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DrBoost MegaDork
7/28/20 7:25 p.m.

PMR, did you say how much thisnos costing you?  If not, do you mind sharing?  I'm very interested.....

PMRacing UltraDork
7/28/20 7:34 p.m.

In reply to DrBoost :

It'll probably be around $[redacted at request of coach, pricing is custom tailored] by the time all is done.  Not cheap but should pay for itself. But even if I don't make more with the next job if it helps keep me employed it will have been worth it. 

The sessions are a fixed cost. And he has a monthly retainer fee for email, text, and access to industry reports I can't get without larger payments. I was skceptical at first but knowing someone who has worked with him before, and after talking with him on  the first call and his detailed proposal I felt more comfortable. So far it has been worth it. 

z31maniac MegaDork
7/29/20 8:20 a.m.

I don't even need these services at the moment, but your experience has me thinking. Maybe I should work with a guy like that to get my current resume and LinkedIn profile really dialed in. 

After February the last of my sign-on bonus RSU's will have vested, so a call like I got at the end of last year (interview for a management position at a cyber security company in another state) becomes more feasible. 

PMRacing UltraDork
7/29/20 10:17 a.m.

In reply to z31maniac :

Just make sure you interview them and get references, like any other big job you are getting bids for. You don't want a cookie cutter do X, Y, Z and this happens.  This guy actually is making me work, and the results will be of my doing. But He is having me do things I wouldn't have thought of, making suggestions on email wording, prepping me to prepare for things, etc. So be prepared. Nothing is handed to you. If it is, it isn't customized to you and may or may not work for you. As trusted co-workers or friends if they have anyone they'd recommend.

I think I said this before, but I am probably considered an "expert" driver and instructor, yet I still get training to improve. I am not an expert job hunter, so I called in for reinforcements.  Job hunting has become my second job at the moment and will be until I am occupationally secured. Good and bad for me is I have a niche skillset currently (Vehicle dynamics simulation and ride development). I can do lots of stuff, but my specialty is in a narrow window. When someone needs it, it will be great. However, a lot of companies don't realize they need it. This is another thing the coach is helping me with is opening up opportunities that may not be officially there, and expanding my window to see if my niche can fill gaps in other places. 

PMRacing UltraDork
8/11/20 12:59 p.m.

I've had two more sessions with my coach.  These will be the last two for a few weeks until I start getting responses from potential employers.  It's all on me now to apply what I have learned. Once I get some traction with companies, the next sessions will include things like negotiating a better starting salary/benefits and how to make sure your first 100 days are successful. 

One session was a deep dive into building a resume off of a job description based on my generic resume. However, it was tweaked to make sure it would pass thorough any automated filters. We also expanded on networking a bit and trying to get the resume into the hands of someone on the inside instead of going through the same door everyone else does. This involved more LinkedIn work and trying to find who I know connected to someone at the companies of interest. And it worked! Two target companies I had connections at and was able to get introductions to someone on the inside. They both have my resume in their hands now. It is now up to me to follow up and keep myself on their radar.

The latest session was a mock interview. My coach was the interviewer and I was the candidate. We did a full 45 minutes of interview then about a half hour of follow up and review. He asked questions based on my resume, asked me the usual what was a mistake or challenge you had questions, etc. Afterwards, we reviewed my answers and he gave suggestions on how to tweak them to make a better impression. I ranked myself 8-8.5/10. He ranked me 7-7.5 and gave me feedback on what could be better and why. My answers were good, but not great. They could have used some more substance to be great and I now know what that substance is. 

So here's my 30 second pitch if any of you in GRM land know of positions in the Detroit area.

I am an automotive development and vehicle dynamics simulation engineer who specializes in vehicle simulation and simulation tuning methods. I seek to combine my interests in high performance driving and vehicle performance simulation with my hands-on, analytical, and innovative problem solving skills.  I am looking for a role in Vehicle Dynamics Development in the Automotive or Motorsports industries. My LinkedIn can be found here: (EDIT: Removed link for tracability purposes...don't really want being written here to get back to my company. If you want my LinkedIn info, PM me).

PMRacing UltraDork
9/10/20 11:26 a.m.

Update time.

I'm still working with the Career Coach, but on more of an as needed basis now. I have a couple of irons in the fire that I hope pan out thanks to networking and some luck.

