RacetruckRon said:
A box from South Carolina arrived last week, my box is finally with the USPS hopefully screaming "East Bound and Down!" When it first arrived brown dog 1 and 2 had to investigate, brown dog 2 actually sat still long enough to get a picture which is a very rare occurrence given his 9 months of pure puppy energy. Mrs. Racetruck very much enjoyed the artwork on the box.

First layer had a thermocouple, some PEZ, bubbles and some stickers. The gorilla riding a unicorn sticker is awesome and is going to have to go on the garage fridge.

Both brown dogs had to investigate the thermocouple thoroughly, it must have good sniffs. This is cool and may end up on the Saab or some other turbo car.

Zipties, a bronze pilot bushing that looks like it might actually work for my truck, several fashion accessories, a piston/connecting rod with what appears to be a GM part number, the elusive 10mm and a zippo lighter.

Apparently I need to buy a FC RX7 and turbo it according to the literature in this box. From the RX7 and internet sleuthing I'm pretty sure this box came from wvumtnbkr, Thanks dude!

The brown dogs like the sunglasses, there was some jealousy involved. Blurry action shots of the gentle brown beasts.

Glad you enjoyed it!
My 4 and 7 year old daughters did the artwork. They enjoyed it! They also said that I MUST put in the bubbles and the pez dispenser.
The revtronics box is for a singal amplifier for the thermocouple for data telemetry to read the thermocouple. That's all brand new and I was gonna use it for my racecar, but I don't really care enough to do it. Especially since it's NA.
The piston is from a gm lx9 3500 engine. It is a multiple race winning engine that I destroyed by getting greedy and not stopping for more oil even though the dashboard was telling me to. That specific rod and piston burnt up a bearing.
The big gorilla sticker is specific to my team and was custom made for me. It is from gorilla stickers....
Last year, I was chatting with the gorilla sticker dudes at gingerman raceway after me and my buddies team had just won the Saturday race (the black coozie that says CYR is his team). I asked if I could get a unicorn sticker from the gorilla stocker guys...
On Sunday, They brought me 3 or 4 of those gorillas riding a unicorn!
P.s. those zipties are HIGHLY rated. Those are the strongest multicolor zipties I have ever found. They are sooper strong for their size imho.
Thanks for posting and giving me that shot of dopamine!
I did do some sleuthing and figured out who you were before hand, however, I didn't have anything on hand that I could cater towards your vehicles!
Oh yea, those sunglasses might be good ones. They were found at a fancy restaurant and turned into the lost and found. After a week, they called me and let me have them. The zippo was likewise a found item.