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Lugnut Dork
8/10/17 10:10 a.m.

I'm about halfway into writing my next novel (this is my fifth! maybe more on that later). It's a modern-day sci-fi thriller about some people who become aware that they've been sharing dreams with each other for as long as they can remember. They start to meet in real life and figure out what's happening to them and why.

I'm almost 200 pages in and I need some more dreams for the remaining 200!

Have you had any interesting or noteworthy dreams? I'll give you a special thanks in the book and a free e-copy of it if I use or am inspired by your dream! Also, I'm looking for some people with experience with lucid dreaming. If that's you, let me know!

Driven5 Dork
8/10/17 10:13 a.m.

Now that you mention it, you have reminded me that I just had an interesting dream last night...Unfortunately, that's all I can remember about it.

If I end up remembering more, I want a brief one-line side character named after me.

Lugnut Dork
8/10/17 10:16 a.m.

In researching for this book, I've learned a lot about dream recall. Journaling is one of the best ways to train your mind to retain dreams. And when you're describing them, describe them in present tense. It tricks your mind into thinking of it more actively and makes it easier to remember.

I've also done a bunch of digging into lucid dreaming, but I haven't really been able to manage it.

aircooled MegaDork
8/10/17 10:18 a.m.

Seth Brundle: "I'm saying... I'm saying I - I'm an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over... and the insect is awake."

GameboyRMH MegaDork
8/10/17 10:20 a.m.
Lugnut Dork
8/10/17 10:22 a.m.

I totally missed that thread. I'm not sure how much of that I can use, though. :)

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ UltraDork
8/10/17 10:36 a.m.

If you want to get the juices flowing, one of my favorite albums (Coma Ecliptic) is about the dream experiences of a man in a coma. Listen to that, read the lyrics, have brilliant ideas?

EDIT: Their other albums could serve as inspiration too, even just reading the lyrics if you're not into their music.

JeffHarbert HalfDork
8/10/17 11:12 a.m.

I have had some interesting dreams lately. More noteworthy is that my dreams in recent months have frequently had people I know in them instead of, well, dream figures. Used to be I'd rarely have dreams with people I actually know in them, and lately it's become the norm. Not sure what's up with that.

AngryCorvair UltimaDork
8/10/17 11:27 a.m.

Sometimes I dream of my current self riding an impossibly tall bicycle on a specific trail near home, and I always fall in the same left turn. But the bike is so friggin tall that it turns into "I'm falling from a ridiculous height" and I either wake up or somehow find myself gaining altitude and flying over a specific apple tree I used to climb as a kid. In that case, somehow I navigate between the power lines and the clothesline and land in the backyard of my childhood friend Cubby's house just in time to hear his Mom call us in to have some fresh-baked apple pie. When I land, its childhood me, not current me. For the record, the apple tree I used to climb was indeed in Cubby's backyard, but the dream backyard is not that yard, and the dream house is not that house. And his mom never baked us a pie as far as I can remember.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
8/10/17 11:30 a.m.

I recently dreamt that my wife got a job working at the Telsa Gigafactory thanks to a letter she wrote to Elon Musk when she was 12. I was following Elon around trying to convince him to hire me, but I have no actual useful skills. He seems patient.

Lugnut Dork
8/10/17 11:33 a.m.

In reply to AngryCorvair:

Interesting. Especially this bit: I always fall in the same left turn. But the bike is so friggin tall that it turns into "I'm falling from a ridiculous height"

I have recurring dreams where I'm driving and drive the car off of a cliff or bridge or something and fall, nose-down, into something bad like the ground.

This is good, though. I think I might be able to use parts of this.

The book is coming together nicely. :) If anyone has extra time and wants to pre-read and offer edits or opinions, I'm looking for pre-readers. And, again, you'll get a special acknowledgement.

Is it cool to ask about this? I don't want to cross a line about advertisers and products and promoting self interests or things like that.

Daeldalus New Reader
8/10/17 11:36 a.m.

I have had crazy and very lucid dreams for a few years now. I am at work now so I can't type them out. Remind me later. Send me a pm or some such

tomtomgt356 Reader
8/10/17 1:10 p.m.

My wife and I have been watching the Arrowverse on Netflix lately (Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl). One night while watching them, she found out one of her friends was pregnant and we started talking about babies. That night I had a dream that I was a speedster who carried a bow and arrow and I was fighting off these giant flying diapers that were shooting poo at everyone.

Pete Gossett
Pete Gossett MegaDork
8/10/17 1:22 p.m.

In reply to ¯_(ツ)_/¯:

I had no idea you're a BTBAM fan. \m/

In reply to Lugnut:

I've had a recurring dream for as long as I can remember. It involves an old brick house with a labyrinth of hidden passageways inside, and is the absolute most real dream I've ever experienced, to the point I could probably draw out a floorplan of the place.

I also woke up the other morning and instantaneously knew Willie Nelson was dead - turned out it was Glen Campbell though, so I was a bit off on that one. I also have a generally vague precognition of death though, so that may have something to do with it. I've sort of learned to recognize it and can generally "ward it off" from occurring if I catch it.

