Oof, I'm a bad person. My goody box arrived from Utah on Monday. Daughter unit and I unpacked it while I took pictures.....and then I got ADD and haven't shared with the class. Mea Culpa.

Daughter, fresh from the garage where we were working on her sisters car. New wheel bearings.

Karma looks unsure about the process.

Top layer, cool.

License plates for the collection. One day I'll have enough to do something properly ricey like build a spoiler out of them.

miniature AK and matching sticker. Both claimed by the girls. Weirdly the AK has working pieces, down to tiny bullets that cycle through the chamber.

Here we go, small belt, fuse holder, luggage strap, and a lizard slingshot (also claimed by a girl). If that is related to the lizard that I found in a project car recently, top level sleuthing!

Charger for my old Dewalt tools, choke cable, pencils, brake bleeder (always useful), a survival bracelet (again claimed), pegboard brackets (how did you know? I always need more of them!) and an AC charge hose (amusing I sent one out with my package).

Now we're getting deep. Pot scrubbers, pressure gauge, some connectors, and a tyvek suit. And motor mounts! What motor and what chassis I wonder? This is the sort of thing that builds are based on (scary thought). The cylindrical doodad is stumping me. I want to say it's part of a garage door spring system? Is that even close?

Some wire, safety glasses with angry eyebrows, a wrench, a badge to an MX-6 I owned 20 years ago, and some chain (timing?), bearings I need to look up, and an old school bungee cord.

And finally more license plates for that aero package in the future.
Thanks Utah, it's an amazing haul and includes some very useful items.