So last week I signed up for a MSF course this weekend in hopes of getting my motorcycle endorsement before I leave for Texas in two weeks. I loaded up a U-Haul with most of my stuff this past weekend. My bike along with all three of my helmets and the rest of my gear is already in Texas. I woke up out of a dead sleep at 3oclock this morning realizing that I need my stinking gear for the class.
Luckily I was able to turn up a loaner helmet but man it sucks to be this stupid.
as bad as packing it first in a box truck. its still there with you, but now the rest of your house is in front of it ;p
Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt.
Well, at least you were smart enough to take the MSF course. 
2/18/14 12:08 p.m.
Bumboclaat wrote:
Well, at least you were smart enough to take the MSF course.
Yea.....I need to take that again to refresh. its been awhile.
That is as bad as standing at the checkout with $300 worth of perishable food in the cart when you realize you left your wallet at home.
Good times...
I drove half way to Cincinnati once before realizing I left the concert tickets at home. I felt like a putz.
I once went to track event out of town and forgot my helmet....and worse, went to Florida once on spring break and left my TR4 in the school parking lot during a week of solid rain...with the top down. Never start your drinking before you leave... 
Went to an autocross last year after years away from the sport and got all the way there and getting ready for tech when I realized the helmet cert had expired. Thank goodness for loaners.
Ian F
2/18/14 12:53 p.m.
A few years ago I was called into Federal jury duty. No big deal. The court is in Philly and I can walk to the train station that goes within a block or so of the courthouse.
I got on the train and made it two stops before I realized I'd forgotten the paperwork you're supposed to bring with you. Crap. Get off, take the next train back, and then have to drive in or be late.
In reply to turboswede:
I'm sure all of us who have autocrossed have at least one "oh c**k" moment related to helmets.
At least you're astounded. Usually when I do something dumb it's no surprise.
Ha. I went on a fishing trip with some friends to canda last year. We had collected all the passports and had them all in one place. Which of course was the front of the fully packed enclosed trailer.
In 2009, I planned a four day weekend trip to GA from NY with a stop in central PA to pick up my friend. I was supposed to have a rental car. That fell through (I needed a credit card!?) so we just left my Miata at his house, drove his Volvo to my parents' house in southern PA, and took my Mom's Yaris to GA.
We made it all the way to southern VA before I realized I left my wallet in his car. Which was locked. In front of my parents' house. We almost cancelled the trip.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
That is as bad as standing at the checkout with $300 worth of perishable food in the cart when you realize you left your wallet at home.
Good times...
BTDT. :-/
Toyman should remember this one: once I unloaded the race car and left the seat upholstery in his van. Since it has 3" of padding it's quite important to have on a rough hillclimb course, he was working the course and had driven 2/3 of the way up the mountain. It was sheer luck that I was able to hitch a ride up and back.
Then there was the time at the Camden block party that I left our LeMons BS inspection papers in the Trooper; I rode 3 miles round trip in the slowest damn golf cart I have ever seen, got back with, no kidding, about 1 minute to spare.
2/18/14 4:34 p.m.
My dad and I went down to the NASCAR race in Richmond one year and when we got to the gate I remembered the tickets were on my fridge.
I went to a stock car race and forgot my ear plugs. When I got home and couldn't hear I realized they were in another pocket.
2/18/14 5:52 p.m.
I showed up at work today and 1/2 hour into a meeting I realized my shirt was inside out. 
I just put my insurance card in my disco.. and discovered I never put the last card in.. I just drove 6 months without a valid insurance card (I did have insurance though)
2/18/14 5:57 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
That is as bad as standing at the checkout with $300 worth of perishable food in the cart when you realize you left your wallet at home.
Good times...
I do that ALL the time at the gas station, except not with 300$ of food.
Mercifully I'm a regular at a coffee shop, a bagel shop, a Korean deli and a race tire place to such a degree that I'm extended credit when I forget my wallet.
After a hellish 45 minute Saturday afternoon drive to Vato-Zone to pick up a rear wheel bearing for Mrs. Moron's A4Q however, there was no one about to open a line of credit for wallet-less me.
I flew all the way to Europe and left the train tickets at home. 
NGTD wrote:
I showed up at work today and 1/2 hour into a meeting I realized my shirt was inside out.
I did that about six months ago. If you put something in the wash inside out, that's how Mrs. Woof puts it back in the drawer.
I went to the first motocross of the season last year, got all suited up for practice and discovered that I forgot my boots at home.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Then there was the time at the Camden block party that I left our LeMons BS inspection papers in the Trooper; I rode 3 miles round trip in the slowest damn golf cart I have ever seen, got back with, no kidding, about 1 minute to spare.
Probably the only time you were happy to be picked up by the sheriff, even if it was the slowest vehicle in the county. 
I've done so much stupid stuff, I'm not even going to try to recount it. GRM's servers aren't big enough.

I've gotten all the way to a satellite court building 30 minutes away, gone to retrieve the 30+ files I had to get through that morning out of the back of my car and realized they were sitting on my desk downtown. Had to call in a favor and have one of my court partners drive them out. I got to wing it for a half hour or so until the files arrived. It was kind of humiliating. Defense attorney, "So, what are you offering my client?" Me, "Let my borrow your copy of the police report and I'll let you know."
Didn't do that one twice.