KyAllroad PowerDork
8/10/17 1:37 p.m.

Time flows weirdly in my dreams. There have been mornings when I wake up and it takes a minute to return to this reality because in my dream I'd literally grown old so much time had passed.

Thankfully those dreams fade or my subjective age would be 1,000s of years.

MadScientistMatt PowerDork
8/10/17 1:46 p.m.

Back when I owned an E36 chassis BMW, I once had a nightmare about my temperature gauge pegging. It sounds like some sort of "You know you own an E36 when" joke that happened to me in real life. This seems to have been combined with dreaming I accidentally had the car jump off a cliff on a twisty road when I took a corner too fast and there was no guardrail.

failboat UberDork
8/10/17 1:48 p.m.

what about that dream when you're in elementary school and you are at your desk in class and you are naked, and horrified that everyone will notice?

a friend and an ex and I joked that we all had that same dream when we were kids. He always talked about how he could fly in his dreams and it was awesome, could just up and go wherever he wanted. I guess I never figured that out.

I really don't remember my dreams so much anymore. There's been a couple times I dreamed that I had some sort of project car stashed away somewhere and I woke up convinced that I owned the car, and forgot where it was. Took me a few minutes to come back to reality.

Pete Gossett
Pete Gossett MegaDork
8/10/17 1:52 p.m.

In reply to failboat:

I have similar dreams about cars I've previously owned. It always takes a long time after I wake up to figure out I no longer own them.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
8/10/17 2:01 p.m.

My wife dreamt that we won the lottery and started competing in WRC. I love her so much.

Robbie UberDork
8/10/17 3:19 p.m.

I have regularly fixed my cars in my dreams, and usually it is something I am struggling to fix in real life, and the dream solves the real life problem. Usually after I fix the car in the dream I go for a drive, and I always have issues with the brakes (it's like those running dreams where youre running through molasses, but it's that I can't push the brake hard enough). I end up backing into things and dumb stuff like that.

I've had a dream or two where I realized I was dreaming and then looked at my hands. Because someone once told me you know if you have lucid dreams by looking at your hands during a dream.

I've had 5-6 very scary (to me) semi recurring dreams in my life. They involve me feeling like I wake up, while still lying on my back in my room. Something is always blatantly unreal though, like my college roommate is in the room sleeping in another bed or something like that. Then, while lying there seemingly awake, waiting to go back to sleep, I'll feel the bed move. When I look, I see impressions in the bed, like an invisible person just stepped up on the foot of the bed. I feel and see the invisible person walk up the bed slowly, one foot on each side of me, until they are standing right above my chest.

It's about then that I will get the feeling that if I could only move or make a noise I would wake myself up and this would all be over, but I can't (my earlier versions of the dream I felt like I could get someone's attention rather than wake up, but in the more recent one I recognize it's a dream). Sometimes, I will get a flash of the person standing there, an old woman wearing tattered bathrobe/dresses, but she will be in no varying color, just solid gray. She does not look necessarily like she wants to hurt me, really she has no expression I can make out.

I eventually wake myself up by making a loud (in real life too) noise or by a jolted but exaggerated movement. If my wife is there I will wake her too, but I've probably only had this dream 1-2 times with my wife there with me. Interestingly, she is not in bed with me during the dream, that can be the blatant unreal fact. I've had this dream in at least 3 and maybe 4 different rooms/houses, and the dream always matches the location I am currently sleeping.

I have a few others too if you're interested, a couple recurring "flying" dreams, and another slightly scary recurring one from when I was a kid, if you are interested.

P.s. I don't know if it was intentional or not (wink wink), but you left a copy of realmwalker 2 in the xjr. I started reading it on my flight on Monday, and so far I like it!

Robbie UberDork
8/10/17 3:25 p.m.
Pete Gossett wrote: In reply to failboat: I have similar dreams about cars I've previously owned. It always takes a long time after I wake up to figure out I no longer own them.

I've had dreams that I owned a car and forgot about it, only to 'remember' it during the dream and be SUPER excited. Keep in mind these are cars I have never owned, and they are mostly the same crap I want to build anyway. Like an old Jeep Cherokee, or a clapped out civic or something.

Edit- just like failboat, it seems.

Lugnut Dork
8/10/17 3:39 p.m.
Robbie wrote: P.s. I don't know if it was intentional or not (wink wink), but you left a copy of realmwalker 2 in the xjr. I started reading it on my flight on Monday, and so far I like it!

Sorry about that. You're welcome to it, though. No book 1, huh? The very beginning of book 2 is a total spoiler for book 1! I have some older print proofs. They are before the final round of edits so they aren't perfect but you're welcome to one if you like. They're all free on Kindle Unlimited, if you subscribe to that. And I desperately need reviews, so if you feel like leaving one on Amazon for me, I would be super grateful! :)

racerdave600 UltraDork
8/10/17 5:02 p.m.

None that I can remember, but maybe Amy needs to be in one.

einy HalfDork
8/10/17 5:10 p.m.

Who is this Amy that receives side mentions now and again ?

failboat UberDork
8/10/17 5:20 p.m.

The tale of Amy is so out there, you'd think it was a dream.

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