Title is the brief version -- here is the verbose...
Mrs. orphancars got a little video camera for taking video of the dogs (and, probably, eventually, me) doing stupid stuff. Once videos are taken, they can be huge (duh).
Is there a freely available app/program/turing machine/whatever that will compress an MP4 file? I see that QuickTime can do it -- for a fee with the pro version. If paying is the only way to go, lemme know what is the best product out there. Not looking for some "ZOMG! this will compress and translate and edit and make bacon" type thing -- simpler the better, free is better, etc.
Forgot to add- It will compress and translate and edit and make bacon. And if you download VLC as well it will rip DVDs.
Thanks for the leads! Much appreciated -- will try things out in the morning!
To be totally pedantic, mp4 already is compressed.
Update -- took the first option suggested by Tom and Tim -- handbrake rocks!!
ReverendDexter wrote:
To be totally pedantic, mp4 already is compressed.
I should have used another synonym to avoid the pedants. While mp4 IS indeed a compressed format, there are ways to shrink the file. Frames can be removed, image quality can be reduced, horiz/vert size can be changed, etc.
I guess I've just been in and around IT for too long -- seems like we use the two interchangably at times.
http://www.videohelp.com/ is where I go for video answers. Look for a tutorial. In this case, I would look for MP4 to AVI. Most DVD players today will play an AVI.
Canoe resurrection.
Keep in mind you can't really compress MP4s, any video except RAW format (massive) is already compressed. You can downscale them.
The canoes will never stop resurrecting this thread. The temptation to profit from their trashy apps (which are usually based on FLOSS oomponents and violate a number of such licenses) is just too great.
Canoe deleted, again. Time to lock this old ass thread, just to keep the paddlers out.