There's a town to the west of me (Hanover PA) who found themselves in a water emergency a couple years ago; while 2 miles out of town are two quarries with approx 75 feet of water in them. The quarry owner would most likely be very happy to let them have the water.
The eco weenies always screech we are 'destroying the Earth's water'. Water is damned difficult to destroy, it is continually recycled. The water in your coffee has been through literally billions of kidneys.
Like Dave says, that doesn't mean we should pollute it.
The point is, the eco weenies will use misleading terms to describe things they don't like and do so on purpose in an effort to stir up hysteria.
destoying clean water... we can always purify more.. but it is expensive.. as is trucking it to localised places of drought.
One of biggest water wasters every is Vegas
Its expensive now because we are not doing it on a large scale. If water truly becomes scarce someone will import it on a large scale and drop the price.
If water ever gets VERY scarce you just do what the Saudi's do to get their H2O and run huge salt water distilleries and turn yucky salt water into tasty clean water. Sure the plants cost a few billion to build, but whats a few billion to the federal government.
Just scale up the pee recycler on the space station.
Oh yes, because I'm sure lots of American's would be cool with that.
Imagine what happens when Pee-Recycler decides not work...
hopefully there would be automatic sensor to determine when it's water and when it urine.
I live in Upstate NY. 60 yrs. ago, my parents were out working in the fields in March, the snow being long gone.
Then in 1970 the temperature never went above zero for the month of January,
So it goes in cycles.
Yea, I remember as a young child in the 70s that we used to get a lot of snow down here in South Jersey. We would get at least one storm a year we called a "blizzard" that would dump a couple of feet and bury us all in snow and drifts and basically shut down everything for a week.
I do miss those days.
I've got to dig up the picture I have of the parents IHC beside the 15' snowdrift. it's a polaroid dated Feb 81