Was traveling around 25mph on the interstate today, passing by an onramp. I already let a couple cars over at this point, and there was a giant gap behind me. Normal people would merge into that gap and move along. Morons speed up to get in between me.

Arguments could be made that I should have braked and let him in. I'm not going to make that argument. I very much despise the mentality of merging into someone and expecting them to get out of the way. Also, don't play chicken with someone that doesn't mind getting a replacement bumper.

Him to the left. big enough gap to merge, behind me.
What dash cam do you have? I need to get one for our cars. This DMV traffic crazy.
In reply to yupididit :
I have a Aukey mirror front and rear dash cam that's discontinued. My wife's sequoia has a Anker Roav that's probably a better front camera. the front and rear is really great to have though.
You stopped the video too soon.
He got out with the "dude, what are you doing?" look.
Damaging your own car to prove a point. Seems like an odd choice. I guess you showed him,
An insurance company could make the case you sped up and hit him.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
video says otherwise. law says otherwise as well. two pretty big things going for me.
Looks like he was already well past the end of the merge lane by that point and was driving on the shoulder/breakdown lane. Didn't look and was just counting on you to yield.
I think keeping a tighter following distance (especially at 25mph) will make merging in front of you less tempting.
In reply to lnlogauge :
Again, based on that video alone, you actually drove into him, and apparently on purpose. If damaging your car, taking the Carfax hit, and spending time on the side of the road to prove a point is what you wanted, you win.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
When merging, drivers must yield to vehicles already in the lane of traffic they are merging into.
Do we need to cover what yielding is?
In road transport, a yield or give way sign indicates that merging drivers must prepare to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed.
In reply to flat4_5spd :
Fully agree with the first part. second part, he was going too slow to not notice me. he was just counting on me to brake and let him in I think. Normally I have no issue with that. When you drive like a dick to speed up to cut me off, I have an issue with that.
In reply to lnlogauge :
I'm well aware of what a yield is, congrats, you proved a point to that guy by messing up your own car. I guess you win something that makes it worth it?
1000 internet points to you.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
you're making assuptions about the condition of my car before the damage, that shouldn't be made.
"Also, don't play chicken with someone that doesn't mind getting a replacement bumper."
He should have just taken the space behind you, certainly.. but the car sized gap in front of you seemed to be inviting a merge.
I'm with Inlogauge on this. I see these idiots on a daily basis thinking they can kamikaze down the entrance ramp and just jump into traffic even if it means trying to force a semi out of the way. The reason this continues to happen is because people slam on the brakes and let them in. It is their responsibility to merge into traffic. If they are not able to merge safely by the end of the entrance ramp then they should continue on the shoulder until it is safe to do so. The person already on the road should maintain their speed, they have the right of way.
If I'm on my motorcycle, sure I'm going to avoid getting hit. None of my other cars are irreplaceable.
An argument could be made that slamming on the brakes or cutting into another lane to avoid contact is even more dangerous and you'd likely get hit anyway.
flat4_5spd said:
I think keeping a tighter following distance (especially at 25mph) will make merging in front of you less tempting.
The one problem with dashcams is the wide angle lens makes things seem farther away than they are. That gap is probably less than 20 feet. Not a safe gap to properly merge in my opinion.
lnlogauge said:
When merging, drivers must yield to vehicles already in the lane of traffic they are merging into.
Yielding and merging are different. There are states (California is one) where on-ramps are merges, not yields. The traffic on the freeway does not have absolute right of way, both drivers are expected to work together to ensure safe travel.
In reply to codrus (Forum Supporter) :
The law in Georgia is what I copied. Merging lane has to yield.
I vote to add a steel bash bar on the Mazda and continue spreading the good word :)
I mean, I tend to treat the situation like that as if my car is on cruise control. Will make room for a car if things are open to jump left or go one for one if it's stop and go. Past that, It's the job of the merger to merge properly. This guy screwed up.
But if it was F1, he was 3/4 along side you, should have backed out and left him space in the corner...lol.
3/19/22 8:51 a.m.
I'm not interested in winning. I don't want my car damaged and lifting off the gas to let someone in, even if I'm right and they're wrong, just isn't that big of a deal.
In reply to docwyte :
In normal circumstances, completely agree. I've been driving for 20 years around Atlanta, and this is my second accident. Only other accident was getting rear ended sitting at a light. I don't have that record by letting people hit me.
The damage will make my car look better in the end. Bumper was already damaged from hitting a tire a couple months ago, and I bought the car with fender and door damage.
Letting someone else pay for it is winning.
lnlogauge said:
In reply to docwyte :
and this is my second accident.
some crashes are accidents. This one most certainly was not.
I hope for your sake he doesn't lawyer up and sue you. Right or wrong...doesn't matter with some attorneys.
As one whose last accident was when I was 19 years old (I'm 64 now), I'd have to say that was avoidable. I'd bet a judge would agree.
3/19/22 11:05 a.m.
My only question is, why weren't you leaning on the horn?