But the bigger news is I am now not being laid off.  I have paperwork in hand for that and I have a few days to review and sign. Now I have time to find the right career path and not the I need something right now one.  This just means I need to work up the motivation to keep working for a company that sees me as a number in the short term. Thankfully my boss fought for me and sees my value. I think some of the things that the career coach taught me helped me keep my job though. Different ways of thinking about and presenting things. 

I did tell my boss I'd be taking a few days off once things were sorted out. I haven't had more than a couple of days off at a time this year and I need a break. Good thing is, the stay agreements came with a bonus that will pay for a majority of my garage build out! It won't happen right away, but I have something to look forward to at least.  

PMRacing UltraDork
10/8/20 7:07 a.m.

Well, one job I thought was going to be a sure thing fell through. The director I interviewed with twice liked me, and the VP liked me. Then the director was let go. I interviewed with his replacement and I could tell right away the vibe was off. They seemed confused why I was wanted for this position. Even I thought my skill set was not a perfect fit, but it was a position I could definitely grow into and the previous director saw that. The new director seemed to need someone that could hit the ground sprinting.  

I still have a couple irons in the fire that are on a slow heat treat right now. Still looking for other opportunities. Good/bad for me is I don't just want a job. I never have. I want a job I will enjoy and feel like I actually contribute to. But like I said in my previous post, time is now on my side.


OHSCrifle SuperDork
10/9/20 10:27 p.m.

That's good news that the urgency has diminished. If LinkedIn tells you an architect in Atlanta viewed your profile, I know why...

This has been an interesting story. I can definitely see it being a worthwhile spend. 

PMRacing UltraDork
10/28/20 10:05 a.m.

Less of an update and more of a vent/rant. I am getting burnt out on the job hunt and the current job is just getting under my skin. 

Job hunt wise, the more I look, the more I want to work for myself, but I don't have anything to sell to someone. My skill set is usually hired in and those jobs are already filled. I'm trying to find other areas to expand to where any of my skills are applicable but either I'm not qualified in other areas or just plain not interested. (I know beggers can't be choosers...I'm fortunate to still have a good job, and I feel for anyone that has been let go).

The tasks I'm working on now are to support production side and that is not my forte. It is extremely frustrating because I have already missed the goal deadline and I'm not getting proper support from the people required to assist. I'm more R&D where missing targets are learning, not mistakes and there is time to work on things. My boss has had me do this type of work before with the same results. It gets better every time but is never good enough for him and not where I excel. But thanks to the layoffs, we are short staffed, under funded, and if I want to keep my job, I need to do this type of work. He also seems to think it helps me understand the pressure the production team is on.  I get it. I am under a different kind of pressure without a customer breathing down my neck. It's one reason I chose the career path I did. He doesn't need to put me under semi-artifical pressure to have me understand what they go through.  I'm also trying to manage technicians that I need to work with to get the work done and trying to make sure they are not over-worked and we are on the same page while working remotely. It is frustrating when they tell you last second they need to do something else when they told you the day before they'd be there at 8:00 a.m. and ready to go, but don't show up till 9:30 and have another urgent matter. Why can't someone just be trusted to do their job?

Hopefully I don't sound whiny. I debated about posting but figured since this is a "career build thread" I'd post for completeness. I know a lot of people do this day by day and somehow manage not to let it get to them. I am mentally drained and exhausted and leading to me feeling crappy physically, too. Fortunately I have a week off next week and will be building pantry shelves for my wife that will get my mind off of things and refocused hopefully. Anyone got any tips or techniques for dealing? Alcohol hasn't been helping ;) 

I'm still trying to figure out what to do on my own and be my own boss. Is it a bad time to open an indoor kart track? I still have that business plan that would just need to be updated. 

Thanks for listening. 



procainestart Dork
10/28/20 10:53 p.m.

You said, "I am mentally drained and exhausted and leading to me feeling crappy physically, too."

Yeah, you're burned out. I'm going through similar circumstances: want to leave the work I have, which I'm able to do am not suited to, do something different, but am not entirely sure how to make that happen. I'm a bit luckier, in that my employer is happy with me and my manager is decent. But they're reluctant to let me go do other work in another department, even though the say they support it, but then drop more of the old E36 M3ty tasks I'm tired of on me, so I can't get to the newer stuff. So I worked 12 hours today, getting back to your quote at the top of this post.

