Who else is pumped for another exciting college football season? I know most of you could care less for this sport but I love it. College football is way better than the NFL and it's what I wait for all year (aside from Daytona 24 and Sebring 12 Hour).
Going to a plethora of games this year. Got season tickets to UCF but they have crappy home games so I might just go to one home game and to UCF vs. Miami in Miami. Going to UF vs. Miami, UF vs. South Carolina, and UF vs. FSU. New g/f goes to FSU so I might also go to FSU vs. Colorado in Jacksonville if it doesn't conflict with any other game or the challenge. Plus I'm graduating in December so I got a busy fall semester!
8/20/08 6:50 p.m.
UCF has been doing pretty well lately for a "commuter" school in Tampa. Put a bad scare into a few people last year. I'm a UM fan, and look forward to that game. Of course, they stand NO chance against the Coral Gables Assassins.
I'm not a huge stick and ball fan, but the current AP rankings look good to me.
USF = Tampa
UCF = Orlando
dyintorace wrote:
USF = Tampa
UCF = Orlando
lol yup.
I dunno, UCF put a scare on Texas last year. Now that the asshat QB is safely working at a bar instead of running an offense, we should be good. Although we did lose our best RB to ever grace the schools campus, we should still have a strong season. If we beat USF we'll have a good head of steam going into the Miami game.
Miami might struggle in G-ville this year too. There ain't gonna be no 23 point comeback either, Zook isn't there to screw it up.
DirtyBird222 wrote:
New g/f goes to FSU...
Into the dumb ones, then, ehh?
Miami "might" struggle in Gainesville? I wasn't aware they were playing Gainesville's Pop Warner team!
I REALLY want to see Georgia go all the way this year
(however historically they do have somewhat of a choking problem). My dream would be a USC v Georgia national championship and watch as Georgia destroys them. Quite frankly i am sick of the SEC teams getting shafted in the BCS. It is not our fault that our conference is far and away the toughest. 
JohnGalt wrote:
I REALLY want to see Georgia go all the way this year
(however historically they do have somewhat of a choking problem). My dream would be a USC v Georgia national championship and watch as Georgia destroys them. Quite frankly i am sick of the SEC teams getting shafted in the BCS. It is not our fault that our conference is far and away the toughest.
That would be cool. 1980 was a long time ago.
JohnGalt wrote:
I REALLY want to see Georgia go all the way this year
(however historically they do have somewhat of a choking problem).
"You rang?"
note: I'm not a huge fan of Tebow. I mean, the guy's got one move....
I don't know what any of you are talking about ... none of those teams are real college football!!
What is the only conference that has never lost a national championship since the BCS was established?
8/21/08 7:57 a.m.
DirtyBird222 wrote:
College football is way better than the NFL and it's what I wait for all year
When your pro teams are the Fish and the Bucs I guess college football is better
Now Waldo, don't start banging on my Bucs (fan since 79)
While I think Tebow is a great running back and a limp wristed nancy boy when it comes to a seven step drop, I still like the Gators.
8/21/08 8:18 a.m.
SoloSonett wrote:
O H......
I O...............
Should be a good year....right up to the National Championship.
The major suckage part is that our Time Warner Cable Company and The Big 10 network haven't come to terms on an agreement for brodacasting rights. So, we can only see certain games.
Have we played you guys before?
JFX001 wrote:
SoloSonett wrote:
O H......
I O...............
Should be a good year....right up to the National Championship.
The major suckage part is that our Time Warner Cable Company and The Big 10 network haven't come to terms on an agreement for brodacasting rights. So, we can only see certain games.
We get the big 10 network and CBS, which is All SEC all the time, which means it is all Gators or LSU all the time, both of which will end up on top of OSwho this year. (put that in your Beenie and smoke it ;) )
8/21/08 9:20 a.m.
You know.....I knew I shouldn't have posted......
Notice, I did say "right up to the National Championship". I'm happy as long as we have a winning season and kick Michigan's ass.
USC will throttle OSU, and I'm not just saying that b/c I'm a huge gator fan who hates OSU, I also hate USC just as much. It will be an exciting game to watch though.
ABC still has a deal with the Big 10 to broadcast all the major match-ups so you shouldn't worry to much about having the Big 10 network.
Tebow's throwing motion has gotten way better since his frosh year. He's pretty damn accurate now and can throw a laser. Way better than that QB up in Athens who is getting way to much hype.
I am a Penn State fan by rule that my sister goes there and that some of my own money has gone there to help her out (gets in trouble and instead of calling the other brother who is Mr. Big shot lawyer with all the money, she calls the one who is still in college as well). That still does not mean I like the Big 10.
I love football, I just think the NFL lacks the excitement of college ball. You also forgot to mention the kitty cats up in the northeast corner of the state.
Last year in one game Tebow threw a couple of 40+ yard ropes then turned around and did the limp flip thing. He kills me.
By the way Superman wears Chuck Norris underwear... Chuck Norris wears Tim Tebow underwear.
New Reader
8/21/08 11:09 a.m.
I'm a huge Buckeye fan, now living 30 minutes from Ann Arbor (she is a whore). My neighbors hate my flag that hangs on my front porch during football season.
I really hope the Bucks have a good season this year (and finish the season with two victories). We need to hush the haters.
College football is the only sport besides F1 that I care about. I can't wait for it to start. Go Purdue and Tennessee!!!