here on Cape Cod.
I graduated from HS in 1965 and my first exposure to live motorsports was SCCA racing. So, to me, a small convertible is a Race Car.
The0retical wrote:
I like to pretend I'm an adult.
Thus, I picked the self-deprecating user name I have based on my ownership of "THE ANSWER" at the time. Joke 'em if they can't take a berkeley...
4/23/16 6:12 a.m.
In reply to secretariata:
I always thought that was a horse thing...