Anyway, hang in there. I've watched this thread unfold, and it seems like you're doing all the right things. But this stuff can take time. It took my SO over a year to get out from under a E36 M3ty boss at a firm that didn't respect her contributions, to a job she loves, in a field that's a fairly large shift for her, but not completely unrelated to the work she'd been doing.

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
10/29/20 9:47 a.m.
PMRacing said:

I am mentally drained and exhausted and leading to me feeling crappy physically, too. 



you need to do something else that brings you joy....  make the choice on wether you need that fullfillment from work or if you can get it from outside and just deal with the lunacy at work..   My sister does this.. she loves where she lives and the company pays her very very well.  So no reason to move.  Despite the fact that she is not very excited with her work right now.. She has to constantly remind herself of this concious choice though.. because she constantly tells me about how much she dosen't like her role, but loves her lifestyle.


From a stress menagement standpoint.. I just lift weights and ride a mountain bike.  I'm a bit worried about how that will play out as winter hits Minnesota.  Maybe I need to pick up skiing..  


Don't forget internal networking at work.. you can find all kinds of fun jobs just by having some conversations with leaders.. ask them if they have a few minutes to chat about your career and then ask them about their journey..


lastly..  I'm in the same boat..  but.. I have opportunities slowly developing..  sad part is they will require a move.  Opportunities aren't always available at the time we want nor in the location we want.. the key is to make sure you don't pass them up before they go.. 


PMRacing UltraDork
11/19/20 2:53 p.m.

Had another meeting with my career coach. This one was to focus on how to deal with the lack of motivation and burnout I've been experiencing. A promotion has been dangled in front of me and I had a very good review, but that didn't do anything for my motivation. I'm just doing what I do. However, my coach asked a question . If I wasn't supposed to be let go in April, would this be a good thing?  Of course the answer is Yes, but I hadn't really thought about it that way. So I'm trying to change my perspective on where I'm at and make it less of "I'm stuck", but more of, "I do what I do, and keep doing it well, but when the right opportunity comes along, I'm ready". Plus the promotion would be good resume content.

I'm still feeling burnout, but have another week off next week for turkey day, and I have NO plans other than getting my wife's car waxed for winter, which is therapy for me. One more day till break!


pres589 (djronnebaum)
pres589 (djronnebaum) PowerDork
12/9/20 12:15 p.m.

How about an update?  How's this working out?

PMRacing UltraDork
12/9/20 12:58 p.m.

Not much to update right now. Still lacking motivation for my current work, but I'm trying to change my tune. Current job is keeping me swamped due to lack of resources. The "lets lay people off to balance the books" then "we don't have the people to do the work in the busy season" was not thinking ahead.  

I have had a couple of informal interviews. One with an engineering firm that does contract work. That could be interesting in that it would get me on multiple projects over time, and I would be able to grow skills by working on different things, as well as introduce me to new companies that I may not have thought of. I interviewed with the CAE manager, but need to talk to one of their other group managers where I'd probably be a better fit. It was promising, and I need to follow up later this week. 

Other than that, I'm just trying to regain my "give a berkeleys" because my supply ran out a few weeks ago. And unfortunately, I need them now.  However, I think I am still impressing my current manager. I need to ask him to bump up the promotion sooner than later. I'm doing the work now, just give me the title and pay bump. It may give me a couple of give a berkeleys that I need.

I should reiterate that I am lucky I am still employed and able to be pissed off at a job I have than others that aren't as fortunate. Definitely first world problems. I am trying to keep this thread from being a rant and hope it doesn't sound that way. But job hunting can be frustrating when promising things don't work out or people don't return calls or emails when you thought things went well. Comes with the territory I guess. I'm trying to stay positive and keep telling myself it's not if but when. It could be at the beginning of the year, it may be a year down the road. I just want to be ready and not jump at the first opportunity that comes along and realize I made a mistake. A former co-worker did that and is now stuck on the other side of the country in a job that he thought was going to be moving forward, and is now three years behind where he was when working here.  I want the right opportunity.

The career coach is still working with me and I bounce ideas off of him or he prods me to update something or take an action at least once a week if I haven't kept him updated. Small steps and this time of year will probably be slower with holiday breaks. I hope after next week when I go on break, I can make some more contacts and build momentum into the new year. I wouldn't change the decision to hire him at all. Of course my wife keeps pointing out she has given me a lot of the same advice :)  

Thanks for following along with my journey, even if it does slow down at times. This has been a good outlet for me and I hope others are learning from it as well.  

AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter)
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
12/9/20 1:29 p.m.

In reply to PMRacing :

Be sure to point out to your wife that the career coach costs a lot less than she does! 

PMRacing UltraDork
12/9/20 1:48 p.m.
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:

In reply to PMRacing :

Be sure to point out to your wife that the career coach costs a lot less than she does! 

This man speaks the truth!!!!

pres589 (djronnebaum)
pres589 (djronnebaum) PowerDork
12/9/20 2:36 p.m.

Thanks for the update.  Sounds like you're in a slightly frustrating but also possibly productive spot.  

This thread had me thinking about talking to a career coach and I'm still toying with the idea.  

OHSCrifle SuperDork
12/11/20 7:34 a.m.

If the downside is more if the same, I see no reason not to Ask for the promotion today! 

PMRacing UltraDork
12/11/20 7:44 a.m.

In reply to OHSCrifle :

Pay bump and better resume.

PMRacing UltraDork
1/16/21 7:11 p.m.

Time for a minor update. I did ask about the promotion. I was told the outcome of the project I am working on will be a big factor. I have been on R&D side mainly, but need to get more experience "in the field" supporting the customer. Then in the next sentence I was told that due to the state of the company, promotions and raises are very difficult to get right now. So I'm a bit annoyed.

Then to top it off, timing of this project has a lot of tight deadlines beyond my control but my deadline won't move if others are late.  Oh, and it's a high visibility project within the company since it is a new customer and could lead to a very large production boost.  No pressure. The prep for this project has kept me busy enough that I haven't had much time for job hunting during the day and I am exhausted at the end of the day. Again, there is a reason I am R&D. But my coach has said that some pain is required for growth, and I get that. I'm just trying to see it as more experience for the next gig. 

Last year a job in a dream area opened up suddenly. I spoke with the CFO and CEO by phone and they showed interest. I know a lot of people who work for them already and even some of the customers. I have hobby experience doing a lot of what is required.  Communication died down and I have been told they are very slow to make decisions and want the right people. A couple weeks ago, my FIL told me his client, who is a customer of this company, wanted my resume and info and sent an email to the CEO. The CEO said I am still in consideration. Whether that is just being polite or they are still really considering me has me wondering. I am trying to write an email to the CEO to find out where I stand, but I have writers block. I don't want to just blatantly ask if the job is still open, but want to show my value and my interest, how I can solve their problems, etc. (thanks coach for the advice!).  This job would be me pulling a Quentin Tarantino's Dusk 'Till Dawn plot twist in career direction and climbing a cliff for learning curve. But if it works out it would be so worth it! I'm not getting my hopes up because it is a gigantic long shot. 

So that's my current standing.

Any suggestions for breaking this writer's block?

pres589 (djronnebaum)
pres589 (djronnebaum) PowerDork
1/16/21 9:56 p.m.

Seems like a time for something brief and blunt.  "I am hoping to get an update on the role we spoke about back in $Month.  I am still interested in the position and am hopeful that we can move forward with discussions to have me join your organization."

I don't like vague in this sort of situation and I'd rather err on the side of confident.  Curious what others think.



OHSCrifle SuperDork
1/17/21 6:21 a.m.
pres589 (djronnebaum) said:

Seems like a time for something brief and blunt.  "I am hoping to get an update on the role we spoke about back in $Month.  I am still interested in the position and am hopeful that we can move forward with discussions to have me join your organization."

I don't like vague in this sort of situation and I'd rather err on the side of confident.  Curious what others think.

I agree. 

PMRacing UltraDork
2/1/21 9:51 a.m.

Well, my email worked. I didn't go blunt but I did say I have ideas I want to review with them. I have an in person interview tomorrow. Still trying to keep expectations down because of the major shift in career direction.  The interview is to see if I'm a good fit in the organization. I have a lot of questions ready for them too to make sure the business is sound and to completely understand the expectations of me.   Wish me luck!  

AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter)
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
2/1/21 10:19 a.m.

Good luck!

OHSCrifle SuperDork
2/2/21 7:44 p.m.

Hey how did it go?

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