In which a group of people choose to divide themselves into teams, declare an objective and set out to achieve it using only items purchased at a Goodwill, Salvation Army or other thrift store.
Objective - launch any projectile, points will be awarded based on distance thrown, style and whimsy.
Budget - $25
Scavenging/construction time - Saturday 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Launch time - Saturday 6:30pm
Dinner/awards/demerits Saturday 7:30pm
where is this going down? I think this should be a challenge after party game.
Wine induced idea, it hasn't happened yet. I'll post pictures/video/police reports if it ever actually comes to fruition.
Pick a Saturday.
At 2:00pm est (11:00 pst) the objective is provided via email.
At 6:30pm est (3:30 pst) the objective must be filmed. Film must include unalterable time source such as that received over cell phone or GPS.
I think this has potential to be epic!
Reminds me of junkyard wars!
i kinda wanna get this hooked up with some buddies. this would be kick ass
jrw1621 wrote:
Pick a Saturday.
At 2:00pm est (11:00 pst) the objective is provided via email.
At 6:30pm est (3:30 pst) the objective must be filmed. Film must include unalterable time source such as that received over cell phone or GPS.
I was planning on doing the game as a local event but I like this idea. I'm not worried about cheating, if someone wants to spend extra time to build something truly epic, so be it.
If anyone wants to do this thing just revive this thread a few days in advance to provide other people the option to join in.
I'd like to see us come up with some more good "objectives" right here in the thread. The idea is awesome...we just need objectives!
This sounds fun. I'm in.
• Maybe a little more time for the build? Like objective at 10am, upload of final product by 6pm? Four hours is barely enough time to go shopping where I live.
And, yeah, a few days notice of when it's occurring wouldn't hurt.
Clem, I'm all about new and better objectives suggest away sir.
JG - 10:00 - 6:00 is a good idea, more time for filthy ideas to be fleshed out.
Filthy flesh sounds appropriate.
1/7/10 11:14 a.m.
I might be in if I am not busy with school.
Just talked to a couple friends, I think we're in.
I'm trying to put a team together for this Saturday, I'll do it solo if I must.
This Saturday is a go then, Thrift Battle number one!
Unless someone has a better objective I think we should go with the projectile launch idea, it's simple and satisfying.
ansonivan wrote:
JG - 10:00 - 6:00 is a good idea, more time for filthy ideas to be fleshed out.
Be mindful of time zones since 10am est is 7am pst, the stores will not be open in California (if this even matters.)
Also be mindful of early setting sun (darkness) if an outdoor launch filming is planned.
You should have a standard projectile. [edit: I said "should" but really intended "might"] An engineers week contest from back in the day was an egg catapult.
I'm not suggesting an egg, but they're available in standard sizes pretty much everywhere...
Or a 12 oz can of beer (wasteful?), tennis ball, or something along those lines.
You know, what we have here is the making of a Reality Style TV show, maybe broadcast over the web like youtube. Certainly, the low dollar exposure for a Charity like GoodWill would be exceptional.
jrw1621 wrote:
ansonivan wrote:
JG - 10:00 - 6:00 is a good idea, more time for filthy ideas to be fleshed out.
Be mindful of time zones since 10am est is 7am pst, the stores will not be open in California (if this even matters.)
Also be mindful of early setting sun (darkness) if an outdoor launch filming is planned.
The3n how about something even simpler like the challenge is posted in the morning and the proof needs to be posted in the evening. I'm not going to bust a guy's hump for building a death contraption a few minutes slower or faster than me.
ClemSparks wrote:
You should have a standard projectile. An engineers week contest from back in the day was an egg catapult.
Standard projectile is good because it adds a constant to an otherwise wildly varied contest, it's bad because less weird things would be flying through the air thus cutting down on the whimsy. Imagine someone finding a way to propel a bowling ball over a significant distance, we shouldn't deprive ourselves of the possibility of seeing such a thing
At least for this battle the objective is already known so there's no reason not to start scrounging and building at once. Submissions due by midnight on Saturday, late submissions will be docked a million points.
Points are completely worthless and can be redeemed for nothing. 
ansonivan wrote:
Standard projectile is bad because less weird things would be flying through the air thus cutting down on the whimsy. Imagine someone finding a way to propel a bowling ball over a significant distance, we shouldn't deprive ourselves of the possibility of seeing such a thing
I agree wholeheartedly. The projectile should be amongst the thrift store purchases. I may not be able to participate this weekend, but I'll be watching intently. Excellent idea.
how's about transporting the average 10 year old kid 2 miles without breaking? better yet, you can only use elmer's glue, staples, and bazooka bubble gum to fasten it up!