I finally got a chance this week to sit down with the forza 3 demo and see how i stack up in times. I definitely like the online leaderboards and all that I've read about the online community content for the main game. I got a good 20-30 laps in with each of the 5 demo cars and am in the top 1-5% overall with them, but I wanted to see who here is playing and where everyone stacks up.
Here we go:
Mini: 1:15.452
Evo: 1:13.868
Ferrari: 1:10.432
R8: 1:06.333
GT3: 1:04.378
I never played forza2 online, but with my housemate at school with an Xbox live account, I'll definitely be interested in some GRM races when the game comes out. The gamertag i'll be using is falco150. Let me know your tag so i can start to get them into the xbox.
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
10/1/09 1:28 p.m.
I only played with it for a few laps. I hate that circuit, but love the way the game is looking. Can't wait for the full game to be released! (Check the video for Fujimi Kaido—it looks fantastic!)
BTW, my gamertag is GRM Tom. Don't cuss, though, because it might be my kids.
Holy Crap! I've got to download that tonight!!
I haven't played the 3 demo yet, but I just started playing 2 about 4mos. ago. I love it. All it needs is more tracks & more cars (which everyone says 3 will have!).
The only thing GT still does better is the fictional tracks. Those "proving ground" things make me feel like someone's locked me inside a Malibu Grand Prix.
I want a minigame in 3 where I can carpetbomb any racetrack named after a snake.
Honestly, all I do in Forza 3 is try over and over again to do as much damage as possible to my car and the others around me. If two of us are on our roofs after a catastrophic, front-end collision; so much the better.
confuZion3 wrote:
Honestly, all I do in Forza 3 is try over and over again to do as much damage as possible to my car and the others around me. If two of us are on our roofs after a catastrophic, front-end collision; so much the better.
oh come on if i wanted that i'd just play Viper Racing (see if anyone gets that reference...), or Papayrus indycar racing 2....
sounds like someone can't beat my time trial times...
confuZion3 wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
I want a minigame in 3 where I can carpetbomb any racetrack named after a snake.
That's awesome!
That's also why I gave up on my "new" game I was tellin' y'all about when we played online last week..and just coughed up more money to get my old game connected to xbox live. You would have laughed at me switching back & forth between the two accounts, gifting my few decent cars in the other profile to myself.
I'd rather spend money than go through those ridiculous things again. IMO, Turn 10 shoulda just ripped off Polyphony Digital's fictional courses like Konami did in Enthusia, instead of wasting so many polygons on that Malibu Grand Prix BMW E36.
I guess I wouldn't mind those go-kart tracks so much, if they gave me a kart to drive them...
All you Forza online players here, you have a new Friend Request. I'm letting the old Gamertag die. New one is "friedgrncorrado".
Tried it out a lil' bit this weekend... currently playing on a 15" screen 4:3 letterboxed to 16:9, but had pretty decent times.
I don't even remember my times, but I was in top 25% on the Evo, and around 43rd percentile on the others.
I absolutely need to find a bigger screen soon... I'm playing on wife's old computer monitor right now. I can barely see the track on that thing. It's like trying to drive while looking in the wrong end of binoculars.
I haven't played for almost a week, way too busy with school and work but I just checked my times and I haven't fallen too far down the leaderboards. With a little more practice with some of the slower cars I'm sure I could get my times down again.
As far as the track, I really like it because of its mix of high and low speed corners, but it is super frustrating at times. The subtle differences in the on some of the exits of the corners that can unsettle the car depending on your line is really great and rewarding. I lost count of how many times I would try to push a little to hard coming out of a corner and end up scrubbing off way too much speed.
GT3 - 1:00.828
R8 - 1:05.902
California - 1:09.169
EVO X - 1:12.898
Mini - 1:14.898
P.S. My gamertag is Chester Rumble and play with all Assists OFF, manual clutch and difficulty/damage all on hard/simulation.
I feel lots better...
I just ran top 10% times for all the cars...
10/6/09 6:43 p.m.
Where are people getting the Forza 3 demo? Is it a downloadable content? I hunted a bit, but wasn't sure where to look.
Yeah its on the XBOX Live Marketplace. Go to the Game Content tab and it should be on the Recent or Popular content.
ok chester i knew someone would give me a target. i'm a second or less off all your times except the gt3, i'll try and beat them in the next few days .
Do you use a steering wheel or just a regular controller? I found that I with just the controller i can't modulate the brakes enough to keep them from locking up terribly with ABS off, so i keep it on. How do you brake effectively w/o ABS, and is it faster?
Other than ABS i have no assists, simulation damage, etc.
I wish I had a steering wheel. It didn't take me all that much time in Forza 2 to run consistently without ABS, but the few fits of frustration in online races was well worth it. I told a friend of mine to practice without it and he has trumped my time in the GT3 by a good second. For me it is faster, but it's not for everyone. It is easier with Forza 2 obvioulsy because we have the full game and can adjust the brake pressure and balance.
If you have a spare hour or two, I'd just do some hot laps and get some speed up and find the sweet spots for applying the brakes without locking them up.
I kind of ruined the lesser cars for myself in the demo though. I went straight for the GT3 and raced with that for a few days and then went back to try the other cars. Oddly enough I find the Mini Cooper to be horrible and a lot of fun at the same time. The new physics engine and tire physics really make it feel like a FWD. Whereas for me in F2 every FWD generally felt the same unless you went crazy with the weird tunes.
What is your gamertag James?
falco150. Its my housemate's, so you can never know who's on but for the most part all i play is forza 3 so that will be a giveaway. Yeah I never got past the "few fits of frustration" part with ABS off. I guess i should give it another chance.
Hehe it takes time. I'll send you a friend request the next time I'm online. School is really killing me so I'm only on every few days, and even then it's for less than an hour.