In response to some recent car break-ins, last night our HOA hosted a meeting with our local police. I came from work, so I was wearing my finest Death Angel T-shirt.
The police chief was there. Upon entering the room, he looked at me: "Hey, I recognize you."
I said something like, "Yes, your jail is lovely."
Props to him to nailing the where and the when: a contest at our local skatepark contest.
Then he introduced himself using just his first name. We discussed formerly starting a neighborhood watch group. No definite answer on whether or not we can carry lead pipes while on patrol.
Good. Police need to be a part of their community, not simply driving through it handing out tickets while hiding behind their vests and shields.
When my uncle was the chief of police of a little coastal resort town in florida he had "trading cards" made up for all of his officers made up to look like baseball cards. They had the officers phone number, interests, background, etc on them. It fostered a very close relationship between the GBPD and the town.
7/1/16 3:10 p.m.
David S. Wallens wrote:
In response to some recent car break-ins, last night our HOA hosted a meeting with our local police. I came from work, so I was wearing my finest Death Angel T-shirt.
The police chief was there. Upon entering the room, he looked at me: "Hey, I recognize you."
I said something like, "Yes, your jail is lovely."
Props to him to nailing the where and the when: a contest at our local skatepark contest.
Then he introduced himself using just his first name. We discussed formerly starting a neighborhood watch group. No definite answer on whether or not we can carry lead pipes while on patrol.
Nah, that's what flashlights are for. The old-fashioned, 4x D-cell kind, not the fancy new LED ones.
I do have one of those somewhere, too.
I love my town. Our neighborhood watch is typically better armed then the cops. House break-ins and car break-ins have gone to 0 since its implementation.
David S. Wallens wrote:
I do have one of those somewhere, too.
If you were from Detroit you'd want to bring your Malice Green commemorative edition Maglite Flashlight.
Actually, in all seriousness, they recommended carrying a flashlight while walking at night. Why? Because, they said, just the beam of light has been shown to be a crime deterrent.
7/1/16 4:50 p.m.
It is what the Maglite was invented for. I've been told of you hold it upside down the head makes a nifty grip.
I wouldn't be too worried about knowing you police officers. It starts to get odd when you show up to a call and know the police, EMTs and the excrement covered customer by name. I was impressed that he remembers my name too. One day I had to go to an ER to meet an injured employee and he took time out from his profanity laden tirade to shout "Wally you fat berkeley! Good Morning!". It's probably the closest I'll get to being a rockstar.
I always hoped that some day I would be in NYC and see Wally on the street.
Now I know how to address him should that day ever come!
Bad really depends on how/why you were recognized. Growing up many years ago in a fairly small community, most of the local PD recognized me. Not so much because of my talents, but my Dad was in law enforcement in another was a 2 way street. As a teen I got "let go" a number of times for minor offenses, but I didn't get away with anything because my Dad always heard about it.
They also make a 6-d cell mag light...
aka a 4 lb bat shaped like a mag light
7/2/16 5:09 a.m.
D cell mags are great, but C cell lets you get a better grip and fits in a baton speed ring. Too bad they only go up to 3 C length.
I have the 5 cell mag light and retrofitted it to LED. Long battery life, crazy bright, and weighs a ton.
When I was growing up I was pulled over doing 25 in a 25, when I asked why I had been pulled over, I was told by the officer that I was being suspicious. I asked how I was being "suspicions" and was told that "you're Sesto Elemento, and you're going the speed limit, That's pretty suspicious."
7/2/16 9:31 a.m.
In reply to MrChaos:
6 cells seems excessively cruel.
When my friend moved to Bushwick in the early 90s his girlfriend thought we must have been scared of the dark as there was a D cell Maglite in each room and I carried on to my car whenever I left late.