New Reader
3/23/13 8:01 a.m.
so yeah, gas pump handle got stuck and i got hit with about $.50 worth of gasoline and i cant get the smell out. doesnt really bother me that much but i work at a marketing company and i dont think my coworkers like cars as much as me. i had it sitting in a bucket full of water and tide that i changed a few times over about a 12 hour period and havent had much luck. suggestions for killing the odor?
Hang them outside for a couple of days. A good day of rain followed by a couple of days of sun should take care of it.
Washing machine doesn't work? It's always worked for me.
since match has already been mentioned. Shotgun?
Washer, use extra detergent.
My washing machine has a warning against putting anything in it that can ignite. I would leave it outside for several days first to be sure.
Simple Green as laundry detergent.
It works great for all shop clothes and it isn't flammable or hard on the environment if you have septic.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
My washing machine has a warning against putting anything in it that can ignite. I would leave it outside for several days first to be sure.
i've washed loads of greasy rags in the past.. nothing ever 'sploded.. of course that was in an old style machine that actually soaked things and not one of these new machines that use small squirts of water and black magic to clean clothes...
Sugar. Use sugar. Seriously.
i heard freezing helps...
EastCoastMojo wrote:
My washing machine has a warning against putting anything in it that can ignite. I would leave it outside for several days first to be sure.
That's a warning for the same people that pour gasoline straight out of the can onto campfires and expect to not end up in a burn ward.
New Reader
3/23/13 8:16 p.m.
i had them just sitting in the washing machine trying to find some advice on cleaning them with stuff that i actually had. i had to run the machine like 4 on heavy load to get the smell out. i have a newer front loader that i'd rather not mess up. got them out on the porch, they smell like tide and gas. i guess ill wash all my other stuff and then try the jeans in case the machine gets full of gas funk again. thanks for the advice everyone
I prefer the smell of diesel... So when I get gas on my jeans I just soak them in diesel. Problem solved.
Dawn dish liquid and an old pair of children's sneakers (to beat the clothing) in the washer will usually do it. I add a cup of vinegar to my worst stains ie: transmission fluid.
If it were race fuel I'd just let it go. 
3/23/13 9:24 p.m.
Get back to me when you figure out how to get rid of the smell of gearlube...
Jay_W wrote:
Get back to me when you figure out how to get rid of the smell of gearlube...
Again... Simple Green as laundry detergent.
From their own website:
Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner can be used on any washable surface, from floors and walls to laundry (see Applications/Dilution Ratio Chart). It removes the toughest stains including dirt, grease, oil, pet stains, coffee & juice stains, lipstick, blood, adhesives & much more!