11/24/09 3:52 p.m.
Last week I saw a Dorlean toolin' around Charlotte. I doubt it is a DD but it just seemed weird to see one out mid-week in lunch traffic.
Today I saw a Citroën 2CV in Lake Wylie, SC. I've never seen one in person before. They are not pretty.
What would happen to a Smart car if it hit a deer? I've seen them in city traffic enough to ignore now but I saw one near home on the country two-lanes. It made me wonder what would happen in a Smart vs. deer meeting.
11/24/09 3:54 p.m.
Bambi would get a Mensa card.
I saw a genuine, for-real Hyundai Pony today in somebody's driveway in Toronto. With plates on it, too. I'm not saying the sight made my heart skip a beat or anything, but it must be at least ten years since I saw one.
rmarkc wrote:
What would happen to a Smart car if it hit a deer? I've seen them in city traffic enough to ignore now but I saw one near home on the country two-lanes. It made me wonder what would happen in a Smart vs. deer meeting.
nothing.. The deer in that part of the world are about the size of small dogs up here.
but... If cletus did hit a deer while driving his smart car, He'd probably throw it on the roof and drive it home. There he would have ma and pa prepare the deer for eatings...
Thats what would happen.
There's an older farm couple who go to church with my wife. I've known they have a Delorean for a couple years, but I just found out this weekend they bought it brand new!
They apparently have a "kit" that goes on the back to make it look like the Back to the Future car, and they were telling me how back in the day they'd have all the kids going crazy about it. They brought it out again for the church's Halloween event(and dressed like the characters too, apparently), and were a bit when none of the kids knew what it was - but all the parents went crazy for it! 
I've already called dibs on the car....
11/24/09 11:39 p.m.
I drove one last summer. It was pretty cool, but really underpowered with horrendously ineffectual brakes. So what... it was a DeLorean!
11/24/09 11:44 p.m.
I caddied for a guy who said it was his favorite car (he's currently in a Lotus.) He said that the thing was great, did everything he wanted it to... except he couldn't pay tolls!
On the sightings, I saw a Tesla today. Pretty cool car, and really quick. I hope that it works out.
11/25/09 12:08 a.m.
mtn wrote:
I caddied for a guy who said it was his favorite car (he's currently in a Lotus.)
I believe Collin Chapman designed the suspension for the DeLorean.
11/25/09 12:23 a.m.
Yup. And it looks quite similar to an Esprit.
11/25/09 3:45 a.m.
Colin Chapman basically co-developed the whole car with John Z. They share quite a bit of DNA with the contemporary Esprits. Here's one at the Lotus factory meet last month:

I know they're not actually great sports cars, but I've throroughly convinced myself that I want one. Soooo cool.