As mentioned earlier, my special assortment of lovingly curated cash and prizes (some restrictions apply) arrived today. Let's chunk 'er up on the operating table and give it a good sniff. Lift with your legs, boys, she's a big'un.
Aha! An clue. "2nd time is the charm." And an other clue, in the form of the unofficial GRM motto: "rattle inevitable". Can confirm, she had a little bit of the jingle jangle about her.

The first cut is made, accompanied by the first and by no means the last urgent request: "can I see?"

Is that, it can't be. Well, maybe. Patience. First, the literature, and hot on their heels, some rather excellent Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. The boy can sniff these things out with speed, accuracy, and collateral damage rivaling that of a starving Doberman getting radar lock on a dropped Salisbury steak. He suddenly forgot the definition of the word "share" and announced, with conviction, that those cars were for him.

Next, a toasty-warm ice scraping mitt. I'm told I was born in Missouri, and this sort of gives me a clue as to why we didn't stay there. Also partly visible at the bottom of the pitcher is the Hammer Store Comprehensive Collector's Edition 10mm Socket Collection. Welp, there goes my standing excuse to not take on any new repair or maintenance tasks.

There are more tools, including a 10mm end wrench and a small adjustable wrench that is somehow rusted solid, perhaps deliberately, with jaws adjusted to 10mm. The aforementioned Little Buddy patently refused to no moleste a 7/16 flippy floppy open-end and socket combination wrench. For my next funeral or mitzvah, a necktie emblazoned with an assortment of Rad-era sports cars. Also, stickers, collected and/or created by someone with a fine sense of humo(u)r.

Neatly and nearly lastly, some Quality Audio Gear in the form of a (probably also Rad-era) Radio Shack four-way speaker switch. Little Monohue took immense satisfaction in the analog pushbutton switches on the front and even more in the twenty (!) snap-action speaker wire terminals on the back.

And finally, the reason for all that road-hugging weight - break out the good paper towels, little darlin', we got us a turbocharger, a gosh-darn New Year's Game turbo. The thing passes the spin test and isn't dripping with oil, which is pretty much perfection by my (variable and seldom enforced) standards. It's an RHB5 VJ11, which the interthing suggests came from a Probe GT or MX6. I haven't seen either one in years, but I do have an MX6 intercooler stashed away somewhere for no good reason.

I now feel the need to apologize humbly to my victim for not including a turbocharger in his box. There's always next year.
Thanks, psteav! Nice work!