Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Eat the E36 M3ty enchiladas--all of them--then go over to his garage and finish the job you started last week on his toilet. Bonus points if you can pace yourself well enough to destroy some of his house plumbing, too.
Remind me never to piss you off, you can be just a little bit scary at times.
Ojala wrote:
Ok, I just snuck in and jello-ed his toilet about an hour ago. I can't wait till he gets up and tries to go to the bathroom!
And the whole enchilada thing is not just him, it's one of several running jokes in my family.
Well if it's a running series of jokes that different from just giving you E36 M3.
Tell him the guy you hired to cut your lawn skipped out on you, then sneak in and do something sneaky to his mower. Pull the plug and close the gap totally so it won’t fire, or pinch off the gas line or something. Then when he comes to you asking for help explain your too busy cutting your own lawn as after the hired help failed to come you're getting complaints from the neighborhood association and have to get on with your own. You'll be glad to help him next week.
7/26/13 9:33 p.m.
Now this belongs in "Say What?" 
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
I think you're going about this all wrong.
Eat the E36 M3ty enchiladas--all of them--then go over to his garage and finish the job you started last week on his toilet. Bonus points if you can pace yourself well enough to destroy some of his house plumbing, too.
Eat radishes for the double hole effect
All I know is, when the balloon goes up, I just hope I can be on Margie's team. 
"When the balloon goes up" is a phrase used to imply impending trouble. This relates to the use of observation balloons in the first World War. The sight of such a balloon going up nearly always resulted in a barrage of shells following soon after. The expression was re-enforced during WW2 when the hoisting of barrage balloons was part of the preparations for an air raid.

See, now I learned something. Despite historical reality, though, I picture a balloon carrying me, Lesley and ECM floating about the countryside dealing out... correction. It has just the right combination of girliness and menace to appeal to me. [edit: and I'm typing this on Tim's computer, so signed in as him. It cracks me up to read it in his voice.]
(looks cautiously outside for balloons)
In my mind it will look like this:

7/28/13 3:23 p.m.
Love it. Full throttle dirgible!
Ojala wrote:
In reply to petegossett:
He's probably just mad that I drank all his beer last weekend. And clogged up his garage toilet.
If the man has a garage toilet, he cant really be legitimately mad about anything.
I think he's just giving you a hard time. Lighten up, Francis.
7/28/13 6:42 p.m.
Ooohhh boy, he's mad about the jello in the toilet. He still hasn't talked to me. If anyone wants to try it, its called squishy bath and it comes in packs in the toy section. It also comes with dissolver to make it liquid...but he doesn't know that!
My great aunt was laughing so hard she was crying telling me about him making a "deposit" and then scooping all the jell goo out of the bowl. I feel bad on the one hand, but this is the kind of junk my family does to each other.
So nobody else's family pulls crap like this?
On my way to Toys r us to pick some of that squishy stuff!
Squishy Baff.
What will they come up with next?!
7/28/13 8:00 p.m.
In reply to Ojala:
I thought everyone did. My friend's father was one of those people that is always complaining to the town about something. One night I put a box of Easter egg dye in each of toilets and packed a few in each shower head. He went crazy calling the town complaining about the water. They sent someone out that afternoon and when he met them the water was running fine.
Since I was a kid I always loved pranks and would stock up on odd stuff after the holidays that I could use to screw with friends and family. At one point I would have to get my bags inspected before going on church camping trips. While other kids were sneaking in alcohol I'd have excessive amounts of toiletries duct tape and if I was lucky realistic people parts.
7/28/13 8:42 p.m.
I put powdered paint on my brothers towel after he drank all the beer in my garage fridge. He came out of the bathroom green.
Uncle Frank put bullion cubes in my shower head after I switched his shredded dried coconut for onion. He still won't eat banana pudding because of that.
7/28/13 8:56 p.m.
Hadn't thought of bullion, a nice smell to go with the color.