Type Q
1/27/15 12:03 p.m.
When I was 10, I was staying in a hotel room with my family in Fayetteville North Carolina. We were watching TV and suddenly a loud bang happened in the next room. We all jumped and started wondering loudly what happened.
Less than a minute later there was a knock on the door. When my dad answered it, there was a guy in an army officer uniform standing there asking if everyone was alright. He apologized and said he been preparing to clean his gun and it fired it by accident. The bullet lodged in the wall and didn't injure anyone. That is as close I have come to a gun cleaning accident.
1/27/15 1:06 p.m.
The0retical wrote:
I don't tolerate being muzzled. Ever. That's the first thing I beat into peoples heads when I'm teaching them to shoot.
Hell, I don't tolerate being pointed at.
1/27/15 1:57 p.m.
Got shot 2 inches below the eye from 6 feet away while telling my friend he shouldn't point guns at people even if you don't have ammo. Luckily it was a paintball gun.
In reply to Enyar:
I broke my friend's nose for pointing a loaded C02 gun at me when we were in high school. We are still friends 25 years later and he still never points the business end of anything in my direction.
I am not a gun guy, but I would feel free to scold anyone who points any gun at anyone, loaded or not, unless they are in fear for their life.
I was pretty put off by the scene in American Sniper where the (obviously well schooled in guns) main guy points a (reasonably assumed) unloaded pistol at his wife (in fun) and even pulls back the hammer. Wildly irresponsible I say.
Funny in a way, but also scary to watch:

1/27/15 3:50 p.m.
In reply to aircooled:

Well, to be fair....May is a blithering idiot that likes hybrids and such....
PHeller, careful where you get your stats. That is an anti-gun organization, and they tend to skew the stats how they want you to think. Even taking their numbers at face value (and these are the same people that count cops shooting people as "gun deaths" for statistical purposes, and 19 year olds as "teenagers") that's 2 people a day in a country of 300 million and 100+ million firearms. And I doubt that number as well. And a loaded chamber indicator stopping 23% of these? Yeah, right. Anyone that can't figure out if a gun is loaded all by themselves isn't going to be able to not shoot themselves if a little orange bar is visible.