Getting use to the new website. Computers, to me, are like having the correct gear to wear when working the course at a auto-x or having all the good tools to change and take care of the wheels and tires. That said where do all these computer terms come from? Like cookies, URL, spyware, etc, etc. do they mean something or are they some words the programer liked. Could spam be called crap or rubbish and mean the same thing? Thanks.
Spyware is a good term, I think. It's any software that is installed on your computer (usually with your permission - read those End User License Agreements!) whose function is to gather information about you and / or your browsing habits and send the data back to some source to be used for planning for world domination - or marketing.
Cookies are little bits of data that your computer saves for its own use. They help web pages load faster, they can save your password information for sites you use often (GRM), and they can do other things as well. They are so named, I suppose, because they taste suspiciously like oatmeal rasin cookies.
Can't remember what URL stands for. But I'm sure it makes sense to somebody here.
URL is Uniform Resource Locator, which is an indescribably geeky way to say we're going to have a standardized way of saying where this THING can be found. Later, some even geekier geeks tried to get it replaced by URI, but even the other geeks said that was just getting ridiculous. Meanwhile, all the normal people in the world just called it a web address, much to irritation of the geeks, who insisted it's not technically an address. Technically.
I have no idea how cookies got their name.
Spam was partially named as a tribute to Monty Python.
I wouldn't say spyware is good:omg:
New Reader
5/28/08 10:33 p.m.
I don't like spam
You could order the spam, eggs, sausage and spam. There's not THAT much spam in it....
5/29/08 12:32 a.m.
spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spamity spam spamity spamity spam
5/29/08 7:59 a.m.

Now in single slice pouches for emergencies.
I wish we had Google Ads on the left.
No really, I love the SPAM recipes. I cook it up and ship it to the neighbors.